Due to recent events in my life, I've finally decided to "come out" as it were. You see, I'm psychic. I know, I know......here comes another loony out of the bin hey?! No! As my friends will verify, while I might be a firecracker, there is nothing wrong with my sanity. The things I have "seen" and the encounters that I have had have not only led me to the brink of questioning my own sanity, but have now culminated in my coming out. I have a gift. A gift for sharing.
Once again, and for the record, I am perfectly sane. I am here to tell you that psychics do exist. Real ones.
I decided to treat myself to Clint Eastwood's "Hereafter", and I must say I commend him for two things:
1) Great job on portraying the "hoakies". You know, the fishers that gather a crowd and ask the oh so vague "I'm getting a J in the room, can someone relate to this?" Of course in a room of 100 that one will stand up and say yes (I even bet more than one).
2) Casting Matt Damon as the psychic who leaves his gift behind due to being overwhelmed by the curse he feels it is, and Matt Damon's portrayal of a psychic.
You know, I tried Googling around to see who Mr. Eastwood may have gathered his information from in order to portray all characters so well. I met with dead ends. But I will say this. Do not be too surprised if a psychic from days gone by winds up back in television land.
Being a psychic isn't easy. The chatter is almost constant and it's still something I am learning to negotiate. Don't get me wrong, I've always had that "sixth sense" but I spent the first 19 years of my life keeping it pretty quiet for fear of being thrown in the insane asylum and the next 20 years putting myself into situations that led me to my "real life" crisis and coming out. I have come out the other side, and am now for the other side. Nobody can lock me away now, and I intend to embrace it wholeheartedly.
My most recent adventure came last Friday. Foreshadowing or "what I put out there"? The decision is yours. For me, it was a foreshadow I jokingly laughed away. How could something so simple as a jacket be the source of such laughter, shock, and amazement, I mean it's only a jacket right? Well, again the decision is yours. As I was heading out the door for an evening out, I laughingly said to my husband "Which coat should I wear (pause and point) nope, not my leather one (pause and grab).....this is the one (a black, lightweight jean type jacket) because if it gets stolen it doesn't matter." ha ha....jokes on me. As we were getting ready to leave the establishment my friend and I were at, I went to grab my jacket off of my seat and yep, you guessed it.........gone. You see, I needed to step away for a moment and said to myself "put your keys in your pants pocket so you have them ready for leaving". I didn't, talking myself out of it because I was heading to the powder room and would be only a minute. I was right though, no big deal because the keys had no identifiers, and I was not attached to the jacket at all. It had been well loved and adorned. Call it what you will, but I don't usually run around second guessing anything I say, especially if it's in the form of a joke. I've told my husband the next time I joke about something like that, that he's supposed to give me "the look". That look being "are you getting a 'ping'" look.
That's what I've decided to call them. I've decided to call them pings. Those moments when I get information that I need to be listening to, or when I have a message for someone. I am not a fisher. When I have something to say from someone from the other side, the message is loud and clear. I always have a validating moment.
One of those moments came about two months ago when I was asked to help someone in need. Now just so you know, I charge for readings, but there are a few key people in my life that will always have the help when they need it, and for free. This was help for one of those key people, and identifiers have been left out in order to honor the sensitivity of this particular reading.
I sat down with a lady who had lost an adult child and she brought a ring that had belong to said child. I had never met this lady before and only knew of her loss. That's all I knew. I didn't ask for the ring right away as there is always a brief time of settling into one another's space when I do readings. When I did, the ring sat on my hand, and I said, "This isn't the ring, where's the other ring?" I then proceeded to describe it "silver color, but not silver, with etchings around it". A look nothing shy of astonishment came across her face and knowing full well which ring I was talking about, I was informed of the fact that another family member had it, and that it was a platinum (which looks like silver) ring and had etchings on it. 'Nuf said.
Since then we have had a second encounter, the details of which I will not reveal, but it was stronger than the first one. Let's just say I asked where a certain picture was (giving descriptors of the people, clothing, etc.) and I was told she had just had it in her hand the other day. I knew because I was shown it by the loved one from the other side.
Our loved ones never leave us. Ever.........
Until next encounter..............