Stating the obvious, it has been awhile since I last sat down and blogged. However, today I have found myself in a space of wanting to nurture the spiritual aspect of myself. And then it hit me, "sheesh" you sure wear alot of hats for one person. Then I asked myself "when was the last time you nurtured that particular hat?" To which, of course, I answered, "Why maybe a week ago or so you had a reading and remember how good that felt?" To which, of course, I answered, "yes, and I get to re-connect today with another client". So, there it is. Today I wear the hat that fits me the most and has always felt "the rightest".
This, of course, led to my next question, "Just how many hats do you wear?" To which I am able to respond with - My own personal hat that is "me", followed by "wife", "mother", "aunt", "sister", "daughter", "friend", and "work". That's alot of hats and what do each look like. Well, if you haven't figured it out yet. I come first. But it's in the most selfless of ways. If I cannot look after myself, how can I possibly look after anyone else, right? Right.
So, it is thus with a smile, I bid you farewell, and ask this of you. When was the last time you paid attention to the hat of "me"? One very important part of "me" is connecting with the Other Side, and I make a point of doing it every day.
Do you take a minute to stop and appreciate the sweet moments through the sour? Do you do something for you every day that enriches your life?
If not, don't you think you should?