Monday, October 31, 2011

As the Veil Thins

Today is the day when the veil between the living and the passed thins, making communication with the Spirit world easier than most days.  I hope that the exercise below lifts that veil for you, and in short order.

I encourage all of you to take a moment.   A moment where there are no interruptions and you can leave the busy day behind you.   Start by lighting a candle in order to represent the white light of Universal love and Divine protection.  Find a space to be seated or lay down.  Then, slowly breathing in and out, allow yourself to become calm and centred.  Once finding yourself centered, think of a loved one no longer in the physical world.  Think of the things that you loved most about them.  What they liked to eat, what they liked to do, and even an occasion that you are most fond of.  Their birthday, a special moment, anything.

When you have arrived at the loving moment, say out loud, "I lovingly welcome a sign from my loved one that is easy for my eye to see or my ears to hear."  You have just established a connection. 

Let the moment pass and go about your day.  Then wait for it.  That magical moment that occurs when our loved one lets us know that they are around, keeping in mind that time exists in the physical world, NOT in the Spiritual world.  That's right, your sign could show up today, or it could show up next week.  But it WILL show up.  Remember, "Ask and Ye Shall Receive".  There is something very powerful about the spoken word and manifestation into the physical world.

I had a conversation over the weekend with a young lady who found it a little hard to believe that she was sitting next to a Medium.  That is, until she started having relatives show up as I tuned in and had information to share.  Even information about a current situation.  As we were driving, my eye turned to the top of a knoll, and there, in the distance, was a deer standing atop.  Instantly, I knew it was my dad and explained to her how my dad manifests acknowledgement from the Other Side in the form of his wildlife.  Her jaw dropped.  She knew that loved ones could give signs, but didn't know all the ways they could communicate.  It was at that moment I said, "Thanks Dad".  The young lady smiled.

While I wasn't expecting dad to show up, I knew that he was helping me with the education portion of my ability.  Showing others just how easy communication can be established.

May your door open to the Other Side and allow you to see the beauty of life in Spirit and know that you are always watched over by those no longer here.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Life as a Medium and it's jaw-dropping moments.

Not that long ago I had the pleasure of a family group reading.  The night proved to be an exceptional one with lots of laughter and tears.  Even on my part.  Receiving messages from loved ones who have returned Home can be life altering in a most healthful way.

While each opportunity to "read" is always an amazing experience for me, something out of the ordinary occurred for me.  I had the opportunity to find out how everyone felt after the experience. 

During said session, a young man's Aunt who had returned Home had a message to relay to a family member that wasn't in the audience.  The deceased woman's living sister (who wasn't present at the group).  I was shown a Christmas Angel near or at the top of the family tree.  The family member present knew of said Christmas tree topper, and once this image was validated, the heart of the message was relayed.  It was, "tell your mom it's okay to replace the Christmas Angel", to "please just put it in a place of honor or tuck it safely away", and that EMPHATICALLY, "it was okay to replace it" and "not to worry" about doing that.

A few days later (this isn't a common occurrence) I was talking with one of the people present at the session.  So I seized the opportunity to find out how everyone made out with the messages conveyed.  And, to my amazement (yes, even I get amazed at things that happen), what I was told caused my jaw to drop to the floor.

A few days prior to the session (and may I add unknown to anyone), the sister to the deceased had been stewing about whether or not to replace the Christmas Angel topper.  And, of course, this decision was causing some stress given that it was from someone no longer here on the physical plane.  This difficult decision led to living sister's decision to have a conversation with the sister who was now on The Other Side. 

I was informed that the message conveyed to the living relative was met with much joy and, of course, astonishment, given the fact that someone who didn't even know her had relayed the message. 

What a gift of validation to receive.  Not only for me, but for a woman who had been at home stewing over a difficult decision.  I will never tire of doing the work.  I am truly blessed.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Repetition for EMPHASIS

For quite some time now, something amazing has been happening.  Whenever I turn to my music channel or turn the car stereo on, a specific song has been coming on.  It is the Top 40 tune "Stereo Hearts" by Gym Class Heroes with Adam Levine.  And within the chorus is the most amazing message.  It is love at it's finest.  I am going to post a link to the song as well as the chorus here (and hopefully there will be no copyright infringement because I will give credit where credit is due):

My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every no-o-o-te
Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

This has been happening for a great deal of time.  I would say at least since the song started getting airplay everywhere.  (1 month??).  It has been my favorite since the moment I first heard it.  I instantly fell in love with this song.  It is a big ray of sunshine!

Not that long ago, I had set up some parameters of communication for reaching my dad.  It was through a song.  I must state here, that it didn't take long for him to start getting the hang of communicating from the Other Side.  He had sent signs a week after passing.  Even my mom has acknowledged wildlife appearances as being dad recognizing and honoring what we had been doing for him.  I've talked about it in previous blogs.  'Nuf said.

Anyways, it dawned on me that the song had switched and it became "Stereo Hearts". 

And, for those that know me well enough,.....Duh.........Of course my dad would pick that song.........

Remember, our loved ones are only a call away, it's just in spirit form.   Take a song for instance.  Did you know that angels love music?  Of course!

I firmly believe that it doesn't take a Medium to open the doors.  I believe if I am called upon, it is so I can show people the way through that door. 

May this blog find you well.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome Home

I want to share a recent experience.  A new experience for me. 
I went to see my 92-year-old grandmother the other day, and could not believe what happened when I did.  I had never paid much attention with my Other Side eyes when visiting her until this last visit.  I guess I couldn't help but see.  Three male figures standing to her left side just off  her shoulder.  And, until today, I hadn't given it much more thought beyond that fact alone.  However, today I know my care team whispered in my ear and reminded me of something.  A conversation I was part of some time ago.

The conversation centered around loved ones having those on the Other Side that gather around as a welcome Home when our loved one here is close to, or is about to, return Home.  As I pondered this point today, I found myself asking my team who the three were.  Then I received an image of a photo my family has.  A photo of my dad's father, my dad, and my dad's brother who have all left this physical existence and returned to an existence of Spirit.  I knew at that flash that they are starting to gather, starting with the ones most familiar.  They will soon be followed by others and my grandmother will return Home to a family that loves her.

I take great comfort in this, and I hope you realize that you can take great comfort too.  Whether here or there, we are ALWAYS taken care of.  All it takes is a little faith and a willingness to see. 

From a hummingbird at your window, to a bear on the road, our loved ones are There, loving us right back.


The Golden Opportunity

I chose that title because the above message has been a Doreen Virtue card I have pulled numerous times over the past several months.  It now takes manifestation. 

I've been saying what I'm about to blog to those around me, and I decided I need to get it down in hopes of sharing to a wider audience.  I feel what I know down to the very core of my being.

This planet is changing.  Changing in one of the most amazing ways that one can only imagine.  You see, our global economy is crashing.  The way we are doing things is NOT working.  I repeat, NOT working.  Civil unrest is breaking out everywhere. 

Right now there are thousands gathered around the planet in "Occupy: (insert location here)". These 1% have an opportunity. An opportunity for a peaceful resolution, if the protest is handled properly. One Message, One Cause, One Hope. The hope for a better planet.

Even above that the 1%  have a Golden Opportunity (think of the truest advice handed down through the Bible.  "Do Unto Others as You Would Have Done Unto You").  Yes, it's Golden.  The Golden Rule.  While I don't consider myself a politician, I am a human being with a message of hope.  Hope that this message reaches those of you out there, the 1% who have taken up a cause that is much needed.  May you show that peaceful protest can be the strongest voice to ring out for those that here your cries of "foul".

As Mahatma Ghandi once said, "You must be the change you want to see in the world".  It really is true. 

Right now the planet is doing a global cleanout.  Corporate Greed is being exposed, the cost of living is the cost of our very own life that we deserve (happy, joyful, GRATEFUL, Thankful).  Change is not a time to be worried.  Change is a time to be grateful.

We have all been through our own trials and tribulations.  That is the human experience.  However, I am putting my psychic hat on and saying this.  2012 is not the end of the planet as some out there have come to think.  It is the end of the planet as we have come to know it.  The four numbers added up create a 5.  The number of change. What an amazing gift we are being given.  A change. 

Imagine the change within you becomes a change in the world you live in.  Because it does you know.  Consider the Earth is cleaning out its closet in order for a great re-organization.  One that brings about a better planet.  A healthier planet and happier people on the healthier planet.

Globally, we truly are in difficult times.  The human experience isn't always easy. 

One thing that helps is that we must remember that we are never alone on this journey.  We are under great care from our team on the Other Side.  This also includes our loved ones who may be gone in the physical world, but thriving in a spiritual one. 

I hope you take great comfort in reading that.  We are NEVER alone.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Messages to a Medium

My life is full of amazing moments.  It is one of these moments that has led me to this blog account of signs from the Other Side. 
But I am first going to start off with a mini "Information Session".

I would like everyone to understand that just because I am a Medium and a Psychic, it does not mean I can always read for those closest around me, this even includes me.  Why?  Little objectivity.  Our information needs to come from an outside source detached from the situation.

I would also like everyone to understand that I am a direct line, and those that need to will come through to whoever they need to, however they need to and whenever they need to.  Consider me like a Letter Carrier with a letter to deliver.  The shape and size of the letter is something I do not control.  I never know what I am going to be shown, what I might feel, what I might hear, or even what I might taste or smell.  It all depends on who is trying to get through and what the most recognizable information would be for their loved one here.  It is  something that only the person being "read to" would be privy to.  And please know that sessions can be a blur for me because when I tune in, the presence of a deceased person somewhat takes over.  It's like my eyes are glued to a channel that I can't turn away from, leaving little attention for the physical world.

Lastly, please know that I have no mentor where I live.  I have to turn to books for now, and am contemplating obtaining certification as an Angel Therapy Practioner.  I think that Doreen Virtue, Ph. D. (NOTE:  Doreen Virtue is a Registered Trademark.  I am mentioning her strictly because I think she is brilliant and I respect her qualifications and they need to be honored) is simply outstanding in her line of work.  Last week I was drawn to a set of her Archangel cards and I have not been the same.  This week I was led to an amazing limited trilogy by John Edward, and labeled as "Evolve".  The books are food for my soul, and I am eternally grateful for being led to what I need here in order to carry out my work.  I could not do this work without the Other Side leading me to where I need to, for the "food" I need at the appropriate time. 

To the ones leading the way for people like me, I say  THANK YOU!!!!!!! (Those here and There)

I have been given permission to share the following story to give you an example of just how it can go during a reading.

I had an encounter with a young lady by the name of Trista not that long ago, and I have to say, it was beautiful for me.  As we were standing side by side Trista brought up (of all things) that she and her mother watched Long Island Medium the previous weekend.  So I asked her what they thought of it (here's where my recollection might be a bit skewed), and was basically told that they really enjoyed it and thought it was really neat that someone could do that.

It was at this moment that I responded with, "Well, it's not that I hide this but I'm like that.  It just doesn't come up in normal, everyday conversation."  And wouldn't you guess it?  Yep.  An impromptu reading occurred.  Trista's grandfather arrived for a visit, followed shortly by a visit from her grandma.  When her grandfather arrived, I immediately began conveying information.  Information that was validated the moment I showed Trista a certain trait her grandfather displayed.  As I stood in front of her, I started adjusting a mock collar to a shirt, putting my thumbs up close to my face (think Fonzie and is "aaaaa" from Happy Days - and said , "Aaa, look at me", wiggled my hips and asked about the chest hair her grandfather like to show.  Trista burst into tears, and stated that her grandfather was always sprucing himself up with a shirt that was buttoned to expose chest hairs.  It was at that validating moment that pure love extended across the veil to reach a grand-daughter's heart.  Trista can now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is, and always will be around.

Not long after giving her the physical characteristics her grandfather portrayed, I was being shown gladiolas.  Trista acknowledged the flowers as her grandma's favorite flowers.  She stated her grandma always wanted to know where her flowers were.  I asked Trista if her mother put gladiolas out on a table once a  year.  The response was "yes".  I said, "Do you know that those flowers are in honor of your grandma's birthday?"  To which the response was, "I had never thought about that".  That description brought that unmistakeable chill of confirmation I receive so very often when in the presence of a loved one on the Other Side.

That's how it can happen.  I firmly believe that Trista was "informed" to bring up the TLC show.  I know she was guided to talk about it so that her grandparents could reach out from the Other Side knowing full well that a medium was in their granddaughter's presence.

I thank my team on the Other Side for helping me receive clear messages.  I thank Trista for allowing me to share this account.  I feel truly blessed.