Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine's Day Love That Crosses Over

I was honored to have the following article featured on my cousin's website, and thought I would also share it here.

For almost two weeks last year, I watched on, along with family members, as my dad struggled to survive septicemia.  After much discussion, doctors removed his life support, and late in the afternoon on Valentine’s Day, my dad succumbed to the infection which ravaged his body.  

To be honest, I had been worried about the first Anniversary of my dad’s passing since about January when the displays for Valentine’s Day started popping up.  I was concerned about how bad reliving the days were going to be, and I knew that there were understandably going to be some tears.   The day was an honor, but one of the toughest days I have ever experienced.  How could it not be.   I watched someone I love pass away right before my eyes and it was heartbreaking.

But you see, for me, within the world of grieving there is hope.  A twinkle in my eye that reveals a deeper understanding beyond the realm of losing a loved one.  You see, I had a secret.  One I lived with until a Near Death Experience in 2010 drove home why I am here on this planet. 

I am a Psychic Medium.  And, although I had been giving readings quietly over the last 10 years, this experience left me with no choice but to become who I was born to be, live it out loud without shame, and deliver  messages of love that cannot be denied.   Here is one of them:

I believe love knows no boundaries.  I believe that the Spirit within never parishes, but lives on, and the proof is all around us if we choose to see it. 

A week after my father returned to Spirit, something amazing happened.  As my husband and I were driving into our complex, off to the left, between two trees stood a buck.  “At least a four pointer” as my dad would have called it.  In that year of living there, that had never happened, and I knew at once it was a sign from him that he had made it over and was doing just fine now.  It brought tears to my eyes. 

One week after that, this message of hope becomes even more supported by an incident that occurred while I was giving someone an item that belonged to my dad, as he would have wanted it that way.  As I was dropping said item off, I relayed the deer incident to my friend and said jokingly, “Don’t be surprised if you get a sign like that”.  And, wouldn`t you know it, the very next day I received a phone call from my  friend and was told that while sitting in their living room, they just happened to look outside and there, across the street staring into the window was a buck.   Another “at least four pointer”. 

And, just to drive this bone-chilling experience home, there were two more occasions where wildlife showed up.

 On the day we spread some of his ashes at our ``home away from home``, we came up the hill to a herd of elk.  I cannot recall how many times I heard from others, `` trust Don to send the elk.”  For you see, my dad, was a big fisher and hunter.   An ‘Elmer Fudd’ incarnate.  And it would be one of his favorite ways to communicate with his loved ones. 

Finally, as further evidence that we truly never die, on the day we returned some of his ashes to where he and my mother met, two bears ran across the road prior to the spot we had picked.  Even my mom stated something to the effect that it was dad’s way of acknowledging that he liked what we were about to do and wanted to let us know he was with us in Spirit.

So, as Valentine`s Day fast approaches.  Let those Here know that you love them.  Let those There know that you love them and you wish to “hear” from them.  And then, just wait.  Wait for that undeniable sign that the love is being sent right back, across the veil, to your heart. 

I love you dad.  Thank you for letting us know that your love for us will never die.  For it cannot. 

Love is the only reality.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Universe speaks and Donna Listens.......

Before I get started I wish to thank my cousin, Kaylee Norton.  I was offered the opportunity of Guest Post at her website http://www.outerstrength-innerpeace.com/  Thank you!

This story expands on my Valentine's Day feature.  It was about marking the Anniversary of  my father's crossing.  And, on February 11th, I was truly going to make a mark.  On my back.

You see, I had an appointment lined up at a local tattoo parlour in order to get my angel wings (finally) and have something done in honor of my dad.

When my husband awoke that morning, one of the first things he said was, "I had a dream that you blew off your tattoo appointment and as you were running down the stairs I asked if you were going to call the tattoo parlor.  You said, 'No.  What I have to take care of is far more important.  I don't have time to make the call. I have to take care of this.' and ran down the stairs and left".

After hearing his recounting of the dream, I responded, "Hmmm.  That's weird.  I have absolutely no intention of cancelling my appointment today.  I'm excited!"  And so it went until the appointment. When I arrived and announced that I was here for my tattoo, I received a quizzical look.  It was then explained they had double booked and that it was their mistake and they would take me in later that day.  I paused to think about it.  Hemmed and hawed, and said, "Okay, I will see you at 4pm then". 

We left, and not fifteen minutes later I found myself asking my husband to take me back.  I had to honor my husband's dream and the fact that I had a "baaaaaad" feeling about this, so I needed to honor it.  Along the way back, I came to the realization that I had booked the appointment three weeks ago.  Booked it for the 14th, changed my mind, phoned the very next day and asked for the 11th.  THREE weeks ago.  It was open then.  It did not get written down and they booked someone.  It didn't feel right anymore, and I needed to not question it and honor the overwhelming gut feeling of "don't do this, it's not time". 

First - husband has a dream about me bailing and it turns out they're the ones that made an error, bumping my appointment.

Second - Having the appointment moved did NOT feel right on numerous levels.  The ego or self raised concern that I shouldn't have been bumped, having booked my appointment first.  Then, the true self kicked in and I realized that I needed to take all factors into consideration, given the events of the day, and truly, truly LISTEN.  This appointment was NOT meant to happen.  And while I might not know why, it just didn't matter because I had to honor my gut.  It never steers me wrong.

I cancelled my appointment and requested my deposit back based on those grounds.  It was given and I am grateful.  I have no ill will towards the parlour.  It was CLEARLY the Universe's way of saying not yet. 

And, while I might not know why just yet.  I will be shown, and have complete and utter Faith that it will.  For when we truly listen, the answer will be revealed.

Love and Light.

PS  On February 13th I recounted the tale to my mother over lunch.  And...........wait for it........."Your dad hates tattoos and he wouldn't want you doing that for him".  Hmmmmmmm..........the Universe works in mysterious ways............I love it!