Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Only Person Getting In Your Road is YOU!

I'm not going to kid you.  It has been a ROUGH couple of weeks, and I truly have chosen it for myself. 

As an awakened soul on this planet, I now try to be as gracious with these moments as possible, because there is no going around it.  One must go through it, to see what blessings lie within.

In the end, the only choices we have to make our own.  And, we must be diligent in reminding ourselves, and allowing others to remind us, that the only one responsible for our life path is the one staring back at you in the mirror.  (Insert parents, please do your children a favor and start creating this awareness from a young age so we can stop this God-forsaken blame game once and for all).

You see, I have been on a mission since the moment I first laid eyes on "Long Island Medium".  It is that of bringing this work to a larger scale in order to further my mission on this planet.  I know what I was born to do and will spend my days on this planet, honoring that space.

Enter a letter, read early 2014, inviting me to connect regarding the possibility of bringing "Mountain Medium" to television.  As you can well imagine, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor, as this was the 3rd time in a matter of months that someone had come looking for me, (the other 2 invites were out of the States, and were NOT a fit in any way shape or form).  And, for those that know me, I have always been a starstruck kind of soul, so I took the opportunity and wrote back, in hopes of an opportunity still being there. 

Sure enough, it was, and the Character Profile (meet Donna Hartt, the "Mountain Medium") was shot in the Summer of 2014.  From there it was going to be taken to a team known for one (and now two) great shows already on Canadian Television.  I was elated!  As time went by, it had been quite some time since I had heard from the Producer, and so I made an inquiry.  Nothing had been done due to personal matters, which I totally respected and understood.  Of all people, I truly get it, nothing worse than when life's unforeseen occurrences throw you a curveball.  So, with a looming date of October/November for filming, I waited. 

Filming in October/November got set to "on track for filming March/April", which then got turned into "funding set for March/April", and........................nothing.  I began to feel "not right" when January entered and I still hadn't heard.  This prompted not one, but TWO e-mails regarding where we were at for the project, as I had, and still have, people lined up that are brave enough (thank you) to film with me, and if funding was set for March/April, shouldn't something be happening?

Enter a response (finally) stating that the Producer was "inspired" to act upon the footage and that they would cc me copies of all the correspondence taking place between they and the team. When I received said "cc", I felt like I was punched in the stomach.  Not only did the letter indicate that there had been no previous correspondence, it clearly pointed to the fact that this was the first time the team was being reached out to!  It was glaringly obvious that the team had never even heard of me and that absolutely NO funding was set in place.

Enter devastation and the visualization of a dream dying in a most explosive way.  Because not only had this person lied to me, but the person that it was to have been sent off to was retiring from their position four days after receiving the film package (which I phoned and e-mailed to confirm that this was actually done, because clearly the originator of this project was NOT, nor ever to be, trusted again).


And, as a sensitive person on this planet in more ways than one, this one truly rattled my cage.  I was done, in a flash, and into victim mentality.  "How could I have not seen this coming?  Why would someone do that to me?  How dare you?!!" yada, yada, yada.

It is in these moments that I am truly grateful that I allow these feelings to run their course, feel them, if and when necessary, and allow them to be what I know they are.  Blessings.  For I truly believe that our greatest accomplishments arrive in the "dark times".  I mean, it's easy to be happy and grateful when you are happy, but it takes a true hero to grateful for the tough stuff.

These tough times are designed to forge us, they are also here to show us what it is to truly be human.  They also show us our shit.  And here is what I have learned, and continue to learn (have learned and received a necessary refresher), while I nurse the emotions of this particular shi(f)tstorm:

1)  Never rely on anyone else to get the job done.  You are responsible for that.

2)  The only person getting in your road is you.  If you really want something, nothing and NOBODY will get in your road.  You are responsible for that.

3)  Psychics don't know everything, especially when it comes to their own life.  I have been so hard on myself for this one.  I "knew" something was up.  I just blamed it on personal matters going on, and was being my patient self up until that  moment of realization.  You are responsible for trusting your feelings.  TRUST THEM!  If something doesn't feel right, 9 times out of 10 it ISN'T! 

4)  Forgiveness is everything.  Forgiveness isn't about the other person, it is always about the self.  What another person did is their own story.  Forgive them for their humanness, and forgive yourself for anything you "think" you might have done wrong.  It does not mean you have forgotten about the incident, it just isn't wreaking havoc in your psyche anymore.  See #3.  TRUST is an earned space once blown. Don't let mistrust get in your road of other opportunities waiting for you, forgive the soul for the stupidity of taking their story out on you, and forgive yourself for trusting in someone who should never be trusted again.

5)  Be gentle with yourself.  You are going to feel a range of emotions when one, or several at a time, of life's challenges enters into play. Don't deny your feelings, let them be the teacher for you.  Feelings are wounds begging to be addressed, honored, and healed.  Sadness and hatred eventually put us in a better place, because they are the outward emotion of a fear-based thought pattern.

6)  Let Fear be your greatest teacher.  Most of the time, reactions like the ones listed above are based on fear.  False Evidence Appearing Real.  Fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of the future, you get it.  Enter my fear space.  I thought that this person was my avenue to television.  While in reality, Producers are just the funders for projects, NOT the persons responsible for the yay or nay on a project (Thanks Q for that one!).  I refuse to let fear be a space entertained for long.  So should you.  Like the saying goes, "The only thing to fear is fear itself".  Embrace fearlessness!

7)  Don't give your personal power away.  This one's a tough one.  We have learned to rely on one another (and I believe that is where a sense of community should come into play), but some of the ways we do this are not healthy.  Enter the Co-Dependent space Donna has been releasing for the past year and a half.  My nature has always been to help. I want people to feel better.  So, when people make me feel good about something in my world, I tend to put too many eggs in one basket.  Thus this particular lesson on relying on somebody else to get my job done.  WRONG ANSWER!

And this leads me to the most valuable lesson in my world at the moment, despite being familiar with it.  Guess I needed a refresher.  LOL.

8)  You are responsible for your life/your choices.  I knew something was up.  Something didn't feel right.  But, I had a fear space based in a thought pattern that this Producer I was working  with was the one that was going to help me fulfill a dream.

Wrong answer.  And while I have the right to be mad at someone that lied, the only person I truly have the right to be mad at (and I won't stay that way for too long), is myself.  Lessons learned.  My story will be told my way with the right team handed to me by the Universe.  WHEN the time is right an not a minute sooner.

I, am extremely grateful.

Repeat after me folks:

I am responsible for my present.

I am responsible for my future.

I am responsible for my own personal greatness.

I am loved at all times.

I am always taken care of.

I am enough.

I thank the Universe for all that has been brought before MY choices.

Nuf said.
