Friday, September 30, 2011

Long Island Medium

Well, I have to say my curiosity was peaked when TLC announced a new series starting last Sunday, "Long Island Medium". Theresa Caputo is the medium that has stepped forward into a new age.  An age of acceptance.  Kudos to her.

What I did not expect was to get a very valuable piece of information from watching the back-to-back episodes.  When with a client, she would sit quietly in front of them with a pen in hand and a pad of paper at the ready.  It was not to take notes, it was so Ms. Caputo had a conduit for information in her hand.  Consider it a form of automatic writing as it were.

I watched in amazement as information flowed out her fingertips when, of course, I got hit up side the head with that thing called epiphany.  'I wonder if that would help me?'

Well, wouldn't you know it, a client called requesting a reading.  So, I decided before any cards came out that I would just sit with my client, pen in hand, pad at the ready.  And, wouldn't you know it, the information started to flow.  What ensued was about a half hour of face-to-face discussion without the aid of Tarot Cards.  It was amazing! 

But what makes this even more special is that when I did finally draw cards, they mirrored the discussion we just finished having.  What does this mean for me?  Confidence.  Confidence like I have never had before.  Why?  You see, I have always thought of Tarot Cards as a tool I use to open the door to receive information.   Not that I was the only true conduit needed.  Cards have been like a security blanket to me.  And I now realize that I can let that go.   I don't have to rely on cards. I can use them if I feel inspired, but my appointments will no longer start that way.  I am truly grateful and amaze even myself at how easily everything comes now.

So, thank you team from the Other Side, for helping me "tune in" to the information I needed to spread my wings and fly.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Death is the only thing guaranteed in this life.

I just thought I'd start with that headliner, only because I have come to the realization that I am at the age where loved ones start slipping away.  I've had to work on my resolve to that and take comfort that I am never without contact from the Other Side.

Almost two weeks ago, my beloved grandmother to many returned Home.  All I have to say is this.  It was a true testament to insuring that nothing was left unsaid.  Family flitted in and out of her room over a series of days, and gently in the night, she returned home.

I truly believe because no stone was left unturned, she slipped quietly into the night by laying her head to sleep.

I was told she was surrounded by her loved ones awaiting her return Home.  And I know for fact she signalled loud and clear that she made it over and wanted to let us know. 

Everyone makes it over you know.  It just sometimes takes a bit to get a sign.  And, anytime we feel the need to feel our loved one that's crossed over, we just have to ask.  You can even be specific.  Just don't get too detailed.  That's all.

And, as my father so often does, he sends the woodland creatures, particularly deer.  We got bears in Bella Coola.  It was awesome!