Friday, September 30, 2011

Long Island Medium

Well, I have to say my curiosity was peaked when TLC announced a new series starting last Sunday, "Long Island Medium". Theresa Caputo is the medium that has stepped forward into a new age.  An age of acceptance.  Kudos to her.

What I did not expect was to get a very valuable piece of information from watching the back-to-back episodes.  When with a client, she would sit quietly in front of them with a pen in hand and a pad of paper at the ready.  It was not to take notes, it was so Ms. Caputo had a conduit for information in her hand.  Consider it a form of automatic writing as it were.

I watched in amazement as information flowed out her fingertips when, of course, I got hit up side the head with that thing called epiphany.  'I wonder if that would help me?'

Well, wouldn't you know it, a client called requesting a reading.  So, I decided before any cards came out that I would just sit with my client, pen in hand, pad at the ready.  And, wouldn't you know it, the information started to flow.  What ensued was about a half hour of face-to-face discussion without the aid of Tarot Cards.  It was amazing! 

But what makes this even more special is that when I did finally draw cards, they mirrored the discussion we just finished having.  What does this mean for me?  Confidence.  Confidence like I have never had before.  Why?  You see, I have always thought of Tarot Cards as a tool I use to open the door to receive information.   Not that I was the only true conduit needed.  Cards have been like a security blanket to me.  And I now realize that I can let that go.   I don't have to rely on cards. I can use them if I feel inspired, but my appointments will no longer start that way.  I am truly grateful and amaze even myself at how easily everything comes now.

So, thank you team from the Other Side, for helping me "tune in" to the information I needed to spread my wings and fly.

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