Monday, January 30, 2012

Earthquake Alert

This time West from Mayumba in Africa.  Approx. 5.5.  Imminent.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's Time

Okay, so, I have to tell you that sometimes I sit down to my computer and say out loud, "What is needed to be learned?"  And today, that topic is "Time". 

It's 5:41pm on Friday, January 27, 2012 and I am sitting at my computer starting this blog.  I am doing what I call "tuning in".  I connect with the Other Side and allow my fingers to be directed from Spirit.  It is at this time that I ask my guides, angels, archangels, and Source to be my help, and I consider these words to be inspired.  They help while I'm Here and, in order to get the words and concepts correct, I enlist their help and the help of Archangel Metatron.  So, now you know a little something about who I am and how you can help be inspired. 

So, what is it that I have to say about time?  It is this:

Time does not exist on the Other Side.  It is a concept created by man in a physical world.  And, if you are having a hard time grasping that, go back to the above paragraph and see just how much time truly is involved in being here in the physical world.  We are "short on time", "out of time" and sometimes "time flies".  there isn't a day that goes by without the constraints of time.

When working with the Other Side, we must remember that time does not exist over There.  What happens Here in a year is like a milllisecond over there.  And, sometimes when we make requests or petitions to the Other Side for guidance or a sign that our loved one is around, it can take "time" for that sign to make itself known.  Sometimes the sign can happen instantaneously, but we also have to remember that the more open to the experience of connection, the easier and quicker signs can happen.

What can work best is actually taking some time for yourself away from all distractions.  Some meditative time as it were.  Please know that meditation takes many forms and can be something as simple as cleaning.  Yes, I know it's not one of our faves, but have you ever noticed that when you engage in something that distracts your physical body it allows your brain to take a break?  When this break occurs, thoughts flow easily and it is at that time that Divine guidance happens easier.  Personally, baking is one of those times and yes, housekeeping works for me too.  Sick, but true, LOL.

Anyways, when we allow ourselves a brain break from the every day, we are afforded an opportunity to connect with who we really are, a spiritual being residing in physical form.  Nourishing our Spirit takes time out of our regularly scheduled day and requires an effort on our part.

As the days go by, and time is taken to connect with Source, the easier our days here will get.  Our loved ones, angels and Source want our journey to be full of Divine experiences.  They want you to know that they are there ANY time we ask. 

It's just a matter of taking...........the time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Perfect Trifecta

When one has been through a traumatic time, the effects can be devastating on Body, Mind, and Spirit.  And, if there has been a prolonged period of obstacles, until the dust has settled, it can be difficult to even know which end is up anymore.

Personally, having had been on high alert over the past several years, the last several months have been the path back to calm.  While I made sure that my soul was nurtured and my body nourished, I truly hadn't been afforded the time to unwind.

I now find myself literally unwinding. 

You see, I've talked about the surgery I had two years ago.  But what I never really talked about was the fact that ever since that time my health spiralled.  And, literally it has spiralled me.  It seems I am literally one twisted individual and I loved it today when the chiropractor I saw stated, "Let's get your head on straight".  Of course, a quick-witted banter broke out between the two of us, starting with me stating, "My head has never been screwed on straight so why start now', but eventually ended up with me hearing the following:

"You have one leg one-inch shorter than the other at the moment because your left hip is out because it is being pulled by surgery scar tissue (way deep inside).  Your left hip is hiked and twisted forward, and your right leg is twisting in because of the counterpulls.  It's causing your spine to twist which is in turn causing all the problems you are experiencing".

And, to top it all off, fascial tissue (think of a wire covered by plastic - that plastic is fascia and from muscle spindle to muscle groups, we have layers of it) has adhered to vital organs which in turn has caused dysfunction which in turn has been a contributing factor to unwellness. 

As I drove home from my visit my thought process was, "Donna, you really did get wound up.  And now, you are unwinding your way to wellness".  How lucky am I?

It truly is a strong reminder that in order to be the best person I can be and fulfill my earthly contract, I have to be the best possible me.  And this involves the perfect trifecta - Body, Mind, and Spirit (in no particular order).

Within us resides an energy known as Kundalini and here is a link for those who have not yet heard, or don't quite understand, the term:

Our spine is our core and if nothing flows freely from there, nothing can flow freely.  Right down to blockages in work for someone like me.  And, guess what?  Yep, you guessed it.  I had an experience with Kundalini after my second chiro appointment and this experience has left my fully realized as a Medium, Channeler, Psychic and more. 

I did not think my life could get anymore profound until I found myself standing still after that second chiro appointment as all of my past, present, and future timelines were shown to me becoming what they needed to be.......ONE. 

Time is only a concept created by man and, I have come to learn that all timelines exist as one because time truly doesn't exist.  Every single piece of knowledge we have acquired through our lifetimes here or out there are accessed via this energy.  And, through all of my timelines one thing has made itself crystal clear.  I am, and always will be, a Healer.

Healers not only have the mandate to heal others, but we have the mandate to heal ourselves as best as not pre-genetically ordained.  And, when I had a group reading the other night.  The message came loud and clear.  The more clear my energy is, the more clear my connection.  This weekend marked one of my most extraordinary groups to date.

I understand now just how important it is to not forget about any of your facets along the way.  Being unwell in any area keeps us from resonating at the frequency, or vibration, that we are meant to.  It can hinder what needs to be accomplished during our journey here.  And our journey here is very important, regardless of what that journey looks like.

Me, I realize that each day my journey begins anew with my true timeline resonating as that of the healer I consider myself to be.  I cannot do it alone, and I know that the Cosmic Design Committee put the right people in my path at the right time to allow me to be the best possible person I can be.

I am reminded daily of just how clear my connection to Source is and it is my wish for you all to resonate at the frequency you need to in order to walk the path of your Soul Chart.  And, sometimes it takes someone willing to be an object lesson of just how important that is. 

Personally, I'm happy to be that quiet reminder to others. 


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shedding Light on Near Death Experiences

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I firmly believe that before we come here, we have Soul Charts arranged that guide us through an earthly experience.  We have a final Exit Point and numerous (3 to you name it) potential Exit Points along the way.  They are truly brushes with death of the physical form and a return to Spirit.

I was reminded of my first NDE and it occurred at the age of 5.  Truly, I hadn't thought about it until I was visiting with a "Sage" friend of mine and she "tapped in" and asked me what happened at 5.

You see, I was born with one kidney (I consider myself streamlined, LOL), and what there was of the other kidney atrophied.  At 5, the atrophy occurred and spiked a huge fever and fever blisters all over my arm.  At the time, it was chalked up to an infection, I was put on antibiotics, and my life returned to normal.  Sort of.

With the ability to see making itself known at the age of three, the point was driven home by my brush with death.  I have talked before about children being close to Spirit as we just arrived from the Other Side, and the connection between Here and There is the strongest.  For me, it was the solidifying of the relationship I was to have with Spirit. 

When we have a brush with death of the physical body, the veil to the Other Side thins, leaving you with more connection to Spirit than some can handle.  It is not something one can prepare for, and the soul must be treated delicately through this time. 

My last Near Death Experience was my closest and most aware brush with my physical death and left me forever changed.

Believing that things happen for a reason, I know that for me, it drove home the point of the work I must do, and just how strong my will was to live.  At the time of the choking accident, and close to passing out, I found myself above the fireplace looking down at my body, knowing that if I didn't do something shortly, I was not going to be Here anymore. 

It's amazing how many thoughts can run through your head in three minutes (takes four to die from choking) and it was definitely, "I am not going to have death by Skittle on my gravestone.  I am about to die if I don't do something and I don't have time for this.  I have too much work to do."  So, I saved myself with the Heimlich maneuver.

Having had a good relationship with Spirit as I entered my adult years, the relationship with the Other Side and the work I am supposed to do now had a firm grip on my existence Here. 

When someone who may or may not be connected to Spirit has a Near Death Experience, their life can forever be changed.  Pushing them forward into their own relationship with Spirit.

I know how it is to hear voices and see things that others can't, and I truly know how unsettling it would be to someone who had their energy closed to the Other Side, have it suddenly be wide open.  (I must add here that not everyone who has a brush with physical death will have the experiences with the Other Side, but there are many reported cases out there of people who have been to the Other Side and back.)

What I want those who remember to understand, is that you were allowed to see the Other Side for a reason.  And while it may not be because you are supposed to be out there helping others connect, the journey occurred in order for you to remember something about yourself.  Whether it creates a whole new way of looking at the Universe, understanding that there's more to life than just this physical world, or whether it's gratitude to have your life.  A Near Death Experience enriches our lives in some way.

If you have found yourself receiving messages from the Other Side, more visits from souls or just knowing things you couldn't possibly, know this.  You have been given a gift from the Other Side.  The chance to make your life better.  Connecting with one's own Spirit is the truest life we can live.

For me, I've never looked back from my last Near Death Experience and the Other Side.  But I have grown up with Spirit in my life.  If you haven't and this is all new, remember you have a care team, and they are there to lovingly guide you through this experience.

I always tell people that they survived for a reason, and it is a gift to have survived.  One is to make their lives enriched through this and grow into the Spiritual person they are supposed to be.

Honor the process and you not only honor the Other Side, but you honor yourself.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Soul Charts and Exit Points - A Chapter of Their Own

January is one of the highest rates of suicide, and I thought maybe it might be a good idea to reach out at this time to help those that read this find some peace should this have been experienced.

I have mentioned Soul Charts and Exit Points before, but I wanted to honor them in a blog all to themselves because I think it is very important that we all understand this part. 

Soul Charts:

Consider them our Mission to Earth.  We are assigned a care team and choose a path we will take when we are born into this world and have left the Other Side. 

This Soul Chart is usually assigned two main characteristics in life.  Using myself as an example, one of my characteristics that was written in my chart is that I am a Psychic Medium.  It is my true life's calling.  The other is that of Helper.  I've been given a helper role.  So, my mandate is to help others come to understand their own intuitive abilities and show people how the Other Side communicates.

Along the way in our journey, we find ourselves having deja-vus.  Literally translated, Deja-Vus means "already seen".  Here's where I pause for effect, because I really want you to think about that for a moment and relate it to yourself.  Think about it............................Already seen.  Deja-Vus are the landmarks on Soul Charts to let you know that you are on the right path.  It is one piece of intuitiveness that we ALL have.  A connection with Source as it were.  For it is remembered from a time before.  The time of creating your Soul Chart.  Yes, from when you yourself were on the Other Side before incarnating here.

Exit Points:

Within our Soul Charts we have a beginning - a birth into physical existence; and we have a final exit point - a birth into Spirit.  However, when it comes to leaving here, it's not just the final exit charted, we usually have two or three exit points, or opportunities to return Home.  

A year and a half ago, I myself reached an exit point in my path, and had to make a life and death decisions.  When it came down to it, I knew that I was going to die if I didn't dislodge what was blocking my airway and, on my way down to the floor to passing out in a haze, I plunged my fists underneath my rib cage, performing the heimlich maneuver.  Luckily, the piece of candy dislodged and my life was spared.  The most important part in all of this was that when I realized what was going to happen in short order (it only takes about 4 minutes to die from choking), I made the decision that I was NOT going to die this time.  I have too much work to do.  I had, essentially, had a Near Death Experience.  (I will address Near Death Experiences in another blog.

Exit Points are never easy for the ones left behind, and I want to take a moment to help those reading realize something.  I hope that  you take comfort knowing that when it is your appointed time, you will return Home and be reunited with your loved ones.  And, as painful as that might be, an Exit Point, no matter what it looks like should NEVER be taken personally.  I emphasize this point particularly with respect to suicides.  A person`s final Exit Point is just that.  Their final Exit Point.  It is something none of us have control over.

Sometimes we are there to witness these things, and it is nothing shy of traumatic.  I want to honor that those left behind have immeasurable grief, and that there is no time limit to the grief.  It is my hopes that by reading this blog, that those left behind can find some level of comfort that their loved ones return to Spirit form and will ALWAYS be there for them, and there waiting for them, when it is one's own final Exit Point.  I also want you to know that if you have been with someone at their time of leaving, that your care team on the Other Side is there to lovingly guide and comfort you. 

Using my experience as an example, I want you to understand that you can enlist help from the Other Side to help you become detached from the events surrounding the Exit Point and become more attached to the memories that one should have.  I was with my father when he crossed over, and the days before it were almost unbearable.  In the days that followed, I did not want to keep reliving the experience as I found myself doing.  I wanted to move past that and into the memories of who my father really was and all that we had shared.  I prayed.  I prayed for the angels that watched over me to help the nightmares go away.  And, within a few short weeks, I found myself still mourning the physical loss of my father, and moving forward with a smile on my face knowing I had been so loved Here, and was now so loved from There.

Now, I want to state that I fully respect that everyone grieves differently and on their own schedule, so it is not something I am asking people to do straight away.  It is something I ask you to do when you are ready.  We all have the "firsts" to go through, and those moments of "I wish 'insert name here' could be here to see this.  We are, after all, human.  It is just about reaching out to those who may be trying to work their way through a grieving situation.
As a sidebar, I would like those reading this to understand that I firmly believe that only the Other Side exists and that hell, literally translated, means the grave.  People that have Exit Points by suicide are not punished, judged, etc.  They are carefully cocooned (as are all persons experiencing a trauma), given a life review (like all of us when we return Home), and then make the decision to incarnate once again or choose to exist in Spirit only.

Those that leave us Here, are with us There.  And, some day through your own personal grief experience, may you find solace knowing that our loved ones are just a whisper away.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Earthquake Alert

This time off the Coast of Italy at Naples.  Approx. 5.6 on the Richter Scale.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 and the Days to Follow

Having had predictions come true, I have decided to put out my feelers globally and see what kind of a ride this planet is going to have this coming year.  While some of these are serious, I also want to take a look at light-hearted things.  Remember, sometimes we must experience obstacles in order to experience the joy life has to offer.  But, there are plenty of things to look forward to this year.

This year will see changes. The year is a 5 year and 5 corresponds to changes. Expect great change globally and personally as you walk through this year.

Politically - We all know Obama is on his way out.  That is something anyone can predict.  What is unknown is who will be next.  It will be a character attack campaign and dirt will arise from each candidate (who doesn't have dirt?).  Watch for a Corporate bigwig to throw in his bid. 

**Since I posted this, I now have had a chance to look at the candidates and it is Mitt Romney. (January 16/12)

Globally - political unrest will continue to have its ripple effect on the planet.  Turkey will see more unrest than usual this year.  Egypt's fallen leader will succumb to health problems.  Down the road as our planet starts to band together, I foresee a balancing out  and banding together.  The long-term goal that I would wish for is a global coalition. 

Economically - the United States will continue to collapse.  By the end of 2012, there will be a global collapse economically like unseen since the Great Depression.  The United States will be hardest hit.  This has to take place in order for a restructure of balance. 

I firmly believe that the United States is losing it's "Super Power".  They are about to hit bottom, and this is the year.

Social Media will have the strongest influence yet as opening doors to private lives makes money.  Think "reality" TV.  I foresee a reality TV channel coming to a television near you.

I have also issued caution to anyone flying internationally.  Particularly to Middle-Eastern countries.  The ripple effect of unrest impacts Turkey, Egypt, Syria, and Lybia.  Riots will increase.  Travel along the Pacific and Atlantic Coastlines and North and South America are a great choice!

Energetically - In more ways than one, this planet will change energetically.  This is the year that mankind will come up with more ways to save this planet from the harm that is being done.  There will be one of the corporate bigwigs in the oil industry will announce they have created a substitute for oil.  I  know it's hard to believe, but bigger corporations will realize that in order to  have the power they love, they have to make the shift to less harmful practices, and what better way than to be the change.

The second shift energetically will be mankind recognizing that in order to be peaceful they have to act peaceful.  Everyone just wants a chance to be heard.  And thanks to Social Media, anyone can have their say.  Mankind will make a change in how they act.  Realizing they need to be more responsible to one another.  Helping instead of harming.  I also believe humankind will start to realize that change can come about without violence.  That we can make the shift together and embrace a brighter, healthier future. 

I firmly believe is that it is the year of the Lightworker. More and more will start to step forward, encouraging people to embrace all that they are and move forward to create better lives peacefully, and in a healthful way.  Making this year a change for the better!

Remember, Life is for living.  May this year bring about glorious changes within.