Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shedding Light on Near Death Experiences

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I firmly believe that before we come here, we have Soul Charts arranged that guide us through an earthly experience.  We have a final Exit Point and numerous (3 to you name it) potential Exit Points along the way.  They are truly brushes with death of the physical form and a return to Spirit.

I was reminded of my first NDE and it occurred at the age of 5.  Truly, I hadn't thought about it until I was visiting with a "Sage" friend of mine and she "tapped in" and asked me what happened at 5.

You see, I was born with one kidney (I consider myself streamlined, LOL), and what there was of the other kidney atrophied.  At 5, the atrophy occurred and spiked a huge fever and fever blisters all over my arm.  At the time, it was chalked up to an infection, I was put on antibiotics, and my life returned to normal.  Sort of.

With the ability to see making itself known at the age of three, the point was driven home by my brush with death.  I have talked before about children being close to Spirit as we just arrived from the Other Side, and the connection between Here and There is the strongest.  For me, it was the solidifying of the relationship I was to have with Spirit. 

When we have a brush with death of the physical body, the veil to the Other Side thins, leaving you with more connection to Spirit than some can handle.  It is not something one can prepare for, and the soul must be treated delicately through this time. 

My last Near Death Experience was my closest and most aware brush with my physical death and left me forever changed.

Believing that things happen for a reason, I know that for me, it drove home the point of the work I must do, and just how strong my will was to live.  At the time of the choking accident, and close to passing out, I found myself above the fireplace looking down at my body, knowing that if I didn't do something shortly, I was not going to be Here anymore. 

It's amazing how many thoughts can run through your head in three minutes (takes four to die from choking) and it was definitely, "I am not going to have death by Skittle on my gravestone.  I am about to die if I don't do something and I don't have time for this.  I have too much work to do."  So, I saved myself with the Heimlich maneuver.

Having had a good relationship with Spirit as I entered my adult years, the relationship with the Other Side and the work I am supposed to do now had a firm grip on my existence Here. 

When someone who may or may not be connected to Spirit has a Near Death Experience, their life can forever be changed.  Pushing them forward into their own relationship with Spirit.

I know how it is to hear voices and see things that others can't, and I truly know how unsettling it would be to someone who had their energy closed to the Other Side, have it suddenly be wide open.  (I must add here that not everyone who has a brush with physical death will have the experiences with the Other Side, but there are many reported cases out there of people who have been to the Other Side and back.)

What I want those who remember to understand, is that you were allowed to see the Other Side for a reason.  And while it may not be because you are supposed to be out there helping others connect, the journey occurred in order for you to remember something about yourself.  Whether it creates a whole new way of looking at the Universe, understanding that there's more to life than just this physical world, or whether it's gratitude to have your life.  A Near Death Experience enriches our lives in some way.

If you have found yourself receiving messages from the Other Side, more visits from souls or just knowing things you couldn't possibly, know this.  You have been given a gift from the Other Side.  The chance to make your life better.  Connecting with one's own Spirit is the truest life we can live.

For me, I've never looked back from my last Near Death Experience and the Other Side.  But I have grown up with Spirit in my life.  If you haven't and this is all new, remember you have a care team, and they are there to lovingly guide you through this experience.

I always tell people that they survived for a reason, and it is a gift to have survived.  One is to make their lives enriched through this and grow into the Spiritual person they are supposed to be.

Honor the process and you not only honor the Other Side, but you honor yourself.


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