On my quest to view this world with the Oneness we come from (regardless of what your belief system is - science or religion-based we all come from the same origin), my library of spiritual armour is expanding. Here are the books I have on the go right now in order to love myself and add the necessary tools to my personal library:
Angels and Goddesses by Doreen Virtue (Ph.D.)
Temples on The Other Side by Sylvia Browne
Psychic Healing by Sylvia Browne
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
A Course In Miracles by Bill Thetford and Helen Shucman - Urtext Version
At this particular moment, Angels and Goddesses by Doreen Virtue (Ph.D.) has my strongest pull (I read the others each day too, just not as much). I have to say, that after reading Ms. Virtue's account of one particular New Year's section, I am now motivated to follow in her footsteps. She and her husband had decided to do a ceremony to release themselves of anything. Ms. Virtue asked that "all of the old energy and imbalances be released fully". For me, that really seem to hit home. Only because it is such a loving act.
So as this year comes to an end, I ask that all of my old energy and imbalances be released fully.
What would that look like for someone like me? Well, as a child growing up in the school system, and an intuitive one at that, I know I personally was never one to color within the lines and had an extreme dislike for the rigidity of school. Was I and am I smart? Oh yes. As an adult, I had my IQ tested and it's 147. I just never applied myself because these weren't the real life situations other than to grow up and get a job. Having to conform to the best of my ability created great ego baggage of not being "good". We do this so well with our children today also in a system that is extremely broken. This has carried well into adulthood with all sorts of negative messages that run through my head whenever I throw a learning curve in. That's why I have now referred to this negative word of "mistake" into learning curve. Don't get me wrong, we must behave lovingly, but I am not going to be defined by "bad" or "good" any more. I release this energy. We are imperfect as human beings, that is the nature of life on this side, but we can work towards a loving planet. The only true energy is love.
Given that hindsight is 20/20, coming to my full understanding that I am an Indigo explained alot of those years. I just couldn't stand having to conform to what I saw early on as a broken system. This transferred into my adult years in the form of not standing for conformity, and always fighting for the good causes in life. Now, given that I didn't understand what it meant to operate in love, my emotions would get in the road, and more often than not, make things worse rather than better. It's the same with my spirituality.
Learning about ego through A New Earth, I am learning to love myself to the point of removal of egoic behaviors. It's not easy after 41 years of egoic behavior, but I am progressing. A Course In Miracles tells us that through love true miracles occur. If we love ourselves and others that is the true course. I have seen what my acts of love do. I have seen what my acts of ego do. When I operate in love, it is truly beautiful, and it generates a light within me like I've never known. I don't do anything in love for anything in return, I do it based on my lifelong path of being a helper. When I do things in ego, and remember - ego means self not stuck up, things don't usually turn out so well. For me, my ego is one of extreme emotion that inevitably blows things up or causes hurt or pain. I must add that while I might have been intentionally mean in my younger days, I never do anything to intentionally hurt as of true adulthood. I just wind up getting in the road of the true intention, one of love. So, with that said, every day holds a new aspect of learning about self/ego, love, and light. As mentioned before, I am in training. The training of my new self.
This also means walking in true form. Who I really am. THAT is one of the most loving acts a person can give themselves. I work on ridding myself of beat-up behaviors and negative talk, and turn situations that cause these things to occur around so that when a glitch in the egoic system comes up, I forgive myself immediately, make the necessary loving gestures (an apology, a correction, etc.) which in return releases any guilt associated. This also means releasing the triggers associated with the situation and turning the entire situation into the learning lesson it is in order to grow as a Lightworker. How loving is that. If one loves, one loves. There is no room for any of my egoic behaviors if I just love. It is the only reality. Thus, as this year draws to an end, I relase old energy and imbalances.
In my quest to love, I hope this blog inspires you to truly love yourself.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
As We Come To The End.....
Well, it's almost here, the end of 2010. I am not going to go into too many details, but I truly am grateful for a really hellish year, but I am also glad to start 2011. It's a 4 year (add the numbers together). 4 symbolizes stability (just think of a chair with four legs). I know I have predicted war, but within our homes, people will be turning to each other for the purest form of love we have. Each other. If it weren't for my family (and my friends that are like family), I would be nobody. I could not have been forged into the person I am today.
If one believes we reincarnate (which I do), it is believed we plan charts prior to coming down into this existence in order to experience certain things. I have discovered that my main path (no matter which incarnation I take) is one of love and help. Those are my two main themes. I also chose a congenital disease called Lymphedema (I look like I have puffy pregnancy feet all the time). I have had it since I was twelve and all the markers were there from birth, they just didn't get discovered until then. Anyways, it seems as of late, I am at the age where illness, death, and dying are all around me. As an empath, I am told, and can verify, that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. I want to fix everything for everyone. I want my family healthy, I want my children happy, I don't like seeing people cry, etc. etc. etc. But, the tool I've been missing is how to empathize and do what I do so well, without carrying it. I have been told to put on a psychic suit of armour as it were. Gird my loins, (wo)man up. And in the quest to do so, I started meditating weeks ago. It has been the best thing I could have ever done. I'll tell you why, but I have to give you back story on how I came to start meditating for the full scope of my situation as of late. SQUEAMISH ALERT: I start the next paragraph off with female details, but I am not bashful as none of us should be.
At the beginning of this year, I had to have what my Gynecologist deemed an emergency hysterectomy. Turns out I had what I suspected. Adenomyosis. Endometriosis is a common diagnosis in women where endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus (painful). Well, Adenomyosis is the same thing, only it happens IN the uterine muscle. This would happen cyclically. The end result was me being hospitalized once a month for two months leading up to my surgery, morphine and gravol drip et al. Recently, I have been diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (aka MPS). It's one of those catchalls when they can't figure out what the heck is going on for you. It came on after my choking accident in July (and yes, I did almost die). My symptoms range from legs that feel like they are a Tens Machine at rest (you know those little electrical devices Physiotherapists use). I have leg twitches (poor husband tells me about it and as of late they've stopped thanks to meds) that are about to be confirmed with Restless Leg Syndrome. MPS has many different symptoms. For me, I can tell you the pressure has changed and a storm is coming in. I get a shroud of pain that starts at my shoulders and covers my head like someone is squeezing it. Along with this, I get what are called satellite pains. They happen anywhere. For me, the most common these days are my hips and my hands. I also get to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I have not been without symptoms since July of this year. Are we getting the picture of my year yet? Not quite? Well, how's this for a kick you in the teeth moment. Friends of the family just spent their Christmas with two of their children at home with family while they tend to their middle child's stomach tumor and more. The child is all of 10. So, what do all these rotten things have in common? How I've had one hell of an amazing year.
You see, I've had to keep plugging away, but I've also had to find the balance to take care of me. Honor the not so good days, and thoroughly enjoy the good days. But guess what? Even my not so days are good days too. I've been doing alot of reading as of late, and am learning alot about the path I chose prior to here, and what gifts I have been able to bring into this incarnation. I can commune with loved ones passed. I can also see things in the future, and I am starting to show signs of a true energy or Light worker. When I am quiet, I hear what is necessary. During meditation, I scan myself, and commune with my guides, my angels, my loved ones. Accepting this wholeheartedly has been a very scary step, but worth every step of the way.
I've still been able to work with my hands, and as I keep doing what I do, amazing things have come to the forefront. Just how capable I am as an intuitive. One of the most important messages that has come through for me, is that I can no longer be bound by my past and the ways of it. I have arrived in new form, and in good humor. Every little blip on the radar gets its human reaction from me, but the reactions are less reactive. Instead of crying for three days over the dear little boy, I cried myself to sleep, and when I woke up in the morning, I came to a new realization. While, still a little upset here and there, and a little teary (who wouldn't be if a child was at an Exit Point), this is how life is. We are born, we live, and we die. I don't mean that to be callous, its just I feel we need to start looking at it a different way (or not, it's up to you). We come down for a pre-mapped human experience, and we return home. Home is a perfect place where existence is whole. No ailments, no challenges, just lots of knowledge and love. We are left behind, yearning for home when our loved ones leave us. It is a grievous time. But we must remember, our loved ones NEVER leave us. They are our angels in the outfield. They can always hear you, and they'll almost always come when called. There are some that take awhile to come through, but it's all for very good reason (I'll explain in another blog at another time). Just know they will come to you eventually. No prayer goes unheard as messengers will relay to those needing rest before visiting in spirit form.
Still waiting for the positive in all of this? See, as an Intuitive, I wasn't raised or trained as an intuitive. I was just a girl, walking through the world like all the other children out there. My intuitiveness would show up every so often (particularly at puberty and true coming of age - 21). Then I put it on ignore for my learning lessons except for a few key times until about 1997. From then on, spreading my intuitive wings began to happen more and more. Of course, I decided to try on a few sidebars along the way until present. Settled with a loving husband and (step)children and settled into MPS. MPS has left me no choice but to be still some days, no matter how much I want to go. On those days, I grab a good book, put on my flannel pajamas, and do small things throughout the day, but mostly rest. Winter has really hurt. However, every morning I have started meditating, turning to alternative means to help along the way of this painful and interesting journey.
I consider myself to finally be in training, as truly learning to hear all that needs to be said requires stillness. It also requires me to put on my psychic suit of armor and protect myself from other energy I run into during my days. At the end of my days, I wash it all away in a warm shower. This also greatly helps my MPS. Anyways, during my still time I learn about myself and allow myself to be open to all work necessary. What's come to light is detaching ego from true self. Thank Goodness for Eckhart Tolle's: A New Earth. Through these experiences going on at the moment, I am finding myself less and less triggered in all the ways that cause me more physical dis-ease, and have really started what I'd call a healthy detachment. My heart aches for dear one, but once I stand aside as it were, and examine the situation for what it is, some of the pain is taken away. You can be sad and not carry it. It is possible. I've discovered as an intuitive, instead of being a conduit, I have been a sponge. I am learning the difference and am in training for that. I have stopped a dog from having seizures. He went four months without having one and it has now been two months since a tune up at that time. I give him tune ups every so often just to be safe.
Through all of this adversity, I have learned to count my blessings, and see things as they truly are. I am not ill, I am being given the opportunity to listen and follow my true calling. I will still do what I do, but now there will be more. I can help loved ones reach passed loved ones. I can adjust chakras, I can help pets. I would have learned no skills had I not been forced to be quiet more often than not. This year has truly been a blessing. I have learned so much, and I am so grateful I could cry (and do sometimes). My dog is no longer sick and comes to visit me every so often from the other side, I am starting to medical scan (interesting without a Ph. D. attached, thank goodness for massage so I can say I do have some understanding), and am starting to help others out with their intuitiveness. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember wishing for a magic shop. One where potions and lotions, and readings and circles would all occur. While I may not have that shop, I have my gifts, and I am ready to start sharing with the world. If I hadn't been told to slow down and truly listen, I wouldn't be where I am today. Telling you this story of how grateful I am for a truly horrible year. The experiences have made me so much stronger than I have EVER been.
If one believes we reincarnate (which I do), it is believed we plan charts prior to coming down into this existence in order to experience certain things. I have discovered that my main path (no matter which incarnation I take) is one of love and help. Those are my two main themes. I also chose a congenital disease called Lymphedema (I look like I have puffy pregnancy feet all the time). I have had it since I was twelve and all the markers were there from birth, they just didn't get discovered until then. Anyways, it seems as of late, I am at the age where illness, death, and dying are all around me. As an empath, I am told, and can verify, that I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. I want to fix everything for everyone. I want my family healthy, I want my children happy, I don't like seeing people cry, etc. etc. etc. But, the tool I've been missing is how to empathize and do what I do so well, without carrying it. I have been told to put on a psychic suit of armour as it were. Gird my loins, (wo)man up. And in the quest to do so, I started meditating weeks ago. It has been the best thing I could have ever done. I'll tell you why, but I have to give you back story on how I came to start meditating for the full scope of my situation as of late. SQUEAMISH ALERT: I start the next paragraph off with female details, but I am not bashful as none of us should be.
At the beginning of this year, I had to have what my Gynecologist deemed an emergency hysterectomy. Turns out I had what I suspected. Adenomyosis. Endometriosis is a common diagnosis in women where endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus (painful). Well, Adenomyosis is the same thing, only it happens IN the uterine muscle. This would happen cyclically. The end result was me being hospitalized once a month for two months leading up to my surgery, morphine and gravol drip et al. Recently, I have been diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome (aka MPS). It's one of those catchalls when they can't figure out what the heck is going on for you. It came on after my choking accident in July (and yes, I did almost die). My symptoms range from legs that feel like they are a Tens Machine at rest (you know those little electrical devices Physiotherapists use). I have leg twitches (poor husband tells me about it and as of late they've stopped thanks to meds) that are about to be confirmed with Restless Leg Syndrome. MPS has many different symptoms. For me, I can tell you the pressure has changed and a storm is coming in. I get a shroud of pain that starts at my shoulders and covers my head like someone is squeezing it. Along with this, I get what are called satellite pains. They happen anywhere. For me, the most common these days are my hips and my hands. I also get to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I have not been without symptoms since July of this year. Are we getting the picture of my year yet? Not quite? Well, how's this for a kick you in the teeth moment. Friends of the family just spent their Christmas with two of their children at home with family while they tend to their middle child's stomach tumor and more. The child is all of 10. So, what do all these rotten things have in common? How I've had one hell of an amazing year.
You see, I've had to keep plugging away, but I've also had to find the balance to take care of me. Honor the not so good days, and thoroughly enjoy the good days. But guess what? Even my not so days are good days too. I've been doing alot of reading as of late, and am learning alot about the path I chose prior to here, and what gifts I have been able to bring into this incarnation. I can commune with loved ones passed. I can also see things in the future, and I am starting to show signs of a true energy or Light worker. When I am quiet, I hear what is necessary. During meditation, I scan myself, and commune with my guides, my angels, my loved ones. Accepting this wholeheartedly has been a very scary step, but worth every step of the way.
I've still been able to work with my hands, and as I keep doing what I do, amazing things have come to the forefront. Just how capable I am as an intuitive. One of the most important messages that has come through for me, is that I can no longer be bound by my past and the ways of it. I have arrived in new form, and in good humor. Every little blip on the radar gets its human reaction from me, but the reactions are less reactive. Instead of crying for three days over the dear little boy, I cried myself to sleep, and when I woke up in the morning, I came to a new realization. While, still a little upset here and there, and a little teary (who wouldn't be if a child was at an Exit Point), this is how life is. We are born, we live, and we die. I don't mean that to be callous, its just I feel we need to start looking at it a different way (or not, it's up to you). We come down for a pre-mapped human experience, and we return home. Home is a perfect place where existence is whole. No ailments, no challenges, just lots of knowledge and love. We are left behind, yearning for home when our loved ones leave us. It is a grievous time. But we must remember, our loved ones NEVER leave us. They are our angels in the outfield. They can always hear you, and they'll almost always come when called. There are some that take awhile to come through, but it's all for very good reason (I'll explain in another blog at another time). Just know they will come to you eventually. No prayer goes unheard as messengers will relay to those needing rest before visiting in spirit form.
Still waiting for the positive in all of this? See, as an Intuitive, I wasn't raised or trained as an intuitive. I was just a girl, walking through the world like all the other children out there. My intuitiveness would show up every so often (particularly at puberty and true coming of age - 21). Then I put it on ignore for my learning lessons except for a few key times until about 1997. From then on, spreading my intuitive wings began to happen more and more. Of course, I decided to try on a few sidebars along the way until present. Settled with a loving husband and (step)children and settled into MPS. MPS has left me no choice but to be still some days, no matter how much I want to go. On those days, I grab a good book, put on my flannel pajamas, and do small things throughout the day, but mostly rest. Winter has really hurt. However, every morning I have started meditating, turning to alternative means to help along the way of this painful and interesting journey.
I consider myself to finally be in training, as truly learning to hear all that needs to be said requires stillness. It also requires me to put on my psychic suit of armor and protect myself from other energy I run into during my days. At the end of my days, I wash it all away in a warm shower. This also greatly helps my MPS. Anyways, during my still time I learn about myself and allow myself to be open to all work necessary. What's come to light is detaching ego from true self. Thank Goodness for Eckhart Tolle's: A New Earth. Through these experiences going on at the moment, I am finding myself less and less triggered in all the ways that cause me more physical dis-ease, and have really started what I'd call a healthy detachment. My heart aches for dear one, but once I stand aside as it were, and examine the situation for what it is, some of the pain is taken away. You can be sad and not carry it. It is possible. I've discovered as an intuitive, instead of being a conduit, I have been a sponge. I am learning the difference and am in training for that. I have stopped a dog from having seizures. He went four months without having one and it has now been two months since a tune up at that time. I give him tune ups every so often just to be safe.
Through all of this adversity, I have learned to count my blessings, and see things as they truly are. I am not ill, I am being given the opportunity to listen and follow my true calling. I will still do what I do, but now there will be more. I can help loved ones reach passed loved ones. I can adjust chakras, I can help pets. I would have learned no skills had I not been forced to be quiet more often than not. This year has truly been a blessing. I have learned so much, and I am so grateful I could cry (and do sometimes). My dog is no longer sick and comes to visit me every so often from the other side, I am starting to medical scan (interesting without a Ph. D. attached, thank goodness for massage so I can say I do have some understanding), and am starting to help others out with their intuitiveness. Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember wishing for a magic shop. One where potions and lotions, and readings and circles would all occur. While I may not have that shop, I have my gifts, and I am ready to start sharing with the world. If I hadn't been told to slow down and truly listen, I wouldn't be where I am today. Telling you this story of how grateful I am for a truly horrible year. The experiences have made me so much stronger than I have EVER been.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A Christmas Wish
Well, it's that time of year. Where the reason for the season has long passed us by. Christmas. Once a pagan holiday in honor of the sun, a Pope moved Christ's birthday to cover up the old ways. And apparently Kris Kringle Existed. He was a toymaker who dropped of toys for the children in his village. The list goes on of celebrations of the season. I say, what if it didn't exist? At least, not in the way it does now. What if it was a spirit celebrated 365 days a year.
Here's my Christmas wish for each and every person in existence. That we see and end to holidays. And, if we must carry on that spirit, then carry on the SPIRIT. I have one year and 17 days to change my Christmas to one driven by love and not of greed. I stopped having a Christmas wish list some Christmases ago, and haven't cared whether I get presents or not for some time. It is my wish that everyone consider this next year. (I do want to give you some time to warm up to the idea)
Don't BUY a THING!!!!!!!!!!!! Gather your nearest and dearest, divide up the cooking chores for the day and sit down and invest TIME with your families. Get everyone in your family to make a gift, and be grateful for the time that you have together! We have forgotten about time invested and all the beautiful blessings that come out of time well spent together.
I have very fond memories of gathering at my alternating family homes for Christmas Eve and we'd play board games, and eat appies, sing carols, and even bake cookies. Why not carry that spirit right through the next day. Maybe if you feel the need to buy something, buy a board game. Time is such a beautiful thing, and it's on our side every day that we wake up.
I have made gifts this year for people, and it feels good. Of course, I've had to balance it with having children and all, but I do hope for more time spent engaged in conversation and laughter. We could all use a good dose of laughter on a daily basis.
Be well this Christmas everyone. If we are driven by selflessness, the world is happier all year round. May your loved ones be safe. And for those who have lost loved ones this year, remember, they are ALWAYS with you. From the tinkle of the bell to a light breeze, they are always there.
Blessings to you all.
Here's my Christmas wish for each and every person in existence. That we see and end to holidays. And, if we must carry on that spirit, then carry on the SPIRIT. I have one year and 17 days to change my Christmas to one driven by love and not of greed. I stopped having a Christmas wish list some Christmases ago, and haven't cared whether I get presents or not for some time. It is my wish that everyone consider this next year. (I do want to give you some time to warm up to the idea)
Don't BUY a THING!!!!!!!!!!!! Gather your nearest and dearest, divide up the cooking chores for the day and sit down and invest TIME with your families. Get everyone in your family to make a gift, and be grateful for the time that you have together! We have forgotten about time invested and all the beautiful blessings that come out of time well spent together.
I have very fond memories of gathering at my alternating family homes for Christmas Eve and we'd play board games, and eat appies, sing carols, and even bake cookies. Why not carry that spirit right through the next day. Maybe if you feel the need to buy something, buy a board game. Time is such a beautiful thing, and it's on our side every day that we wake up.
I have made gifts this year for people, and it feels good. Of course, I've had to balance it with having children and all, but I do hope for more time spent engaged in conversation and laughter. We could all use a good dose of laughter on a daily basis.
Be well this Christmas everyone. If we are driven by selflessness, the world is happier all year round. May your loved ones be safe. And for those who have lost loved ones this year, remember, they are ALWAYS with you. From the tinkle of the bell to a light breeze, they are always there.
Blessings to you all.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
So, here we are....
Have you ever had self-talk involving what journey you are on these days? Have you ever stopped to think that may be if you're on a journey, that this entire planet's on a journey? What if the very foundation of mankind is about to be rumbled???
As I sit back and take in some of the global rumblings, I can't but wonder if the brick I mentioned in an earlier blog is about to be delivered. I firmly believe it is. North Korea is acting out, and the States are in need of another war.
If one were to look at these questions again, it would seem like most to doom and gloom, but for others of us out there, we'd see it as an opportunity. An opportunity for mankind.
Over the past few weeks I've been reading up on Indigo Adults, which leads to Starseeds, etc., etc., etc. There is a shift occuring worldwide where people are operating with love and open hearts. They are being guided by spirit. Children are openly discussing psychic abilities and so on.
What if the future of mankind rests in the truest democracy ever, and the changes to come after the brick are facilitated by people like me. Ones not motivated by greed, but motivated by the desire to lead the best possible life ever by operating with love and light.
The States is about to go into war with North Korea. It's not going to be good. But it will be good. Why, you ask? Because as mentioned before, 9/11 was the stone, that 9 years later, has only created more fear and hatred in society. North Korea will be the brick. Mankind cannot continue on a path of war and greed. It's not working. If it takes thousands upon thousands to wake up mankind, I'm sorry that it has to be that way, but I'd be more than willing to be in amongst them if it meant mankind would smarten up.
People, take a look around you. Life is better than all this "stuff". This bigger, better, faster. We are amazing beings on a beautiful planet. We have to start loving it better. I'm trying to do my part, and as I gain better and better habits, it is out with the old and in with the new for me.
I ask this of you. Do one nice thing for a complete stranger. Put a quarter in the meter for a vehicle that isn't yours. Smile. These things make you feel better. I would hope. I know that despite all that my journey entails at this moment, that I am emotionally better than I have ever been. I am proud of my arrival into adulthood. I am proud of my arrival into Indigo Adulthood.
***Note: While not a fan of labels, I had to find something that helped me understand myself. Like all labels. They are just that. A label. No person is better than any other person, and a person is a person and not a label. Indigo is an identifier for me.
As I sit back and take in some of the global rumblings, I can't but wonder if the brick I mentioned in an earlier blog is about to be delivered. I firmly believe it is. North Korea is acting out, and the States are in need of another war.
If one were to look at these questions again, it would seem like most to doom and gloom, but for others of us out there, we'd see it as an opportunity. An opportunity for mankind.
Over the past few weeks I've been reading up on Indigo Adults, which leads to Starseeds, etc., etc., etc. There is a shift occuring worldwide where people are operating with love and open hearts. They are being guided by spirit. Children are openly discussing psychic abilities and so on.
What if the future of mankind rests in the truest democracy ever, and the changes to come after the brick are facilitated by people like me. Ones not motivated by greed, but motivated by the desire to lead the best possible life ever by operating with love and light.
The States is about to go into war with North Korea. It's not going to be good. But it will be good. Why, you ask? Because as mentioned before, 9/11 was the stone, that 9 years later, has only created more fear and hatred in society. North Korea will be the brick. Mankind cannot continue on a path of war and greed. It's not working. If it takes thousands upon thousands to wake up mankind, I'm sorry that it has to be that way, but I'd be more than willing to be in amongst them if it meant mankind would smarten up.
People, take a look around you. Life is better than all this "stuff". This bigger, better, faster. We are amazing beings on a beautiful planet. We have to start loving it better. I'm trying to do my part, and as I gain better and better habits, it is out with the old and in with the new for me.
I ask this of you. Do one nice thing for a complete stranger. Put a quarter in the meter for a vehicle that isn't yours. Smile. These things make you feel better. I would hope. I know that despite all that my journey entails at this moment, that I am emotionally better than I have ever been. I am proud of my arrival into adulthood. I am proud of my arrival into Indigo Adulthood.
***Note: While not a fan of labels, I had to find something that helped me understand myself. Like all labels. They are just that. A label. No person is better than any other person, and a person is a person and not a label. Indigo is an identifier for me.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sound Like Anyone You Know??!!
So, I spent the day couch and internet surfing since I surrendered to my cold. How quickly I was reminded of the fact that everything happens for a reason. Bored, I needed to do some further research to get pushed in the direction I am needing at this time. For those that know me, I want you to read the following, and tell me how much that does sound like me. For those that don't and are reading this, I ask if you know someone that fits the descriptors below. What follows is how I see the story of my life and some of these traits are recently added to my repertoire:
Have an inherent sense of the connection to all things - Universe and Oneness
Are highly intelligent - in their OWN unique way.
Are very creative and enjoy making things, especially working with their hands.
They know that they are different, and have felt that through their lives - as if they are "wired" differently internally.
They question everything. Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something. A typical answer to a question or statement is WHY are you asking? WHY do you want to know?
Will often reject things, situations or people that aren't worth their time or energy
Experience great boredom in school and rebelled inwardly or externally against "homework", authoritive figures and school structures.
Have a strong connection or are involved with animal and human rights situations.
Have a strong connection with nature - animals, trees, plants, water.
Often feel like they have better relationships with animals than with people.
Have a strong sense of ethics and justice
May experience depression, apathy, cynicism, contemplated suicide especially in teenage/adolescent years
Have had a sense of betrayal in life people and subsequent trust issues.
Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone.
Have deep empathy and compassion for people.
Love being touched and hugged - may have been very devoid of that growing up, and now crave it.
Are intolerant of stupidity - behavior, actions, words, viewpoints
Have felt very misunderstood through their life.
Have a deep longing to find others like them - kindred spirits, soulmates, twin souls.
Show the full range of the emotional spectrum - from spontaneous and instant crying to lack of expression.
May have difficulty expressing anger constructively.
May go through a period of "dark night of the soul" where they feel they have gone to "hell and back".
They rebel against systems they consider dysfunctional, broken, ineffective ie. political, educational, relationship, medical, legal.
Do not hold any biases towards sexuality and gender - may be explorative with alternative forms of sexuality.
They feel a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stumped or confused about what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Showing or having psychic or spiritual interest or abilities fairly young - in or before teen years.
Had few if any Indigo role models and support structures.
Are highly intuitive - very psychic - can show gifts in healing, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
Random behavior or thought pattern (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))
May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, start tasks but never finish.
May often start sentences and never finish because the thought is already "way ahead of the mouth".
Are mentally and energetically very speedy - are capable of retaining large amounts of information and memory.
Are very sensitive in all areas - food, additives, emotional, chemicals, electrical, pesticides
May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Will go through a time of awakening and seeking a deeper meaning to their life and understanding about the world and how they fit in.
They're called Indigo Adults, and when I read the descriptors I would've fallen over backwards if I wasn't already on the couch. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I am an Indigo Adult. I had no idea until today. I am finally glad to be "home". I have arrived.
I had the experience of remoting in to two preemies today. Right down to knowing about the heart murmur one of them has. I knew they were baby boys. I was asked if I knew the person when I talked about these two. I, replied, "No.".....to which was said, "Do you know them?"......"Nope", I replied. "But how did you...". To which I replied, I remoted viewed. I'm psychic. Or as I now say, clairvoyant. Blessings to the babies. They are surrounded in love.
Have an inherent sense of the connection to all things - Universe and Oneness
Are highly intelligent - in their OWN unique way.
Are very creative and enjoy making things, especially working with their hands.
They know that they are different, and have felt that through their lives - as if they are "wired" differently internally.
They question everything. Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something. A typical answer to a question or statement is WHY are you asking? WHY do you want to know?
Will often reject things, situations or people that aren't worth their time or energy
Experience great boredom in school and rebelled inwardly or externally against "homework", authoritive figures and school structures.
Have a strong connection or are involved with animal and human rights situations.
Have a strong connection with nature - animals, trees, plants, water.
Often feel like they have better relationships with animals than with people.
Have a strong sense of ethics and justice
May experience depression, apathy, cynicism, contemplated suicide especially in teenage/adolescent years
Have had a sense of betrayal in life people and subsequent trust issues.
Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone.
Have deep empathy and compassion for people.
Love being touched and hugged - may have been very devoid of that growing up, and now crave it.
Are intolerant of stupidity - behavior, actions, words, viewpoints
Have felt very misunderstood through their life.
Have a deep longing to find others like them - kindred spirits, soulmates, twin souls.
Show the full range of the emotional spectrum - from spontaneous and instant crying to lack of expression.
May have difficulty expressing anger constructively.
May go through a period of "dark night of the soul" where they feel they have gone to "hell and back".
They rebel against systems they consider dysfunctional, broken, ineffective ie. political, educational, relationship, medical, legal.
Do not hold any biases towards sexuality and gender - may be explorative with alternative forms of sexuality.
They feel a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stumped or confused about what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Showing or having psychic or spiritual interest or abilities fairly young - in or before teen years.
Had few if any Indigo role models and support structures.
Are highly intuitive - very psychic - can show gifts in healing, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
Random behavior or thought pattern (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))
May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, start tasks but never finish.
May often start sentences and never finish because the thought is already "way ahead of the mouth".
Are mentally and energetically very speedy - are capable of retaining large amounts of information and memory.
Are very sensitive in all areas - food, additives, emotional, chemicals, electrical, pesticides
May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Will go through a time of awakening and seeking a deeper meaning to their life and understanding about the world and how they fit in.
They're called Indigo Adults, and when I read the descriptors I would've fallen over backwards if I wasn't already on the couch. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I am an Indigo Adult. I had no idea until today. I am finally glad to be "home". I have arrived.
I had the experience of remoting in to two preemies today. Right down to knowing about the heart murmur one of them has. I knew they were baby boys. I was asked if I knew the person when I talked about these two. I, replied, "No.".....to which was said, "Do you know them?"......"Nope", I replied. "But how did you...". To which I replied, I remoted viewed. I'm psychic. Or as I now say, clairvoyant. Blessings to the babies. They are surrounded in love.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Where I'm at Today
PLEASE: Before you cast judgement if you are a non-believer, I ask that you read this through first before making any decision as to whether or not I belong in a loonie bin. The answer to that is “No, I don’t”, and I am telling you that I am perfectly sane. Ask any of my closest friends, and more importantly, my husband. I am a very responsible human being on this planet.
Before I head into my regular diatribe, I must lay the following groundwork:
1) As of this blog, I have had the world’s most incredible experience. I have come to full abilities as a healer, and I mean full. I now understand why John Edwards raises concerns about those of us newly aware of our abilities. It is not for dabblers. It is NOT for those faint of heart. We are the wounded ones on the planet who have been given the gift of our sixth sense. This is an enormous responsibility. It is the responsibility of knowing what I know, and what information I give to people. Because I have enough respect for humankind, I will help with past life stuff because it’s over, and I will only speak to present situations, because the future is not mine or ANYONE’s to know. With that said, yes. I do know the future. Not all details, because I have my own map, but because of information I have access to. So don’t ask me if I know the future because you now have the answer, and the answer to your future questions will not be answered. And so, with this new found extreme responsibility, and only because Sylvia Browne has talked about this location many times in many of her books, I can let you know the same thing.
2) Know these two things that I am allowed to share. A) This planet is hereby known as human and ethereal. Home is where the ethereal beings live and this planet is where we live when we decide to inhabit a human form. B) The Hall of Records that Sylvia Brown mentions exists. I have seen it first hand.
I am a firm believer in prayer, and finally, on Sunday night, I folded my hands together and said, “Please God, if you’re listening, help me! I have been in pain and bedridden for two weeks and I need to know why, this is hurting”. Well, I’ll be darned if an angel didn’t sweep in and envelop me in gold. His name is Jonathan, and he is my Angel. I have had a few guides over the years, but none so beautiful as him. Do not get me wrong, not one of my guides is lesser than another. I love them all equally. We are human or we are ethereal, those are the only two choices we have. And life in human form is full of choices.
Yesterday, when visiting a friend, we were having a nice relaxing morning when Jonathan decided to show me the Hall of Records. It was something I asked for because if I was going to finally embrace everything that comes with this and acknowledge my journey (i.e. lymphedema, myofascial pain – wounded warrior/psychic), I deserve the right to full access. Because that’s my path! You see, I now know why I’m psychic. I am also allowed to share it, because in sharing it, I open the door to those who may be experiencing this same awakening. We are awakening as Light Beings. I’ll explain Light Beings in a minute.
My path is this. Physical Ailments in Exchange for Being Aware You Are a Light Being. Again, my path comes with great responsibility so I will be omitting the most sacred of experiences or information. I will bring the “Light News” with a few important warnings to heed, as I am not the first to bring these things up. A few of the Light Beings already have.
So, I am going to close this particular blog with my latest parlor trick. Now please know that I have the upmost respect for my new awareness and abilities and I must tell you that I do not have “powers” I have a gift. It is, like any gift, treated with love and respect. I just make the odd crack in order to make us all laugh and realize there is a lighter side to this journey for all of us.
Back to my parlor trick. I went over to visit some friends to tell them about my latest personal adventure and my one friend looks at me and says, “So do you think you can help me find my remote? If I can’t find it we may have to get a new TV.” She had been looking for it for months, so I agreed to help her find it by doing what’s called a remote viewing. I turned to my friend and said, “In the garage, left hand side, up on the shelf in a box”. Well, we walked down the hallway to the garage, turned on the light, and on my left wasn’t the wall. It was on the right and had been shown a reverse image. I was shown from walking in through the garage not through the hall door. Ha ha. When I faced from the garage, up on the shelf was the box, my friend said she looked in there and I told her it was in there. So, after insisting we pull it down, my friend started digging. Halfway down my friend said, “Donna, it’s not here”, to which I replied, “Would you just keep digging down in that corner”. Then came the pause. “Donna” she said. “I know” I said. And she pulled out her remote control………………..
……………Hall of Records Next Time!
Before I head into my regular diatribe, I must lay the following groundwork:
1) As of this blog, I have had the world’s most incredible experience. I have come to full abilities as a healer, and I mean full. I now understand why John Edwards raises concerns about those of us newly aware of our abilities. It is not for dabblers. It is NOT for those faint of heart. We are the wounded ones on the planet who have been given the gift of our sixth sense. This is an enormous responsibility. It is the responsibility of knowing what I know, and what information I give to people. Because I have enough respect for humankind, I will help with past life stuff because it’s over, and I will only speak to present situations, because the future is not mine or ANYONE’s to know. With that said, yes. I do know the future. Not all details, because I have my own map, but because of information I have access to. So don’t ask me if I know the future because you now have the answer, and the answer to your future questions will not be answered. And so, with this new found extreme responsibility, and only because Sylvia Browne has talked about this location many times in many of her books, I can let you know the same thing.
2) Know these two things that I am allowed to share. A) This planet is hereby known as human and ethereal. Home is where the ethereal beings live and this planet is where we live when we decide to inhabit a human form. B) The Hall of Records that Sylvia Brown mentions exists. I have seen it first hand.
I am a firm believer in prayer, and finally, on Sunday night, I folded my hands together and said, “Please God, if you’re listening, help me! I have been in pain and bedridden for two weeks and I need to know why, this is hurting”. Well, I’ll be darned if an angel didn’t sweep in and envelop me in gold. His name is Jonathan, and he is my Angel. I have had a few guides over the years, but none so beautiful as him. Do not get me wrong, not one of my guides is lesser than another. I love them all equally. We are human or we are ethereal, those are the only two choices we have. And life in human form is full of choices.
Yesterday, when visiting a friend, we were having a nice relaxing morning when Jonathan decided to show me the Hall of Records. It was something I asked for because if I was going to finally embrace everything that comes with this and acknowledge my journey (i.e. lymphedema, myofascial pain – wounded warrior/psychic), I deserve the right to full access. Because that’s my path! You see, I now know why I’m psychic. I am also allowed to share it, because in sharing it, I open the door to those who may be experiencing this same awakening. We are awakening as Light Beings. I’ll explain Light Beings in a minute.
My path is this. Physical Ailments in Exchange for Being Aware You Are a Light Being. Again, my path comes with great responsibility so I will be omitting the most sacred of experiences or information. I will bring the “Light News” with a few important warnings to heed, as I am not the first to bring these things up. A few of the Light Beings already have.
So, I am going to close this particular blog with my latest parlor trick. Now please know that I have the upmost respect for my new awareness and abilities and I must tell you that I do not have “powers” I have a gift. It is, like any gift, treated with love and respect. I just make the odd crack in order to make us all laugh and realize there is a lighter side to this journey for all of us.
Back to my parlor trick. I went over to visit some friends to tell them about my latest personal adventure and my one friend looks at me and says, “So do you think you can help me find my remote? If I can’t find it we may have to get a new TV.” She had been looking for it for months, so I agreed to help her find it by doing what’s called a remote viewing. I turned to my friend and said, “In the garage, left hand side, up on the shelf in a box”. Well, we walked down the hallway to the garage, turned on the light, and on my left wasn’t the wall. It was on the right and had been shown a reverse image. I was shown from walking in through the garage not through the hall door. Ha ha. When I faced from the garage, up on the shelf was the box, my friend said she looked in there and I told her it was in there. So, after insisting we pull it down, my friend started digging. Halfway down my friend said, “Donna, it’s not here”, to which I replied, “Would you just keep digging down in that corner”. Then came the pause. “Donna” she said. “I know” I said. And she pulled out her remote control………………..
……………Hall of Records Next Time!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Listen Up Peeps!
While this post is a bit contrary to my nature (bright, cheery, optimistic), a planetary warning needs saying. We are in trouble humans........BIG trouble! The crossroads is coming, and I say this now in hopes that this blog will start the change in humankind that needs to happen. Two things are going extremely wrong on this planet and it has EVERYTHING to do with how we treat the planet and those people on it. It's time for a little bit more love and a lot less hate!
The first thing I recommend is watching "The Age of Stupid". While there is no real plot to this documentary style movie (and I use the word movie very loosely), there is very valuable information. It was released in 2008 and contains very relevant information to the time we are living in and ties in to what I think is going on with this planet. Get your hands on "The Cove" and "Food Inc." while you're at it. All I'm going to ask for is Dr. Phil's 80% solution in your home. I do my level best (which probably isn't even enough and I am looking for ways to do more) to treat this planet and the people on it with as much respect as possible, and we all need to start doing a better job of it in any way possible. Here's my take on this planet:
1) The Industrial Age is killing us. I know, I know, there is no stopping technology, and technology has brought some pretty amazing things to this planet, but we have to balance it with our ecology, and THAT isn't happening. "The Age of Stupid" hits on a very important fact. The temperature of this planet is rising and it cannot rise two degrees above the pre-industrial age or we are in BIG trouble. Consumerism and the "I wants" are on the rise, and I readily admit I am just as guilty as the next. I fully admit it. However, as each day goes by I am doing more and more and learning more and more about ways to cut down on our consumption, particularly the largest consumption of all.........fossil fuel. Now, I don't have the money to invest in a green home (and lord knows if I ever find myself on that end of the lottery, it will be the first thing I invest in), but I sure can find ways to minimize consumption within my home. You know, computers off at the end of the night, lights on ONLY when necessary, buying local produce, eating less meat, etc. And yes, buying local produce and eating less meat cuts down on fuel consumption.
According to one scientist on "The Age of Stupid", we have until 2015 to solve the problem, or it's going to be too late for us. We will raise the earth's temperature and we will bring ourselves to our own demise. That's five years people, five years.
I can hear you thinking, you're thinking, "Well I can't do anything about it, I'm just one person, I don't make a difference". There are 6.8 Billion people on this planet, and of all the ironic things it's the North American continent that's the biggest offender. Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Better!
So here it is, 50 ways you can do your part. They're not hard, not at all. I even learned some new ways to conserve off of this list. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!
And now onto my next point:
2) Stop behaving badly people! We are such a mean society! We do ourselves a disservice and we particularly do our children a disservice. While I understand that our society has been pushed to the brink of destruction because of the "I wants", we've done it to ourselves! I know I'm guilty of this too. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that all this new technology is the way this planet is going, but the old-fashioned me still goes back to the traditional roots of reading, sewing, crafting, etc. Okay yes, I am blogging, but it's for a good cause! I love my planet and I mean LOVE!
I don't have to have the TV on 24/7, I do take time to invest in my home and my loved ones, and I always have a smile for any stranger. I do at least one good deed a day for another human being. This is from the simple smile to putting money in a parking meter. I've been known to bring someone homebaked goodies just because, and I volunteer in my community.
WE HAVE TO START BEING NICER EVERYONE! Not just in words, but in deeds. It's like the saying goes, "Actions speak stronger than words".
Now don't get me wrong, I have my moments of disillusionment and get crabby about it, but start seeing the freakin' glass half full cuz that's the other part ouf our problem on this planet!
Shut the effing computer off and take some time to actually DO something!!!!!!!
We have driven our family structure into the freakin' ground because of the "I wants", which in turn has driven families to two incomes in order to "survive". I know, I know, houses are expensive, rent is expensive, it costs to put food on the table, but really?
My nephew got given a Nintendo DS for his birthday. Wanna know how old he is? 7........SEVEN!!!!!!!!! What the hell are you doing? (Just for the record my family - brother and girlfriend included, did NOT buy it for him) No seven year old should own such a thing. And as for cell phones in school..........REALLY? You've got Twits that Twot Tweets and FBing, and OMGing going on. Social skills, school skills, and life skills are going out the window. If you must buy into these things because your child "wants them", and I'm talking particularly cell phones, make them pay for it!!!! That's what allowance is for right?
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is this, and here's where the psychic me comes in. We are steering at full speed towards a monumental crossroads. One this planet has never seen and will never see again I hope. Every single one of my bells and whistles is going off about this too. Before Obama is finished his Presidency, this planet is going to see an act of human cruelty that will make 9/11 pale in comparison (Obama's presidency will end after his one and only term and that is not a prediction, it's observations from watching all that is happening politically). If we as humans recognize it for the Global Wake Up Call that is so needed, then we will carry on in an atmosphere of good will. If not, we will surely meet our demise shortly thereafter. I don't think the Eastern Hemisphere is done with the North American continent yet. If you watch close enough, the intuitive part (previous blog about warning signs/signals) of us can see the action ramping up. Just look at all the cargo bombs being discovered. It's our warning people!!!!!!!!! It's ramping up for two reasons, it needs to happen so we can learn, but it's also happening because everybody is feeding into the negative energy being bred.
What can we do to combat the complacency in humankind? Here's what we can:
1) Take some time and invest in your family. While I can't get around the computer age and the fact that my kids love their Xbox, we have Family Fun Fridays, and Family Fun Fridays can be a night of bowling, it can also be a night in of family games (Board or Xbox). It is time invested as a unit.
2) Take some time to invest in your friends. It is one thing to debrief about the weeks activities, but try and book a night where it is a night of fun and laughter.
3) Laugh often. Laughter truly is the best medicine. See what happens if you think of a goofy joke when you're walking down the street. I know my smile from the thought has brought smiles to complete strangers' faces. Laughter is the one contagion we should never be afraid to share.
4) Take some time to invest in you. When was the last time you sat down with the TV off and read a book? How about that project you've been putting off? Have a hot bath, dance to music, feed your soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) Be Grateful. We live in a society that is free of pestilence, we have rooves over our heads and food in our bellies. Lots of people don't. Wake up every morning and say "Thank you for another day".
6) Stop being so negative. Negativity breeds negativity. The glass truly is half full. You just have to see it. I will use myself as an example:
At 12 years of age, I was diagnosed with genetic lymphedema. While I consider myself attractive, I am "the girl with the fat ankles". My disease strikes 1 in 650,000 people. I grew up with a "woe is me" attitude, and it took awhile to slough it off. Always sick, always angry, yada yada yada.
While it wasn't an easy trip and took a lot of practice, my glass is always half full, NEVER half empty. Life has just handed me another stinky blow, and I find myself just laughing it off these days because I am sure of one thing.........things ALWAYS have a way of working themselves out. If you think you've had a rough day, walk a mile in someone else's shoes who always has time for a smile.
Don't get me wrong I had my momentary pity party, but it lasted all of a moment or two during a couple of days. I'm over it now, and I haven't even got my new diagnosis yet. Yes, I'm unwell. As usual. Oh well. I think having lymphedema impacts my immune system a little bit differently than if I didn't, as lymph is our infection fighter, thus making me a little more susceptible to autoimmune type things.
Again, this planet is a half full cup, start seeing it that way. This Monday I see my doctor. We have confirmed that at 40, I have osteoarthritis. X-rays indicate it. However, there has been another overwhelming illness that has yet to be diagnosed, and no matter what tests results show, I will have an answer. I'm not worried because no matter what, I have my amazing attitude. Everything will be okay. He could tell me I have Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis or Fibromyalgia on Monday, so what? At least I know, and at least I can get treatment. That's ALL that matters. Even more importantly, I am still alive!
That's the difference between me and the average person now, and where our major problem lies. Negativity breeds negativity!
No amount of kicking or screaming is going to change what's going on in my personal life, so I've made the executive decision to be happy! I am going to love my family, friends, and planet to death! It's what I CAN do! It's what you can do too! Stop being a slave to negativity! Find one thing a day to be grateful about, one good deed to do, and invest in you and your family!
This planet and the people on it need our love. Our love for humankind is the only thing that's going to save us. While I understand that the obstacles presented to us in our daily living our are character builders, let's start shedding the negative about it, and start embracing our obstacles for the value they bring to us! They make us stronger! Take some pride in all of you've been through! The obstacles have helped build you the amazing person you are!
As a psychic, I tell you this. We lose people. We lose our children, our mothers, our fathers, brothers, sisters, etc. It is sad when we lose them. The absence of their physical presence is sorely missed and we grieve. Well, guess what? They're never far away! They are always with us and don't want us to prolong our agony of grief! Celebrate they've gone home and are healthy now. They're waiting for you when it is your time, and right there to greet you! They want you to be happy! So.......be happy!
I just put my dog down not that long ago, and while not a human, he was part of my family. I cried before he was put to sleep, and I'm teary at the moment writing this, but I'm okay! He is okay now! He doesn't hurt anymore! None of our deceased loved ones do, and that's a blessing!
And I don't care what anyone thinks, I know he is over there chasing seagulls and having a blast! Just think, all of our loved ones gone by are over there! And they're happy! So we should be too!
The choice is yours.......only you can make you happy! Take joy in each other too!
Remember...............when a door closes.......another one opens.........all we have to do is walk through it........it's really easy.........give it a try!
The first thing I recommend is watching "The Age of Stupid". While there is no real plot to this documentary style movie (and I use the word movie very loosely), there is very valuable information. It was released in 2008 and contains very relevant information to the time we are living in and ties in to what I think is going on with this planet. Get your hands on "The Cove" and "Food Inc." while you're at it. All I'm going to ask for is Dr. Phil's 80% solution in your home. I do my level best (which probably isn't even enough and I am looking for ways to do more) to treat this planet and the people on it with as much respect as possible, and we all need to start doing a better job of it in any way possible. Here's my take on this planet:
1) The Industrial Age is killing us. I know, I know, there is no stopping technology, and technology has brought some pretty amazing things to this planet, but we have to balance it with our ecology, and THAT isn't happening. "The Age of Stupid" hits on a very important fact. The temperature of this planet is rising and it cannot rise two degrees above the pre-industrial age or we are in BIG trouble. Consumerism and the "I wants" are on the rise, and I readily admit I am just as guilty as the next. I fully admit it. However, as each day goes by I am doing more and more and learning more and more about ways to cut down on our consumption, particularly the largest consumption of all.........fossil fuel. Now, I don't have the money to invest in a green home (and lord knows if I ever find myself on that end of the lottery, it will be the first thing I invest in), but I sure can find ways to minimize consumption within my home. You know, computers off at the end of the night, lights on ONLY when necessary, buying local produce, eating less meat, etc. And yes, buying local produce and eating less meat cuts down on fuel consumption.
According to one scientist on "The Age of Stupid", we have until 2015 to solve the problem, or it's going to be too late for us. We will raise the earth's temperature and we will bring ourselves to our own demise. That's five years people, five years.
I can hear you thinking, you're thinking, "Well I can't do anything about it, I'm just one person, I don't make a difference". There are 6.8 Billion people on this planet, and of all the ironic things it's the North American continent that's the biggest offender. Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Better!
So here it is, 50 ways you can do your part. They're not hard, not at all. I even learned some new ways to conserve off of this list. NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!
And now onto my next point:
2) Stop behaving badly people! We are such a mean society! We do ourselves a disservice and we particularly do our children a disservice. While I understand that our society has been pushed to the brink of destruction because of the "I wants", we've done it to ourselves! I know I'm guilty of this too. I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that all this new technology is the way this planet is going, but the old-fashioned me still goes back to the traditional roots of reading, sewing, crafting, etc. Okay yes, I am blogging, but it's for a good cause! I love my planet and I mean LOVE!
I don't have to have the TV on 24/7, I do take time to invest in my home and my loved ones, and I always have a smile for any stranger. I do at least one good deed a day for another human being. This is from the simple smile to putting money in a parking meter. I've been known to bring someone homebaked goodies just because, and I volunteer in my community.
WE HAVE TO START BEING NICER EVERYONE! Not just in words, but in deeds. It's like the saying goes, "Actions speak stronger than words".
Now don't get me wrong, I have my moments of disillusionment and get crabby about it, but start seeing the freakin' glass half full cuz that's the other part ouf our problem on this planet!
Shut the effing computer off and take some time to actually DO something!!!!!!!
We have driven our family structure into the freakin' ground because of the "I wants", which in turn has driven families to two incomes in order to "survive". I know, I know, houses are expensive, rent is expensive, it costs to put food on the table, but really?
My nephew got given a Nintendo DS for his birthday. Wanna know how old he is? 7........SEVEN!!!!!!!!! What the hell are you doing? (Just for the record my family - brother and girlfriend included, did NOT buy it for him) No seven year old should own such a thing. And as for cell phones in school..........REALLY? You've got Twits that Twot Tweets and FBing, and OMGing going on. Social skills, school skills, and life skills are going out the window. If you must buy into these things because your child "wants them", and I'm talking particularly cell phones, make them pay for it!!!! That's what allowance is for right?
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is this, and here's where the psychic me comes in. We are steering at full speed towards a monumental crossroads. One this planet has never seen and will never see again I hope. Every single one of my bells and whistles is going off about this too. Before Obama is finished his Presidency, this planet is going to see an act of human cruelty that will make 9/11 pale in comparison (Obama's presidency will end after his one and only term and that is not a prediction, it's observations from watching all that is happening politically). If we as humans recognize it for the Global Wake Up Call that is so needed, then we will carry on in an atmosphere of good will. If not, we will surely meet our demise shortly thereafter. I don't think the Eastern Hemisphere is done with the North American continent yet. If you watch close enough, the intuitive part (previous blog about warning signs/signals) of us can see the action ramping up. Just look at all the cargo bombs being discovered. It's our warning people!!!!!!!!! It's ramping up for two reasons, it needs to happen so we can learn, but it's also happening because everybody is feeding into the negative energy being bred.
What can we do to combat the complacency in humankind? Here's what we can:
1) Take some time and invest in your family. While I can't get around the computer age and the fact that my kids love their Xbox, we have Family Fun Fridays, and Family Fun Fridays can be a night of bowling, it can also be a night in of family games (Board or Xbox). It is time invested as a unit.
2) Take some time to invest in your friends. It is one thing to debrief about the weeks activities, but try and book a night where it is a night of fun and laughter.
3) Laugh often. Laughter truly is the best medicine. See what happens if you think of a goofy joke when you're walking down the street. I know my smile from the thought has brought smiles to complete strangers' faces. Laughter is the one contagion we should never be afraid to share.
4) Take some time to invest in you. When was the last time you sat down with the TV off and read a book? How about that project you've been putting off? Have a hot bath, dance to music, feed your soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) Be Grateful. We live in a society that is free of pestilence, we have rooves over our heads and food in our bellies. Lots of people don't. Wake up every morning and say "Thank you for another day".
6) Stop being so negative. Negativity breeds negativity. The glass truly is half full. You just have to see it. I will use myself as an example:
At 12 years of age, I was diagnosed with genetic lymphedema. While I consider myself attractive, I am "the girl with the fat ankles". My disease strikes 1 in 650,000 people. I grew up with a "woe is me" attitude, and it took awhile to slough it off. Always sick, always angry, yada yada yada.
While it wasn't an easy trip and took a lot of practice, my glass is always half full, NEVER half empty. Life has just handed me another stinky blow, and I find myself just laughing it off these days because I am sure of one thing.........things ALWAYS have a way of working themselves out. If you think you've had a rough day, walk a mile in someone else's shoes who always has time for a smile.
Don't get me wrong I had my momentary pity party, but it lasted all of a moment or two during a couple of days. I'm over it now, and I haven't even got my new diagnosis yet. Yes, I'm unwell. As usual. Oh well. I think having lymphedema impacts my immune system a little bit differently than if I didn't, as lymph is our infection fighter, thus making me a little more susceptible to autoimmune type things.
Again, this planet is a half full cup, start seeing it that way. This Monday I see my doctor. We have confirmed that at 40, I have osteoarthritis. X-rays indicate it. However, there has been another overwhelming illness that has yet to be diagnosed, and no matter what tests results show, I will have an answer. I'm not worried because no matter what, I have my amazing attitude. Everything will be okay. He could tell me I have Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis or Fibromyalgia on Monday, so what? At least I know, and at least I can get treatment. That's ALL that matters. Even more importantly, I am still alive!
That's the difference between me and the average person now, and where our major problem lies. Negativity breeds negativity!
No amount of kicking or screaming is going to change what's going on in my personal life, so I've made the executive decision to be happy! I am going to love my family, friends, and planet to death! It's what I CAN do! It's what you can do too! Stop being a slave to negativity! Find one thing a day to be grateful about, one good deed to do, and invest in you and your family!
This planet and the people on it need our love. Our love for humankind is the only thing that's going to save us. While I understand that the obstacles presented to us in our daily living our are character builders, let's start shedding the negative about it, and start embracing our obstacles for the value they bring to us! They make us stronger! Take some pride in all of you've been through! The obstacles have helped build you the amazing person you are!
As a psychic, I tell you this. We lose people. We lose our children, our mothers, our fathers, brothers, sisters, etc. It is sad when we lose them. The absence of their physical presence is sorely missed and we grieve. Well, guess what? They're never far away! They are always with us and don't want us to prolong our agony of grief! Celebrate they've gone home and are healthy now. They're waiting for you when it is your time, and right there to greet you! They want you to be happy! So.......be happy!
I just put my dog down not that long ago, and while not a human, he was part of my family. I cried before he was put to sleep, and I'm teary at the moment writing this, but I'm okay! He is okay now! He doesn't hurt anymore! None of our deceased loved ones do, and that's a blessing!
And I don't care what anyone thinks, I know he is over there chasing seagulls and having a blast! Just think, all of our loved ones gone by are over there! And they're happy! So we should be too!
The choice is yours.......only you can make you happy! Take joy in each other too!
Remember...............when a door closes.......another one opens.........all we have to do is walk through it........it's really easy.........give it a try!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Lunatic Fringe aka Being Psychic
DISCLAIMER: Take from this what you will. Believe it or not, that's okay too.
I was asked not long ago, what being psychic is like for me and it has urged me to write this particular post. (As an aside, I am working on a book of sorts right now which delves more into detail, but I am not focused on an end result as it is more for me than anyone else at this point and time.) I'm going to share an excerpt of what I've written and use that to delve into more....
"I must start by saying that I grew up in a very loving, non-denominational home. My mother had been raised a certain way religiously, and my father came from a strict home that he left at 16. They raised my brother and I in a home with no religious bounds as we were bound to no religion. My first recollection of being psychic is seeing “shadow people” at the age of three. Three? Yes, one never forgets someone showing up in the form of a silhouette. The most vivid recollection at an early age is the shadow people showing up in a mirror across from my bed. I was about five years old. First it was a silhouette of a head that resembled my grandfather, shortly followed by a horse. A few days later we were off to my grandparents ranch. A few years later, I had a dream about my mom, brother, and I being trapped in our car, a blue datsun, by a huge tree that fell over it. About a week later my mom was trapped in our blue datsun by a man in an Oldsmobile-like car that had t-boned her vehicle on the driver’s side. If she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt she probably would have been dead."
Stuff like this happens to me ALL the time, and I mean ALL the time. Only now I hardly dream about it because most of my daytime is filled with "pings". I live in the moments. In fact, if I do dream, I rarely remember them. And when I do remember them, they seem to be a tool used to process daily events and very rarely are they predictive in nature. The odd predictive one still sneaks in once in awhile, but the last time I can honestly say I had an immediate one was October 2005 when I woke from a dream of people screaming in the midst of rubble. When I came out into the living room, I said to my boyfriend at the time "Something bad just happened in India". Only to stare at the news on the television that Pakistan had been hit by a monumental earthquake and thousands were dead. If there have been other moments like that since then, I truly can't remember. I have a very busy brain.
But I digress, so let's start by saying I do believe in life after death, and by calling what I am by what mainstream calls people like me, psychic. While I call myself psychic as that particular word is universal, it still has a negative connotation attached to it for me and I grapple with that daily. It's just easier to use than Clairvoyant.
The Wiktionary gives two definitions for intuition. Clairvoyance falls under the second one.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly and is broken down into five categories of abilities as it were: Clairsentience (feeling); Clairaudient (hearing); clairalience (smelling); claircognizance (intrincisally knowing); and clairgustance (taste). I am clairsentient, audient, and cognizant. I am hoping that as time moves on, that my ability to add at least clairalience to my repertoire happens. Selfish? Maybe, but imagine being able to attach a specific smell to a certain loved one being present. For example, and this is an EXAMPLE only, this hasn't happened - yet. A querent is told by the reader that they can smell lavender and it just happens to turn out that the deceased Aunt Mary used to wear a lavender-scented perfume.
About intuition. People can read people (i.e. happy, sad, excited, truth, lie). Look at the show 'Lie to Me'. There is a science in reading people by their actions (or inactions). Gavin DeBecker's book, "The Gift of Fear" explains it further by acknowledging that we have been raised since birth to recognize human indicators, no matter how subtle. This is intuition.
I'll use the ever prevalent existence of domestic violence as an example. You have someone your dating, your friends don't approve of, and you turn on the blinders to indicators (drinker, smoker, partier) all for the sake of your new found love. As weeks progress to months, Mr. Wonderful calls you "stupid". You say, "he's just mad" and leave the comment alone. The verbal comments are followed by a few drinks, you work things out. Then the drinking ramps up, and the first physical altercation occurs. Well, the warning signs were there, you have just chosen to put them on ignore by using the proverbial "I can help him change", instead of turning tail and running in the opposite direction. That is ignoring your intuition. Every signal has pointed towards this person not being one you should have in your life and you've ignored every single signal that's been thrown at you. Know anyone that is or was like that? I sure do (myself included). Start paying attention people! We all have intuition - think of it as perceptive insight. It is "the gut" we all talk about, "if I'd only listened".
Then there is that second definition for intuition that I referred to earlier, and that is "Immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes". This is the one that makes me grapple with the word intuition and thinks that we should assign this meaning as a "sixth sense" as it were. It is clairvoyance, plain and simple. It is knowing before knowing and knowing things that you couldn't possibly have known. Psychics represent the extreme form of intuition. We just had to be called something I guess. We go beyond the normal level of intuition and we have the ability to communicate with energies that have left their earthly bodies. I'm sure we've all heard stories similar to the example "I just had to move" and then a car crash happens and you would've been at the point of impact had you not moved. That is clairvoyant, and I firmly believe we all have a bit of it. That knowing without knowing why we know. Our "gut instinct".
When I see things (I see dead people, ha ha ha), particularly when a deceased loved one is involved, I have my own personal movie screen at the back of my head. I am shown things like a real life movie is being played in my brain. I can also hold something that belonged to said party and draw them in closer to my line of vision. Yes, faint signals exist, and they can be made stronger by having a belonging of the dearly departed. I also hear things. I get spoken to by the other side. I have even been known to take on a bit of their personality or have said things exactly like the dearly departed used to. That's part of claircognizance (the taking on of someone is clairsentient - one aspect of feeling - I can physically feel what they're like - I can do that with live people too, take on their feelings). I live the second meaning of intuition. Once again, I am clairaudient, sentient, and cognizant. 3 out of 5 ain't bad right? Right!
Just ask me about the ring from one reading (the person brought the wrong ring and I told them as much) or a painted wall from another (when I'd never been to their house, and no, not everybody paints a wall red).
On a final note, I do have one prediction to make, and it is based in both worlds and it encompasses both meanings of intuition. I will expand on it in my next blog, but it is based on the earthly world I observe on a daily basis, but there is also an element to it, that I can't possibly know. I just FEEL it, I KNOW it. , t's my clairvoyance speaking loud and clear, and I'm fully prepared to face the onslaught, but when I've trusted "my gut", I've never been wrong.
Until then, happy thoughts to you all (the world could use a lot more love right now)
I was asked not long ago, what being psychic is like for me and it has urged me to write this particular post. (As an aside, I am working on a book of sorts right now which delves more into detail, but I am not focused on an end result as it is more for me than anyone else at this point and time.) I'm going to share an excerpt of what I've written and use that to delve into more....
"I must start by saying that I grew up in a very loving, non-denominational home. My mother had been raised a certain way religiously, and my father came from a strict home that he left at 16. They raised my brother and I in a home with no religious bounds as we were bound to no religion. My first recollection of being psychic is seeing “shadow people” at the age of three. Three? Yes, one never forgets someone showing up in the form of a silhouette. The most vivid recollection at an early age is the shadow people showing up in a mirror across from my bed. I was about five years old. First it was a silhouette of a head that resembled my grandfather, shortly followed by a horse. A few days later we were off to my grandparents ranch. A few years later, I had a dream about my mom, brother, and I being trapped in our car, a blue datsun, by a huge tree that fell over it. About a week later my mom was trapped in our blue datsun by a man in an Oldsmobile-like car that had t-boned her vehicle on the driver’s side. If she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt she probably would have been dead."
Stuff like this happens to me ALL the time, and I mean ALL the time. Only now I hardly dream about it because most of my daytime is filled with "pings". I live in the moments. In fact, if I do dream, I rarely remember them. And when I do remember them, they seem to be a tool used to process daily events and very rarely are they predictive in nature. The odd predictive one still sneaks in once in awhile, but the last time I can honestly say I had an immediate one was October 2005 when I woke from a dream of people screaming in the midst of rubble. When I came out into the living room, I said to my boyfriend at the time "Something bad just happened in India". Only to stare at the news on the television that Pakistan had been hit by a monumental earthquake and thousands were dead. If there have been other moments like that since then, I truly can't remember. I have a very busy brain.
But I digress, so let's start by saying I do believe in life after death, and by calling what I am by what mainstream calls people like me, psychic. While I call myself psychic as that particular word is universal, it still has a negative connotation attached to it for me and I grapple with that daily. It's just easier to use than Clairvoyant.
The Wiktionary gives two definitions for intuition. Clairvoyance falls under the second one.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly and is broken down into five categories of abilities as it were: Clairsentience (feeling); Clairaudient (hearing); clairalience (smelling); claircognizance (intrincisally knowing); and clairgustance (taste). I am clairsentient, audient, and cognizant. I am hoping that as time moves on, that my ability to add at least clairalience to my repertoire happens. Selfish? Maybe, but imagine being able to attach a specific smell to a certain loved one being present. For example, and this is an EXAMPLE only, this hasn't happened - yet. A querent is told by the reader that they can smell lavender and it just happens to turn out that the deceased Aunt Mary used to wear a lavender-scented perfume.
About intuition. People can read people (i.e. happy, sad, excited, truth, lie). Look at the show 'Lie to Me'. There is a science in reading people by their actions (or inactions). Gavin DeBecker's book, "The Gift of Fear" explains it further by acknowledging that we have been raised since birth to recognize human indicators, no matter how subtle. This is intuition.
I'll use the ever prevalent existence of domestic violence as an example. You have someone your dating, your friends don't approve of, and you turn on the blinders to indicators (drinker, smoker, partier) all for the sake of your new found love. As weeks progress to months, Mr. Wonderful calls you "stupid". You say, "he's just mad" and leave the comment alone. The verbal comments are followed by a few drinks, you work things out. Then the drinking ramps up, and the first physical altercation occurs. Well, the warning signs were there, you have just chosen to put them on ignore by using the proverbial "I can help him change", instead of turning tail and running in the opposite direction. That is ignoring your intuition. Every signal has pointed towards this person not being one you should have in your life and you've ignored every single signal that's been thrown at you. Know anyone that is or was like that? I sure do (myself included). Start paying attention people! We all have intuition - think of it as perceptive insight. It is "the gut" we all talk about, "if I'd only listened".
Then there is that second definition for intuition that I referred to earlier, and that is "Immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes". This is the one that makes me grapple with the word intuition and thinks that we should assign this meaning as a "sixth sense" as it were. It is clairvoyance, plain and simple. It is knowing before knowing and knowing things that you couldn't possibly have known. Psychics represent the extreme form of intuition. We just had to be called something I guess. We go beyond the normal level of intuition and we have the ability to communicate with energies that have left their earthly bodies. I'm sure we've all heard stories similar to the example "I just had to move" and then a car crash happens and you would've been at the point of impact had you not moved. That is clairvoyant, and I firmly believe we all have a bit of it. That knowing without knowing why we know. Our "gut instinct".
When I see things (I see dead people, ha ha ha), particularly when a deceased loved one is involved, I have my own personal movie screen at the back of my head. I am shown things like a real life movie is being played in my brain. I can also hold something that belonged to said party and draw them in closer to my line of vision. Yes, faint signals exist, and they can be made stronger by having a belonging of the dearly departed. I also hear things. I get spoken to by the other side. I have even been known to take on a bit of their personality or have said things exactly like the dearly departed used to. That's part of claircognizance (the taking on of someone is clairsentient - one aspect of feeling - I can physically feel what they're like - I can do that with live people too, take on their feelings). I live the second meaning of intuition. Once again, I am clairaudient, sentient, and cognizant. 3 out of 5 ain't bad right? Right!
Just ask me about the ring from one reading (the person brought the wrong ring and I told them as much) or a painted wall from another (when I'd never been to their house, and no, not everybody paints a wall red).
On a final note, I do have one prediction to make, and it is based in both worlds and it encompasses both meanings of intuition. I will expand on it in my next blog, but it is based on the earthly world I observe on a daily basis, but there is also an element to it, that I can't possibly know. I just FEEL it, I KNOW it. , t's my clairvoyance speaking loud and clear, and I'm fully prepared to face the onslaught, but when I've trusted "my gut", I've never been wrong.
Until then, happy thoughts to you all (the world could use a lot more love right now)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Ability to See Beyond
Due to recent events in my life, I've finally decided to "come out" as it were. You see, I'm psychic. I know, I know......here comes another loony out of the bin hey?! No! As my friends will verify, while I might be a firecracker, there is nothing wrong with my sanity. The things I have "seen" and the encounters that I have had have not only led me to the brink of questioning my own sanity, but have now culminated in my coming out. I have a gift. A gift for sharing.
Once again, and for the record, I am perfectly sane. I am here to tell you that psychics do exist. Real ones.
I decided to treat myself to Clint Eastwood's "Hereafter", and I must say I commend him for two things:
1) Great job on portraying the "hoakies". You know, the fishers that gather a crowd and ask the oh so vague "I'm getting a J in the room, can someone relate to this?" Of course in a room of 100 that one will stand up and say yes (I even bet more than one).
2) Casting Matt Damon as the psychic who leaves his gift behind due to being overwhelmed by the curse he feels it is, and Matt Damon's portrayal of a psychic.
You know, I tried Googling around to see who Mr. Eastwood may have gathered his information from in order to portray all characters so well. I met with dead ends. But I will say this. Do not be too surprised if a psychic from days gone by winds up back in television land.
Being a psychic isn't easy. The chatter is almost constant and it's still something I am learning to negotiate. Don't get me wrong, I've always had that "sixth sense" but I spent the first 19 years of my life keeping it pretty quiet for fear of being thrown in the insane asylum and the next 20 years putting myself into situations that led me to my "real life" crisis and coming out. I have come out the other side, and am now for the other side. Nobody can lock me away now, and I intend to embrace it wholeheartedly.
My most recent adventure came last Friday. Foreshadowing or "what I put out there"? The decision is yours. For me, it was a foreshadow I jokingly laughed away. How could something so simple as a jacket be the source of such laughter, shock, and amazement, I mean it's only a jacket right? Well, again the decision is yours. As I was heading out the door for an evening out, I laughingly said to my husband "Which coat should I wear (pause and point) nope, not my leather one (pause and grab).....this is the one (a black, lightweight jean type jacket) because if it gets stolen it doesn't matter." ha ha....jokes on me. As we were getting ready to leave the establishment my friend and I were at, I went to grab my jacket off of my seat and yep, you guessed it.........gone. You see, I needed to step away for a moment and said to myself "put your keys in your pants pocket so you have them ready for leaving". I didn't, talking myself out of it because I was heading to the powder room and would be only a minute. I was right though, no big deal because the keys had no identifiers, and I was not attached to the jacket at all. It had been well loved and adorned. Call it what you will, but I don't usually run around second guessing anything I say, especially if it's in the form of a joke. I've told my husband the next time I joke about something like that, that he's supposed to give me "the look". That look being "are you getting a 'ping'" look.
That's what I've decided to call them. I've decided to call them pings. Those moments when I get information that I need to be listening to, or when I have a message for someone. I am not a fisher. When I have something to say from someone from the other side, the message is loud and clear. I always have a validating moment.
One of those moments came about two months ago when I was asked to help someone in need. Now just so you know, I charge for readings, but there are a few key people in my life that will always have the help when they need it, and for free. This was help for one of those key people, and identifiers have been left out in order to honor the sensitivity of this particular reading.
I sat down with a lady who had lost an adult child and she brought a ring that had belong to said child. I had never met this lady before and only knew of her loss. That's all I knew. I didn't ask for the ring right away as there is always a brief time of settling into one another's space when I do readings. When I did, the ring sat on my hand, and I said, "This isn't the ring, where's the other ring?" I then proceeded to describe it "silver color, but not silver, with etchings around it". A look nothing shy of astonishment came across her face and knowing full well which ring I was talking about, I was informed of the fact that another family member had it, and that it was a platinum (which looks like silver) ring and had etchings on it. 'Nuf said.
Since then we have had a second encounter, the details of which I will not reveal, but it was stronger than the first one. Let's just say I asked where a certain picture was (giving descriptors of the people, clothing, etc.) and I was told she had just had it in her hand the other day. I knew because I was shown it by the loved one from the other side.
Our loved ones never leave us. Ever.........
Until next encounter..............
Once again, and for the record, I am perfectly sane. I am here to tell you that psychics do exist. Real ones.
I decided to treat myself to Clint Eastwood's "Hereafter", and I must say I commend him for two things:
1) Great job on portraying the "hoakies". You know, the fishers that gather a crowd and ask the oh so vague "I'm getting a J in the room, can someone relate to this?" Of course in a room of 100 that one will stand up and say yes (I even bet more than one).
2) Casting Matt Damon as the psychic who leaves his gift behind due to being overwhelmed by the curse he feels it is, and Matt Damon's portrayal of a psychic.
You know, I tried Googling around to see who Mr. Eastwood may have gathered his information from in order to portray all characters so well. I met with dead ends. But I will say this. Do not be too surprised if a psychic from days gone by winds up back in television land.
Being a psychic isn't easy. The chatter is almost constant and it's still something I am learning to negotiate. Don't get me wrong, I've always had that "sixth sense" but I spent the first 19 years of my life keeping it pretty quiet for fear of being thrown in the insane asylum and the next 20 years putting myself into situations that led me to my "real life" crisis and coming out. I have come out the other side, and am now for the other side. Nobody can lock me away now, and I intend to embrace it wholeheartedly.
My most recent adventure came last Friday. Foreshadowing or "what I put out there"? The decision is yours. For me, it was a foreshadow I jokingly laughed away. How could something so simple as a jacket be the source of such laughter, shock, and amazement, I mean it's only a jacket right? Well, again the decision is yours. As I was heading out the door for an evening out, I laughingly said to my husband "Which coat should I wear (pause and point) nope, not my leather one (pause and grab).....this is the one (a black, lightweight jean type jacket) because if it gets stolen it doesn't matter." ha ha....jokes on me. As we were getting ready to leave the establishment my friend and I were at, I went to grab my jacket off of my seat and yep, you guessed it.........gone. You see, I needed to step away for a moment and said to myself "put your keys in your pants pocket so you have them ready for leaving". I didn't, talking myself out of it because I was heading to the powder room and would be only a minute. I was right though, no big deal because the keys had no identifiers, and I was not attached to the jacket at all. It had been well loved and adorned. Call it what you will, but I don't usually run around second guessing anything I say, especially if it's in the form of a joke. I've told my husband the next time I joke about something like that, that he's supposed to give me "the look". That look being "are you getting a 'ping'" look.
That's what I've decided to call them. I've decided to call them pings. Those moments when I get information that I need to be listening to, or when I have a message for someone. I am not a fisher. When I have something to say from someone from the other side, the message is loud and clear. I always have a validating moment.
One of those moments came about two months ago when I was asked to help someone in need. Now just so you know, I charge for readings, but there are a few key people in my life that will always have the help when they need it, and for free. This was help for one of those key people, and identifiers have been left out in order to honor the sensitivity of this particular reading.
I sat down with a lady who had lost an adult child and she brought a ring that had belong to said child. I had never met this lady before and only knew of her loss. That's all I knew. I didn't ask for the ring right away as there is always a brief time of settling into one another's space when I do readings. When I did, the ring sat on my hand, and I said, "This isn't the ring, where's the other ring?" I then proceeded to describe it "silver color, but not silver, with etchings around it". A look nothing shy of astonishment came across her face and knowing full well which ring I was talking about, I was informed of the fact that another family member had it, and that it was a platinum (which looks like silver) ring and had etchings on it. 'Nuf said.
Since then we have had a second encounter, the details of which I will not reveal, but it was stronger than the first one. Let's just say I asked where a certain picture was (giving descriptors of the people, clothing, etc.) and I was told she had just had it in her hand the other day. I knew because I was shown it by the loved one from the other side.
Our loved ones never leave us. Ever.........
Until next encounter..............
Friday, February 19, 2010
Bad Behaviors and Accountability - a musing on Tiger Woods
So, I have to say, I TRIED to watch Tiger's apology to the world this morning, and I just couldn't stomach it. I readily admit I have an addictive type personality and I've had my moments where I've had to contend with it.
As an adult, I fully accept responsibility for anything I've done on this planet. Not once have I blamed ANYONE or ANYTHING for any of my behavior or choices made on this planet! And I will back that up by saying that it took a good counsellor several years ago to tell me I was not "responsible". She was right, I blamed everybody but myself for what was going on at the time, and it was only when I took that good hard look at myself that I started taking steps to becoming the woman I am today. I gave myself one more really hard lesson after the counselling sessions, but again, I am all the stronger and that much more accountable/responsible because of it.
The finally oiled machine that is Tiger Woods stepped up to the plate and failed to deliver. I commend him for setting the record straight and sticking up for his family, for that I give him a round of applause, but as for the rest, really?! I actually found myself changing the channel about two-thirds of the way through because I just couldn't stomach it anymore. Why is that? I think it's because I have looked people straight in the face and said, "this is what I did, and I'm not proud", and now have the ability to say "what a learning lesson I gave myself". There is shame that is associated with bad behavior and the ability to look someone in the eye and tell your story. Not ONCE was there a level of shame shown by Tiger that is necessary to be responsible for one's actions. I would like to say that maybe, just "maybe" they had to medicate him in order to make it through his session, but that is only a conjecture on my part.
I will say I truly do feel sorry for Tiger's wife and children. They didn't ask for this. Bad behaviors are never easy to deal with, and I couldn't imagine being involved with someone in the limelight who was supposed to lead by example.......and didn't.
As an adult, I fully accept responsibility for anything I've done on this planet. Not once have I blamed ANYONE or ANYTHING for any of my behavior or choices made on this planet! And I will back that up by saying that it took a good counsellor several years ago to tell me I was not "responsible". She was right, I blamed everybody but myself for what was going on at the time, and it was only when I took that good hard look at myself that I started taking steps to becoming the woman I am today. I gave myself one more really hard lesson after the counselling sessions, but again, I am all the stronger and that much more accountable/responsible because of it.
The finally oiled machine that is Tiger Woods stepped up to the plate and failed to deliver. I commend him for setting the record straight and sticking up for his family, for that I give him a round of applause, but as for the rest, really?! I actually found myself changing the channel about two-thirds of the way through because I just couldn't stomach it anymore. Why is that? I think it's because I have looked people straight in the face and said, "this is what I did, and I'm not proud", and now have the ability to say "what a learning lesson I gave myself". There is shame that is associated with bad behavior and the ability to look someone in the eye and tell your story. Not ONCE was there a level of shame shown by Tiger that is necessary to be responsible for one's actions. I would like to say that maybe, just "maybe" they had to medicate him in order to make it through his session, but that is only a conjecture on my part.
I will say I truly do feel sorry for Tiger's wife and children. They didn't ask for this. Bad behaviors are never easy to deal with, and I couldn't imagine being involved with someone in the limelight who was supposed to lead by example.......and didn't.
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