So, I spent the day couch and internet surfing since I surrendered to my cold. How quickly I was reminded of the fact that everything happens for a reason. Bored, I needed to do some further research to get pushed in the direction I am needing at this time. For those that know me, I want you to read the following, and tell me how much that does sound like me. For those that don't and are reading this, I ask if you know someone that fits the descriptors below. What follows is how I see the story of my life and some of these traits are recently added to my repertoire:
Have an inherent sense of the connection to all things - Universe and Oneness
Are highly intelligent - in their OWN unique way.
Are very creative and enjoy making things, especially working with their hands.
They know that they are different, and have felt that through their lives - as if they are "wired" differently internally.
They question everything. Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something. A typical answer to a question or statement is WHY are you asking? WHY do you want to know?
Will often reject things, situations or people that aren't worth their time or energy
Experience great boredom in school and rebelled inwardly or externally against "homework", authoritive figures and school structures.
Have a strong connection or are involved with animal and human rights situations.
Have a strong connection with nature - animals, trees, plants, water.
Often feel like they have better relationships with animals than with people.
Have a strong sense of ethics and justice
May experience depression, apathy, cynicism, contemplated suicide especially in teenage/adolescent years
Have had a sense of betrayal in life people and subsequent trust issues.
Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone.
Have deep empathy and compassion for people.
Love being touched and hugged - may have been very devoid of that growing up, and now crave it.
Are intolerant of stupidity - behavior, actions, words, viewpoints
Have felt very misunderstood through their life.
Have a deep longing to find others like them - kindred spirits, soulmates, twin souls.
Show the full range of the emotional spectrum - from spontaneous and instant crying to lack of expression.
May have difficulty expressing anger constructively.
May go through a period of "dark night of the soul" where they feel they have gone to "hell and back".
They rebel against systems they consider dysfunctional, broken, ineffective ie. political, educational, relationship, medical, legal.
Do not hold any biases towards sexuality and gender - may be explorative with alternative forms of sexuality.
They feel a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stumped or confused about what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
Showing or having psychic or spiritual interest or abilities fairly young - in or before teen years.
Had few if any Indigo role models and support structures.
Are highly intuitive - very psychic - can show gifts in healing, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.
Random behavior or thought pattern (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD))
May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, start tasks but never finish.
May often start sentences and never finish because the thought is already "way ahead of the mouth".
Are mentally and energetically very speedy - are capable of retaining large amounts of information and memory.
Are very sensitive in all areas - food, additives, emotional, chemicals, electrical, pesticides
May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
Will go through a time of awakening and seeking a deeper meaning to their life and understanding about the world and how they fit in.
They're called Indigo Adults, and when I read the descriptors I would've fallen over backwards if I wasn't already on the couch. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I am an Indigo Adult. I had no idea until today. I am finally glad to be "home". I have arrived.
I had the experience of remoting in to two preemies today. Right down to knowing about the heart murmur one of them has. I knew they were baby boys. I was asked if I knew the person when I talked about these two. I, replied, "No." which was said, "Do you know them?"......"Nope", I replied. "But how did you...". To which I replied, I remoted viewed. I'm psychic. Or as I now say, clairvoyant. Blessings to the babies. They are surrounded in love.
Hi Donna, don't know if you'll remember me from way back in the beginnings of the Kamloops derby league. Anyways I just started looking into your facebook page which led me to your website, which led me to your blog, which led me to wondering if you wrote about your derby experience and I came across this post about the indigo adult. I started reading it, well skimming it, then I sat up a bit straighter in my chair and re-read all those points. Aside from maybe 5 total points that are not quite in tune, this reads as me.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I felt like it was important to connect. I don't know why, or what it means, but I needed to post this.
Take Care,
P.S My heart feels like it's trying to jump out of my chest and I'm having weird hand tremors. Something is connecting your post to me...But I sure as heck don't know why or what that means...