Friday, November 5, 2010

Lunatic Fringe aka Being Psychic

DISCLAIMER: Take from this what you will. Believe it or not, that's okay too.

I was asked not long ago, what being psychic is like for me and it has urged me to write this particular post. (As an aside, I am working on a book of sorts right now which delves more into detail, but I am not focused on an end result as it is more for me than anyone else at this point and time.) I'm going to share an excerpt of what I've written and use that to delve into more....

"I must start by saying that I grew up in a very loving, non-denominational home. My mother had been raised a certain way religiously, and my father came from a strict home that he left at 16. They raised my brother and I in a home with no religious bounds as we were bound to no religion. My first recollection of being psychic is seeing “shadow people” at the age of three. Three? Yes, one never forgets someone showing up in the form of a silhouette. The most vivid recollection at an early age is the shadow people showing up in a mirror across from my bed. I was about five years old. First it was a silhouette of a head that resembled my grandfather, shortly followed by a horse. A few days later we were off to my grandparents ranch. A few years later, I had a dream about my mom, brother, and I being trapped in our car, a blue datsun, by a huge tree that fell over it. About a week later my mom was trapped in our blue datsun by a man in an Oldsmobile-like car that had t-boned her vehicle on the driver’s side. If she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt she probably would have been dead."

Stuff like this happens to me ALL the time, and I mean ALL the time. Only now I hardly dream about it because most of my daytime is filled with "pings". I live in the moments. In fact, if I do dream, I rarely remember them. And when I do remember them, they seem to be a tool used to process daily events and very rarely are they predictive in nature. The odd predictive one still sneaks in once in awhile, but the last time I can honestly say I had an immediate one was October 2005 when I woke from a dream of people screaming in the midst of rubble. When I came out into the living room, I said to my boyfriend at the time "Something bad just happened in India". Only to stare at the news on the television that Pakistan had been hit by a monumental earthquake and thousands were dead. If there have been other moments like that since then, I truly can't remember. I have a very busy brain.

But I digress, so let's start by saying I do believe in life after death, and by calling what I am by what mainstream calls people like me, psychic. While I call myself psychic as that particular word is universal, it still has a negative connotation attached to it for me and I grapple with that daily. It's just easier to use than Clairvoyant.

The Wiktionary gives two definitions for intuition. Clairvoyance falls under the second one.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly and is broken down into five categories of abilities as it were: Clairsentience (feeling); Clairaudient (hearing); clairalience (smelling); claircognizance (intrincisally knowing); and clairgustance (taste). I am clairsentient, audient, and cognizant. I am hoping that as time moves on, that my ability to add at least clairalience to my repertoire happens. Selfish? Maybe, but imagine being able to attach a specific smell to a certain loved one being present. For example, and this is an EXAMPLE only, this hasn't happened - yet. A querent is told by the reader that they can smell lavender and it just happens to turn out that the deceased Aunt Mary used to wear a lavender-scented perfume.

About intuition. People can read people (i.e. happy, sad, excited, truth, lie). Look at the show 'Lie to Me'. There is a science in reading people by their actions (or inactions). Gavin DeBecker's book, "The Gift of Fear" explains it further by acknowledging that we have been raised since birth to recognize human indicators, no matter how subtle. This is intuition.

I'll use the ever prevalent existence of domestic violence as an example. You have someone your dating, your friends don't approve of, and you turn on the blinders to indicators (drinker, smoker, partier) all for the sake of your new found love. As weeks progress to months, Mr. Wonderful calls you "stupid". You say, "he's just mad" and leave the comment alone. The verbal comments are followed by a few drinks, you work things out. Then the drinking ramps up, and the first physical altercation occurs. Well, the warning signs were there, you have just chosen to put them on ignore by using the proverbial "I can help him change", instead of turning tail and running in the opposite direction. That is ignoring your intuition. Every signal has pointed towards this person not being one you should have in your life and you've ignored every single signal that's been thrown at you. Know anyone that is or was like that? I sure do (myself included). Start paying attention people! We all have intuition - think of it as perceptive insight. It is "the gut" we all talk about, "if I'd only listened".

Then there is that second definition for intuition that I referred to earlier, and that is "Immediate cognition without the use of conscious rational processes". This is the one that makes me grapple with the word intuition and thinks that we should assign this meaning as a "sixth sense" as it were. It is clairvoyance, plain and simple. It is knowing before knowing and knowing things that you couldn't possibly have known. Psychics represent the extreme form of intuition. We just had to be called something I guess. We go beyond the normal level of intuition and we have the ability to communicate with energies that have left their earthly bodies. I'm sure we've all heard stories similar to the example "I just had to move" and then a car crash happens and you would've been at the point of impact had you not moved. That is clairvoyant, and I firmly believe we all have a bit of it. That knowing without knowing why we know. Our "gut instinct".

When I see things (I see dead people, ha ha ha), particularly when a deceased loved one is involved, I have my own personal movie screen at the back of my head. I am shown things like a real life movie is being played in my brain. I can also hold something that belonged to said party and draw them in closer to my line of vision. Yes, faint signals exist, and they can be made stronger by having a belonging of the dearly departed. I also hear things. I get spoken to by the other side. I have even been known to take on a bit of their personality or have said things exactly like the dearly departed used to. That's part of claircognizance (the taking on of someone is clairsentient - one aspect of feeling - I can physically feel what they're like - I can do that with live people too, take on their feelings). I live the second meaning of intuition. Once again, I am clairaudient, sentient, and cognizant. 3 out of 5 ain't bad right? Right!

Just ask me about the ring from one reading (the person brought the wrong ring and I told them as much) or a painted wall from another (when I'd never been to their house, and no, not everybody paints a wall red).

On a final note, I do have one prediction to make, and it is based in both worlds and it encompasses both meanings of intuition. I will expand on it in my next blog, but it is based on the earthly world I observe on a daily basis, but there is also an element to it, that I can't possibly know. I just FEEL it, I KNOW it. , t's my clairvoyance speaking loud and clear, and I'm fully prepared to face the onslaught, but when I've trusted "my gut", I've never been wrong.

Until then, happy thoughts to you all (the world could use a lot more love right now)

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