Friday, March 25, 2011

Ability vs. Gift - Oh how I continue to grow.

So, I have to say, if ever messages from the Other Side were coming through, these days see not a minute go by without someone or something arriving.    I have watched John Edward on two different shows in the last week and a half, and I am reminded of a blog I wrote soon after watching the movie, Hereafter, with Matt Damon.  Now, I am not going to say I'm right, but gosh, could I be closer?  I had said not to be surprised if a psychic comes back to TVland.  Well, while I cannot confirm that Hereafter may be based on his life, one of my favorite psychics, John Edward, is starting a tour once again, while promoting his new book "Infinite Quest". 

There have been three psychics that I have always been drawn to.  Sylvia Browne, John Edward, and James Van Praagh.  Boy am I glad to see John Edward conveying what I feel may be the final piece for me to move forward confidently.  John Edward gives people the tools to experience connecting to passed loved ones.  He does not advocate that his new book is to allow people to run out there and start making money doing what he does.  Instead, he encourages the use of his book to allow people to open to the possibility of receiving messages from their passed loved ones, angels, and guides without the use of a psychic medium.  How brilliant.  He's right, and it's time for me to get on with workshops. 

However, I have come to an even better understanding of things thanks to all the help I've been receiving from psychic mediums making guest appearances and offering up books for help.  With special thanks to John Edward for putting a better spin on things for me.  And, as always, a veteran in the field has some pretty vital information for someone like me.  Information I immediately took to heart.  You see, how John Edward worded what he does is one of the best ways for any psychic medium to word what they are able to do.  I even used the word in the preceding sentence.  I am "able".   What I have is an ability to communicate with the dead.  What I leave people with is a gift.  When I have said I have a gift, I don't believe I should be.  John Edward stated that by saying it's a gift gives the impression that I am better than other people.  Well, I'm human, that's it.  I have an ability to communicate with passed loved ones, angels, and guides, and the ability to see things not yet present or things that have come to pass. 

Of all the spirits working by my side, I can now add my beloved father to the mix, and let me tell you, his visits have been not in the dream state I have been expecting, but loving hands placed on mine during a cry, to the point of turning my right hand ice cold.  While I don't have all of the answers, and because they don't have formal training for psychics, I know in my heart of hearts that it is him.  Having made his transition, and knowing his daughter has the ability to see beyond the physical realm, it has made contact that much easier. 

I also discovered something even more remarkable.  I have always known that my ability comes from my dad's side of the family (love you mom). And, as I sat very early on this Friday morning reading and doing one of the exercises in the book, I made a discovery.  It chilled me to the bone.  My "angel" Jonathan that I've talked about is my great grandfather.  Of all the things, I just received a history of the "Hartt" line and my dad's grandfather was John.  I am hoping to see a picture of him soon.  While Jonathan shines in gold he is tall (about 6 feet) and sturdy.  He has narrow features and is stalky.  Now, as I sat doing this exercise thinking of all of my team working with me, I started listing all of my helpers over there when I came across the astouding moment of realizing just who Jonathan was.  I would have never put the link together, but now, thanks to my dad, I can.  My dad is always doing stuff like that these days.  From a lone buck to a lone mountain goat, or even the gift of history, he is always helping out.  I love it!

What I want to tell you is that our loved ones want is nothing more than to be able to reach those of us still in the human world.  It is also our responsibility to stop sloughing "signs" off as coincidence.  From waking up at a certain time to certain numbers always being noticed, they are always trying to communicate with us.  We just have to take the signs for face value and stop trying to "ego" it away.

I have had "1-1's" for weeks now.  311, 811, 211, always with the ones.  My angels and guides converse with me in numbers, my father with animals and cold right hand, and everyone else that comes through with whatever images they deem fit.  It really can be perfectly random to me, but will always hit home with a client.  It is up to us to become "tuned in" as it were, and allow ourselves to be open to receiving messages from those on the other side.  I am not advocating that everyone run around and turn themselves into a psychic.  It really is a huge responsibility.  What I am advocating is allowing yourself to be open to the possibility of receiving messages from not only family passed, but your own angels and guides too.  Tuning in to a better frequency to help out in life is always a leg up.  I mean, how many times have you banged your head against the wall going, "If only I hadn't", or "I should have - blank - but didn't".  "If only I'd listened to my gut".  (That's where free will comes in - but that's another blog for another time).  Wouldn't you love to be a little more tuned in to allow yourself to be guided by spirit along the way? 

The answer should be yes.

Love and Light.

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