"What if the very foundation of mankind is about to be rumbled???" Vague. Sure. Right. Yes. People could say one could read whatever one wants to into the statement I made in my December 2, 201 blog, but I'll tell you this. The foundation of mankind has been rocked. An earthquake measuring 8.2 hit Japan. The tsunami that followed was devastating. Is it over? No.
Now, it doesn't take a scientist to figure this out. I get that. However, I am not an earthquake expert and not more than an hour ago, an aftershock of 6.2 hit. They will continue, and there will be worse. Japan is in a state of emergency and everyone needs to be evacuated. The nuclear plant has exploded and don't let the spindoctors tell you otherwise. Reports of radiated human beings have come in.
All of us need to take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture. The global picture. Japan has just undergone one of the largest earthquakes in history. Libya is at war. North Korea and South Korea are at odds. Civil unrest has ousted the leader of Egypt, and the civil unrest is contagious.
Many religious people would consider this the end of days. What we need to realize is that this an opportunity. An opportunity to be better humans. ALL of us. Whether we believe in a higher power or not the signs of a necessary change cannot be ignored. Personally, as one who does believe in the other side, we are being given the universal bonk on the head as it were. Things MUST change if mankind is to continue because what we're doing right now is NOT working. Who cares about fighting each other anymore, oil does not matter. Humans do.
As I have stated before and I will really say it now. We are coming to a pinnacle. Think of it this way. If one were to draw an "X" consider it a pair of swords crossed. When one gets to the center there are two directions one can take. Let's say that one road leads to certain destruction and one road leads to construction. With construction comes the laying of a strong foundation, and with this pinnacle will come the choice. To build this planet to be the better place it really can be or self-destruct.
I have full faith in the fact that humans will give their heads a shake, come together globally, and start playing nice with each other. I understand we all have our paths to lead regardless of what that might look like, but we do have a choice to do better. We don't need oil, so to heck with the wars. There are so many natural sources of energy someone can think up something kinder for our environment. And what about those trapped in amongst crises? There are people out there trained for this kind of emergency situation. We cannot help the lives lost. And I'm going to say it, because I know that people will say these things. "Consider it population control." "It was their time", etc. It's tragic. Pure and simple. It is devastating. But.....it is also an opportunity for the world to truly wake up.
We have to be better. And by better I mean kinder, gentler, more compassionate, more understanding. None of us are perfect, we are human, but things have to change.
I have to say I don't know how we're going to do it, but maybe it's a sign of the times when companies like Coca-cola (despite being coca-cola) start showing commercials about the things the company is doing to help out on this planet. I know, I know. They're kind of an oxymoron when they still sell 2-litre plastic bottles yet invest in eco-programs, but at least they're getting the idea to start being nice to the planet. Maybe that's what it takes, more commercials. Sometimes I forget that we live in a media driven society, but if that's what it takes to get us back on track, so be it.
My promise to you is this though. And really it's a promise to myself, my family, my friends, and this planet. I will continue to do my part. No more vague if any bells and whistles occur. A message is a message. Plain and simple.
Please, love your loved ones and send out thoughts or prayers to those in need. Miracles can and do happen. Let's send out wishes for a safe evacuation and that Japan gets all the help they need. These are our fellow humans, nothing else matters. Love is the only reality.
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