Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meditation - The Key to Connection

This morning I had the pleasure in participating in a global movement called, "The Master Shift".  A Guided Meditation being hosted throughout the world at the same time for anyone to participate in.

The guided meditation was beautiful and they will be doing another one later on today.  It is in honor of a date and occurrence that will never happen again in time.  The last consecutive date 12-12-12.  Numbers will never fall into alignment like this again.  It truly is a "moment" in time.

At the heart of the meditation was mankind's ability to bond together to create a better planet.  At a few points along the way, I actually found myself welling up with sheer gratitude at just how beautiful the meditation was.  The words of encouragement profound.  Let's just say I've bookmarked the meditation, and it is well worth visiting the site.

What struck me though, was the kindly reminder of just what meditation is.  A moment of inward reflection.  There are alot of beliefs held that meditation is about silencing the mind, but I say this.  It is about turning inward, honoring self, and connecting with the home we call Earth.

Meditation is used to ground, and is a truly vital part of the work I do.  If I do not ground, my abilities as a messenger are "scattered".  It is really easy for me to connect to the Other Side (Heaven, Home, There), I have done it all my life.  The challenge has been to plant my feet firmly on the ground and do the work, and I cannot be the best channel without grounding first.

Here's another kicker for someone like me.  I prefer to meditate alone and send out love and healing to this planet.  I always imagine myself connected to the Universal Energy, and send out my love to all. 

With today's meditation, there was a moment of opening up your palms to receive love, and honor for just how important each and every one of us is.  And, guess what happens when Donna opens up.  She opens up!  And, at a few points along the way, I saw and felt the connection of just how many were participating at the same time I was.  The love was Divine, and I truly did feel a shift.  A shift within.  To a spot where we have all taken a moment to honor that we live in one world.  Together.  And that we truly can change the place we call Home.

My Christmas Wish for this planet is that each and every one of you realize how truly unique, and amazing you are.  We all have the ability to dig deep and truly start reorganizing this planet.  It starts with honoring who we are and what we have the courage to embrace as our role on the planet.

I say it's already started, and it will not end until the true Shift has occurred.  A re-writing of mankind's ways to a helpful and loving environment for everyone to enjoy. 

How?  By taking time each day to connect.  To You.  For in connecting with you, you connect with the ALL.  And when you connect with the All, the magic of your life truly begins.

The Spirit that moves people at this time of year is a Spirit I embrace each and every day of my God-given existence.  Shouldn't we all?

Much love to all.  And a HUGE shoutout to the amazing beings who organized "THE MASTER SHIFT".  Thank you!!

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