Saturday, December 1, 2012

Religion and the Medium

Otherwise known as Beauty and the Beast, part of my existence has clearly been written in order to shift the way people view people like "me".  Not that I have anything to prove, I just have to fulfill my mission - which I am.

I am all for belief systems, for at the heart lies one true thing that binds them commonly.  A belief in a Higher Power.  But, I cannot count how many times I have been met with looks of abject horror from "those of faith".  And, believe me, it isn't just about people like me, it's about piety, and nobody is immune to it's wrath.

It is the reason why I have never been able to conform to any form of what I would call religion.  Some of the mainstays being  Catholicism, Baptist, United, I think you get the idea.  I have always held faith that there had to be something/one larger than me responsible for all of this.

Always felt that.

Today, I find myself in a position to say I consider myself a person of IMMENSE faith.  For a multitude of reasons.  Primary being that I truly connect with Spirit.  How could I not have faith with a job like mine?  Really?! 

Religion has persecuted Mediums and Psychics, and followers have come to see people like me as "spawn" or "evil".   I say this.  Why was I created this way then?  If the Almighty is responsible for life, then why are there people like me and so many more arriving on this planet stronger and stronger?

It is because we are here to shift the way all mankind thinks.  To bring them to a great healing so that we may enjoy peace on Earth like we never had before.  By understanding and witnessing that the Afterlife truly does exist, and that it exists in nothing but Pure Love, a mind is eased, a heart healed, suffering ended.  I have witnessed it time and time again from my sessions and by watching those in the public eye. (You will see me there soon too!).

Myself and others like me are Gamechangers, Angels of Mercy, Bringers of Light.  We ease people because of what we are able to do, and there is not another job in the world like it.  Yes, there are charlatans out there that give the rest of us out there a bad name, but they will soon fall away too.  We are ALL taken care of.  And, those with the purest of intentions prevail.  They always have, and that's why I will.  I was born to do this and I do it with all the love in my heart.

Every day I am grateful for being blessed with this ability.  It NEVER ceases to amaze me.  I am blessed to be able to reach so many, and be of service to this planet.

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