Friday, April 1, 2011

The 4-1-1

NOTE:  This is my frame of reference, take from it what you will.

For the last little while I have been seeing "1-1's", 8-1-1, 2-1-1, etc.  I think you get the idea.  Well, the latest series has been 4-1-1 to no exception (the waking up at 4:11am hasn't been fun).  I can't count how many times in the last little while I've seen "4-1-1".  Anyways, today, if written in one particular way, would be 4/1/11.  Thus the blog and information (411) for today.  Yes, that is how easily our guides work with us.  Number trends.  (It is at this time that I direct you to go inwards when you are getting a number sequence and evaluate what it is that has been going through your mind at those times - it can often be information about that).  And of special note, the above information was not made clear until after meditation, thus the blog and information, the "4-1-1" as it were.

I was told in a reading, that my energy connects straight to the iron core of the earth.  What I gathered from this was a realization that only came about today.  So I'm going to back track just a moment to set the scene.

I began my morning with connection to self.  Before starting meditation, I said a prayer, laying my intent for meditation.  I always ask for the best possible information and that any insights be given in order to make any adjustments necessary, and ALWAYS give thanks.

One of my favorite meditations is a chakra sound meditation I found on Youtube.  Meditation serves many purposes, but for me, my primary focus is balance and protection.  Along the way as I enter a deeper meditative state as one can get in 10 minutes (note - with practice comes deeper meditative state faster), I draw energy from the root to the crown (earth to sky), imagining energy flowing from source to me to earth and back again.  Along the way I pay attention to each chakra as follows:

Red - Root (imagine the bottom of your tailbone area) - Earth
Orange - Sacral (about belly button area) - Gut/Instinct
Yellow - Solar Plexus (no explanation required) - Seat of Emotions/Source
Green (Pink) - Heart - Love
Blue - Throat - Voice
Indigo - 3rd Eye = Intuition/Cognition
Violet - Crown - Connection to Source

It is after this that I once again surround myself with the white light of Universal Love and Protection and have time to "hear" any information I am supposed to.  Then as the last bells chime, I start returning to present and allow myself to come back to the room as it were.  It really is that simple, and I firmly believe meditation is something we should all try to do.  Thus why I'm sending out this lesson of love today.  Anyways, as usual, I digress.  Back to the information.

During meditation today, I clued in to a very important thing with respect to a piece of information I was given during a reading.  My connection to the earth's core, the iron core.  Now, I will say that it doesn't mean I'm anything special, but during today's meditation I figured out what it means for me.  Again, my understanding, take from it what you will. 

As a psychic medium, establishing a connection with the earth's core is vital to tapping in.  It is the deepest connection possible.  It is at this time that I send out healing thoughts to our planet and to those that inhabit it.  It allows me to tap into the energies like tapping into earthquakes.  (See previous blog about Japan).  It allows me to FEEL what's going on within the heart of it all.  The core of the earth.  The earth's heartbeat.  The shift and shifting.   

From root (the very root) to Source, the lines are made open through meditation.  And meditation today was a very humbling experience.  I learned so much today for which I am eternally grateful.

We all have intuition ready at the wait when we're ready to start using it.  I say now, meditation helps that connection even more.  By grounding, centering, and focusing, we allow ourselves to slip away from the human experience of ego and just BE.

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