Monday, April 11, 2011

A Deer In The Stars

After my morning meditation today, I was led to my Faeries' Oracle Cards by Brian Froud.  They are a very loving and gentle deck.  They don't call for too many people too often, but when they do, their impact can be, and usually is, profound.  Today was no exception for me.

The card that is the last card to be addressed in most spreads was Ekstasis, which is a series of stars from which a deer emerges.  Well, as you can imagine, given everything deer related I talked about last blog, I was taken aback because that is how my dad communicates with me, and now my friend as well.  But above all, it was the message behind the message - the deer in the stars.  My dad.  My new helper.  My family's newest angel.  A love that crosses over into the physical realm and leaps out in a card.  One card.  One Deer.  It is always a single deer and it is a testament of love  Pure love.  The purest of all.  Love from the Other Side.

Our loved ones are dying to communicate with us, literally and figuratively (sorry couldn't resist the pun - mybad - comes with the territory).  They want the lines open, and once again, I realize that I am the mediator if communication hasn't been established.  Once it's open, it's open.  The end.  It is love that crosses those barriers between the physical and the spiritual.  Only love. 

So, motivated by love, a psychic medium reaches out to the world, with love, hoping that these blogs find you reaching out to your loved ones to open the phone lines.


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