The Ettiquette of Readings:
Consider this information lovingly provided. Please honor that every Medium has their own guidelines, but I firmly believe we have a lot of them in common:
I am going to use two examples of readings I have had in the past. They will be vague so that the people involved can be honored. It is that person's story to tell. Not mine. Confidentiality is EVERYTHING to this Medium.
1) Expect the Unexpected
This means several things. I am the vessel. That's it. Period. I am only used to convey messages from the Other Side. Think of me like a table. You are on one side, I am the table in the middle, and Spirit sits across from you and speaks via me. The Table is the facilitator. Me. THAT IS IT!
When I say, "Expect the Unexptected". I mean it. For instance, I had the pleasure of reading a family. By what most would call pure fluke. Fluke does not exist in my vocabulary save this blog.
I never know how I am going to be used, it is the Mission on my Soul Chart (Contract). It is once again, "I'm the vessel". And this family was very remarkable. My last count was approximately six people came through related, unrelated, friends, neighbors, males, females. You name it I had them. Let's just say I made mom uneasy because how could a complete stranger know this stuff. It's because I have the "non-form"/Spirit/Soul....pick a word with me using me as the means of communication. Period.
If, however, we are very lost in the grief of it, whether it's 10 years or 10 days, we get our expectations up and that can be the ONLY person they want to talk to. Guess what, the person trying to get the reading is blocking the process. And, no matter how many people I present that they could say yes to, didn't matter. Yeah, didn't go so well.
I am a Medium. I do my job. My job is to let them use me to communicate. I NEVER stand in the road. The grieving person can. Period. And, I will know when I am no longer of service. I back off and try to offer some level of comfort. It is all I can do.
2) This is often just as astounding for me as it is for you.
I have just allowed myself to be the vessel. It is true. I met an amazing family and their loved ones, friends, family, neighbors. It ROCKED!
I never know what I am going to be shown. But there is always something. It is part of my role to validate your loved one truly there.
I have had readings where I have led them to three or four things and they still want more proof! That's when I have this to say. It does not take me to see your loved ones. However, part of my role is to validate experiences that you may be encountering. Without you saying a word.
Some of the things I've seen and/or are shown and draw or speak to are simply astounding. Ages, Birthday, how they passed, maybe that they weren't always the best communicater. I have even gone so far as to draw a spiral one time that later jarred a memory of a deceased relative's jewellery and all they wanted was a spiral ring.
Again...........SEE 1) Expect the Unexpected.
What I Would Have You Know as the Veil is thinnest between Here and There.
That's Right, right this minute and through All Saints Day. Oct. 30 - Nov 1. 2012.
Pull out your loved ones belongings if you have any, bake their favorite meal, sing their favorite song. WHAT EVER IT IS that you are driven, or led, to. It will draw them near. And, be prepared for pennies in your path, a feather floating down, someone out the corner of your eye. And one of my all time favorites..............flickering lights. Also, ORBS. What would appear to be "dust on your camera" isn't always. It is our loved ones. (See the pic I just changed to in order to see above my head - my dad - and friends' heads too..........unbelievable).
Oh and watch for numbers in series you see often. It is your care team saying hi! See the lovely Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Handbook or Google her Angel Numbers Meanings.
She is to be truly honored for her amazing contributions to this planet.
I know today's winner of my Free Reading has a doozy of a story. But I will see if I can get her to share her experience when done, and I will share mine.
WHAT FUN!!!! I have all sorts of reminders of all those past, all those who have come back to me, and all those that are HERE right now.....................and THERE!!!!!!!!!
Happy Honouring!!!!!!!!!!!
Consider this information lovingly provided. Please honor that every Medium has their own guidelines, but I firmly believe we have a lot of them in common:
I am going to use two examples of readings I have had in the past. They will be vague so that the people involved can be honored. It is that person's story to tell. Not mine. Confidentiality is EVERYTHING to this Medium.
1) Expect the Unexpected
This means several things. I am the vessel. That's it. Period. I am only used to convey messages from the Other Side. Think of me like a table. You are on one side, I am the table in the middle, and Spirit sits across from you and speaks via me. The Table is the facilitator. Me. THAT IS IT!
When I say, "Expect the Unexptected". I mean it. For instance, I had the pleasure of reading a family. By what most would call pure fluke. Fluke does not exist in my vocabulary save this blog.
I never know how I am going to be used, it is the Mission on my Soul Chart (Contract). It is once again, "I'm the vessel". And this family was very remarkable. My last count was approximately six people came through related, unrelated, friends, neighbors, males, females. You name it I had them. Let's just say I made mom uneasy because how could a complete stranger know this stuff. It's because I have the "non-form"/Spirit/Soul....pick a word with me using me as the means of communication. Period.
If, however, we are very lost in the grief of it, whether it's 10 years or 10 days, we get our expectations up and that can be the ONLY person they want to talk to. Guess what, the person trying to get the reading is blocking the process. And, no matter how many people I present that they could say yes to, didn't matter. Yeah, didn't go so well.
I am a Medium. I do my job. My job is to let them use me to communicate. I NEVER stand in the road. The grieving person can. Period. And, I will know when I am no longer of service. I back off and try to offer some level of comfort. It is all I can do.
2) This is often just as astounding for me as it is for you.
I have just allowed myself to be the vessel. It is true. I met an amazing family and their loved ones, friends, family, neighbors. It ROCKED!
I never know what I am going to be shown. But there is always something. It is part of my role to validate your loved one truly there.
I have had readings where I have led them to three or four things and they still want more proof! That's when I have this to say. It does not take me to see your loved ones. However, part of my role is to validate experiences that you may be encountering. Without you saying a word.
Some of the things I've seen and/or are shown and draw or speak to are simply astounding. Ages, Birthday, how they passed, maybe that they weren't always the best communicater. I have even gone so far as to draw a spiral one time that later jarred a memory of a deceased relative's jewellery and all they wanted was a spiral ring.
Again...........SEE 1) Expect the Unexpected.
What I Would Have You Know as the Veil is thinnest between Here and There.
That's Right, right this minute and through All Saints Day. Oct. 30 - Nov 1. 2012.
Pull out your loved ones belongings if you have any, bake their favorite meal, sing their favorite song. WHAT EVER IT IS that you are driven, or led, to. It will draw them near. And, be prepared for pennies in your path, a feather floating down, someone out the corner of your eye. And one of my all time favorites..............flickering lights. Also, ORBS. What would appear to be "dust on your camera" isn't always. It is our loved ones. (See the pic I just changed to in order to see above my head - my dad - and friends' heads too..........unbelievable).
Oh and watch for numbers in series you see often. It is your care team saying hi! See the lovely Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Handbook or Google her Angel Numbers Meanings.
She is to be truly honored for her amazing contributions to this planet.
I know today's winner of my Free Reading has a doozy of a story. But I will see if I can get her to share her experience when done, and I will share mine.
WHAT FUN!!!! I have all sorts of reminders of all those past, all those who have come back to me, and all those that are HERE right now.....................and THERE!!!!!!!!!
Happy Honouring!!!!!!!!!!!