Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hello, my name is Donna Hartt, and I want to share an amazing story.  If you choose to read it the whole way through, thank you.  If you have chosen to "not" read this.  That is okay, I truly understand.  Because.............

Those that require me will find me, and that is the true purpose of my soul.  I am going to use some situations from the Bible, and hope that you would understand that to reach "all", I must step into my pretty big shoes.

Remember my saying.  "Take only that which resonates (touches your soul and brings you joy)".  If something does not resonate leave it behind.  It serves YOU k(no)w purpose. 

This will be a fairly lengthy blog for I must start at my beginning for everyone to completely understand the message relayed for within lies the true miracle.

Resonate - to relate harmoniously : strike a chord

The Bible - a book inspired by man, twisted by man in a means to control (ego - unhappy, uneasy, worry, mega tears - the extremes of high and low)

Jesus drew a crowd of those who sought him out. I firmly believe he walked on this earth. 

The Bible talks of his ability to "heal" and perform "miracles".  Through Jesus, people were healed on a Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual level.  His words struck chords (resonated) within humans, creating a change.

There are people who have walked on this planet, and are walking on this planet, that have the ability to find Peace.

Peace of Mind
Peace of Heart
Peace of Soul (or Spirit)

I use Spirit to describe not only our Angels in the Outfield, but our Spirit or Will.  That which keeps us going.  Our gut.  Our fight or flight mode.  Determination.  I was, and am an EXTREMELY STRONG WILLED being.  It is the stuff dreams are made of. (Think Bill Gates, Justin Bieber, Will Smith, Mother Teresa, Jesus, I think you get the idea)

I have had many brushes with death in my lifetime, and have some pretty unique genetic modifications.  I was born with one full kidney only.  Yep.  One left kidney.  And I have oh so unique feet that started at 13 too.  My family was told Primary Lymphedema.  At 13 it was in my right foot.  By High School (15/16) both.  If you Google Lymphedema you will see pics that may cause an "ucky" reaction.  Mine is an EXTREMELY MILD form.  Think of women who retain water when they are pregnant and about to give birth.  More like "swollen".

Doctors discovered that when I was around 13 (one week in Children's hospital).  It was said that the other one withered away around 5.  An experience my mom had with me and an extremely high ever and unknown pain.  Broke out in fever blisters on my wrist and still bear the scar.  There are many more that will find their way into my/story = think history, think the greater myster of life itself.

I posted a quote from John Lennon and it so bears the truth.  He stated, "When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I gro up.  I said, 'Happy'.  They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life."

Profound, isn't it?  For in there lies the TRUTH of the secret to living life instead of "dying" life.

All of my life I have suffered.  And, as I have quoted before, "Pain happens in the brain, suffering happens in the mind".  Think of how many times in a day one could worry to death of they choose.


My entire life until this moment I learned to worry well.  I learned it from my dad.  His way of showing love was to what my brother lovingly referred to as "spaz out".  Boy that so has been my "truth" exposed as a "lie".

I learned stubbornness from my mother (and my birth sign the the cusp kid Wisesagicap - Sagittarius (archer/fire sign) on the Cusp of Capricorn (the goat).  My mother survived some "horrific" experiences herself and I watched her go "through" it.  Heck, two weeks before she was creamed by another car I had dream the Blue Datsun was smashed by a brown log.  She was hit on the passenegers side and IF she had not have been wearing her seatbelt.  It was explained that she may have been in a coma (what they called a vegetable at the time) or may have even died.  WOW!

So, from my parents I learned some EXTREMELY valuable lessons.  How to "spaz out" and how to really be headstrong.  Combine that with teenager and watch out!  I was an extremely willful, and wild child up until a number of years ago.  It has all been change through the course of attending a course.  Change-Ways.

Health is a three fold cord - Physical, Emotional, Spiritual

I was missing the Emotional part.  My mind, for the last 42 years has suffered but it is all okay.

Why?  Because it turned my "why's" into "what's".  This past week.

Jesus offered something beyond the Physical healing.  He offered those that sought him out PEACE OF MIND.

When we are able, or are given the tools, one can share or be given the tools to handle any experience given to you on this planet.


I have always been a show me, teach me girl, and it has become evident how critical that key is to being the best Psychic and Medium I will ever be!

I said it in a previous blog. And I am going to share, not to glamourize, but help you understand and truly KNOW it is okay to share any experience and to have it be shared without shame.  So, I have done some really stupid things, but they have all served a purpose.

Understand that is okay to share an experience because others have been there too.  Consider this, "my book".

I have delibrately hurt people and been hurt back (deserved it). 

I was bullied in elementary school for sharing something and having that trust betrayed.  I revealed a dream about someone in my class to "a friend" and next thing I heard was, "Donna likes" can't even remember who.  Over and over again.  I was teased mercilessly.

Imagine being in Mid and High School with a fat foot.  Oh man, I had artwork ripped in Senior High.  Nobody stepped forward.  I remember my shoe being held out the school bus window and being threatened I was going to lose it.  I survived that one, and it's funny to say how.  I used my feet.

I said, "Hey.  You know the funny looking feet (by now) I have.  If I prick my foot and get some of that fluid (harmless lymph) and touch your face with it, your face will swell like my feet". 

I was assertive in a moment.  Have a good laugh cuz it wasn't the truth.  But it worked.  Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it.  I had survived all my years of school.  Despite bullying.

I understand what it means to be bullied.  So, I consider myself an "expert" in the field.

At 22, I saw someone not suitable enter my life.  Got pregnant.  Got married.  Miscarried.  Twice.  In the space of one year.  The loss of life inside me created a space of seeing me on "anti-depressants" for the "fix".  To never know the experience of EVER bringing a child into my life through my own birth was devastating.  It was all I ever wanted.  Truth is that part of me was also broken from birth.  Something called Adenomyosis.  My uterine wall was never going to support life because a disease was housed in the muscle itself.

It turned out to be a good thing anyways.  I learned to accept other people's children in my life "as my own".  I, once again, had children.  It does NOT take blood.

I understand what it means to lose a child.  I suffered in my mind at such a great loss and turned it around. 

However, and this is a real valid one in this moment (think Amanda Todd).  I attempted suicide and survived because I reached out before it was too late.

I had met someone at around 21.  I "loved" him and after four months we were going to get married.

He broke it off.  I attempted suicide.  I downed a whole bottle of Aspirin.  And I paid the price.  My "will" drove me back down the hill I had gone up because I took the bottle and wanted to die.

Something deep inside reached through.  And, as I was curled up on a hill, freezing, I went "no!".

Realizing I could die, I raced down the hill and told my mother what I had done.  Again, I paid the price.  My father was "spazzing" the only way he had been shown to love thanks to having to strike out on his own at sixteen because of a father who came home from the war and arrived a full-blown alcoholic.  Thank you dad for leaving alcoholism out of my brother and I's experience.

My mother turned into "flight" mode and I was rushed to the hospital.  I had a tube stuck down my throat, charcoal down to my stomach, and I started to puke it ALL up.  None of the experience was any shape of fun.  Nasty, nasty business.  However, I AM STILL HERE!

As far as I am concerned, I have become an expert in the field.  I understand the feelings surrounding suicide and am not ashamed to share what I have learned.  Suicide hurts.  Everyone.

Enter many years ago.  The last bad relationship I ever, EVER had.  I allowed myself to become verbally abused.  One last time.  I had experienced it in my first marriage and finally got stubborn enough to leave (the marriage).  However, I needed one final lesson to change me.  This one was really bad.  Really, REALLY bad, and this is the first time I share, out loud, some of that experience.

I became addicted to a really fast life in a way too fast lane.  I tried cocaine.  I became addicted to it.  For approximately one year I shoved anywhere from one to three grams up my nose.  Probably at least every 3 days.  WHAT????!!!!!  Anyone who has tried cocaine understands that is ALOT!

I got kicked to the curb.  And, in that moment, I was saved.  I survived the experience (some people try a drug once and die from it).  AND I was never going to allow my choices to let an unsuitable man into my life.

Enter Counselling.  I was to be the cake.  Find my recipe (what I am made of, like, enjoy).  Learn to love myself first, trust my gut around men.  I say to you, it will fire a yucky feeling right in the pit of your stomach. 

My advice"run" in the opposite direction.  As fast as you can.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  JUST RUN!  For the cautionary tale is if you choose to walk right through you WILL pay a very dear price and might not come out of it alive.  Once again, the School of Hard Knocks.

I was fortuate.  I always new, despite the age, I could return home. 

Thank you mom and dad.  Once again, you saved my life.  And I was provided a valuable lesson.

I know how it feels to be addicted to something.  Getting clean took many months of love.  Love of self, love from family (I skipped the cocaine part at that time to spare being chastised, but deep down, my mother KNEW something was not quite "right), love of friends. 

Again, this is my first time of truly sharing out loud.  I hold no shame.  The experience has made me a better person.  Again, the School of Hard Knocks.

However, because of that awful experience I was gifted something where my dreams lay.  I had taken the steps to insure that the next man I met was going to be the suitable one for me.

Husband, you survived the firing squad (due to my history of unsuitable choices).  For that Angels, Family, Friends the "like".  Thank  you for helping me find such an amazing human to call my husband.

So, yeah, yeah, you're saying, get to the point.

Well, enter the worst pain experience.  Physical pain.  Ouch!

The tale unfolds in the starting of my blogs.  Read it there.  Because here comes the crux of my story.

Pain happens in the brain.  Suffering happens in the mind.

I have never EVER dealt with pain in a harmless way.  Every time I "hurt" I was a kicking and screaming wild child.

Enter Change-Ways from Mental Health.

Would you like to know the biggest part of our journey?  It is to come to Peace of Mind.  For there ends any "suffering".

I  have been shown the way to love myself through an EXTREMELY uncomfortable situation.

See the Breakdown Blog if you wish.

I walked THROUGH the door of pain.  Instead of screaming it away (or avoiding).

I truly know what it means to "suffer" on a Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual level.

I have come out the other side.  Retraining my brain so that I BREATHE through instead of scream around and avoid worry (about dying - the Physical), worry about everything "wrong" the "why me's" (Emotional stress - not healthy believe me), and come out the Other Side because I chose Spiritual.  My faith.  My prayers out loud about the "WHAT".

What have I learned?

I have survived through something, found peace and calm through the experience (PEACE OF MIND).  And have truly begun to live.

I have experience on all fronts.  Survived it and am now moving forward because I moved through with grace, and dignity (except the last breakdown but MEGA breakthrough), and............

I AM STILL ALIVE.  Better than ever.  Because I chose to love me first.  And guess what that means?

What happens to one happens to all.  I am being the change I wish to see in the world.

I had a dream after going back to sleep.   And an extremely monumental gift was received.  TRUE PEACE.

In the dream  MY HOUSE WAS FULL.  I had learned to love myself (my own house) through so many scary things.

I have faith and determination and WILL.  Once again I am saved.

In the dream?

David Hasselhoff (think Hop if you haven't seen the movie) - The Hoff was literally in my house in my dream.

Why?  Because he had heard about what I was able to do.  And in that dream.  He came to know a new truth.  People can really communicate with Spirit.

I was juggling a full house of people who had heard about me.  All those in need of being afforded some peace.  PEACE OF MIND.  Knowing his loved ones truly were around.  I told him things I could NOT have known.  He was with his own family (about 4 people) and they were blown away too.


I juggled and conversed with people waiting to see me saying, "Yes.  I am a bit behind.  But don't worry, you will get your turn if I have run behind.  Please find something to entertain for the next half hour or so.  I will be done."

Bible "Thy Will be Done". 

Every one had their worries allayed (set to rest, Peace of Mind) and they occupied themselves until I called on them.

I have found true Peace. I am Home.

Watch out world, I am now unstoppable.

I now understand the piece of the puzzle before I could truly begin my work.

Jesus had it right.

Do Unto Other as You Would Have Done Unto You.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. (What happens to one happens to all).

I am my word.

"And the Word was with God".            UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

I am HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every time I have physically hurt I have screamed and yelled, and fussed and kicked.  My mom, cool as a cucumber (and I know she went into "fight" mode), saved my life.

Thank you mom!  Thank you Universe!  Thank you EVERYONE who has ever touched my life to help me "dance" again.

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