Sunday, December 30, 2012

The New Year's Evolution

Every year people take the time to look back over the year for the experiences it had to offer.  I sure did in my last blog.  Now, I want to take a step forward, into the New Year, and create evolution, not resolution.

Every day I make a conscientious choice to be "better" and to learn "more".  About myself and others.  The "mistakes" of the past are the lessons learned to help create my new environment.  We all have the ability to do it, but it is a choice.

This planet is yearning for something new.  Something different.  Something absolutely amazing!  And it all begins with the Self.

Love requires that we dig deep to shuffle and change and rearrange.  All I want is to be the best person possible and do what the good Lord has asked me to do.  My work.

Part of my work involves reaching out to souls that have experienced loss.  Part of the work involves reading the soul in front of me and helping them to realize or see their true potential and all that their life has to offer. 

It is about hope.

Hope that humankind will see "the light".

Hope that humankind will make it "better".

I truly believe we can. 

It is going to require digging deeper than we have ever known.  It is going to require cleaning out our own personal closet.  The joy of cleaning out our own personal closet, is that it leaves room for something new and exciting!

For those of us that have children (and it does not take blood to meet that requirement and they do not have to belong to "us" -nieces, nephews, friends.....just sayin'), we have a responsibility.  To leave them better than the generations before. 

I encourage you to honor that we live an a time where anything is possible.  We are the creators of our Universe.  No longer are we bound by the Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, work like a dog and get nowhere fast.  We actually live in a time where the possibility of doing something you absolutely LOVE is a reality.  The times demand it.  Corporations are crumbling, leaving room for creativity.  Like the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of all invention". 

RE-INVENT YOURSELF!  I believe in you!

HAVE FAITH!  We are all in good hands and there is a Divine Plan for each and every one of us. 

Parents, discover the amazing children you were GIVEN as a gift from God.  Do not repeat the past you lived in.  Embrace the change, knowing that you are providing your children a better future.

Mothers and Fathers - You have a name that belongs to you, it is not just mom and dad.  YOU are an amazing person too!  You have dreams, wishes, and desires that yearn to be fulfilled.  Get out there and fulfill them!  Be the person you have always wanted to be!

You no longer have to listen to the voices of the past, but get the opportunity to embrace your voice of the future!

Our future has the opportunity to be re-written.  It all begins with each one of us.

So, out with the old, in with the new, and let the magic begin!

I truly have faith in all that you are. 

Ignite the fire within.  Dare to lose the box and run with your arms open wide into the New Year that gloriously awaits you.

Through LOVE all things are accomplished.


Thank you.  Thank you for being part of my journey.  You have all contributed to making me a better person on this planet, for this planet.  I mean it.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 2013 be all the you dream it into being!

Friday, December 28, 2012

2013 and Beyond - A New Year's Wish

Another year has come and gone on this crazy planet called Life.  What have I learned?

1)  Life Isn't Always Easy.  What We Choose To Do With It Is:

From the minute we enter this world living begins.  I write to undo the sinkable words of our past. "Life is easy.  It's the living that's hard."  I choose to see it this way.  This life is the biggest school we could ever be in, and the longest school we will ever attend.  What are YOU going to learn from it?

This past year (heck the past five years) have been some of the most personally challenging times of my life.  However, I have made it through the other side with a new sense of wellbeing.  For I have come to the ultimate personal truth.  MY LIFE IS WHAT I CHOOSE TO MAKE OF IT.

Growing up, I can remember rearing my ugly head at the "unjustness" of the world around me.  Nothing was "fair" and I "never" got my way.  Everything was a challenge.  And I am totally okay with that.  I knew growing up my parents loved me.  I knew I was cared for, and that if every single belonging burned to the ground I would still have my family.  It was, and always will be, the most important thing I could ever have in my life.

Now, as an adult, I have had the opportunity to see just why my life was the way it was.  Because as things seemed to be "falling apart" around me.  They were actually falling into place.  The perfect place.  Right here right now.

You see, that's all we have.  Right here right now.  No other point in time exists.  And every day we have the choice to create the world around us.  Yes, life isn't always easy, but it can be happy.  We are asked to live our best lives possible.

And, if we use our Inner Guidance system to steer us, it is more easy than it is difficult.  Remember, YOU are the one responsible for what happens in your life.  Honor who you are and what you love to do, and you will amaze even yourself at all that can be accomplished. 

You can choose to be a victim of your circumstances ("why me?"  "Poor me", yada yada yada)or you can choose to volunteer for the life that has been presented to you. 

If you can learn to dance in the rain, you have learned the dance of life.  Your life is yours for the embracing!

2)  Faith is Everything

Faith isn't just about believing in a Higher Power, it is about believing in yourself.  When you can learn to tune out the chatter around you and listen to your own True Voice, that is a testament to Faith in oneself.  And, if you are having problems with that (as we all do), then that is when the Truest of Faith is to be utilized. 

We have a Parent (Parents??? I truly don't know everything about the Other Side) that is bigger than the parents we have on the physical plane.   The Cosmic Design Committee has our best interest at heart and has a plan for each and every one of us.  We are well taken care of here on Earth, even during difficult times.

People tend to reach out in times of need.  Have you ever considered reaching out just to be thankful?  Try it.  For, in that moment, life truly opens up to the amazingness it has to offer:

-  I wake up and say thank you.  For I am truly grateful that I did. 
-  I say thank  you for the challenges, for I get to see what I am made of.  I have discovered I am   
-  I say thank you for watching over me and having my best interest at heart.
-  I say thank you for my family, for without them I wouldn't be here.

Faith provides me the comfort in knowing I am truly never alone.  For if "God Brings You To It.  He Will Bring You Through It."

I am grateful.

3)  Love is the Only Reality

We have seen heinous crimes against humanity rise each year, and everyone is asking "why?"

I believe, that deep down inside, we know.  It is because we have forgotten to love one another.

First of all.  Children are a privilege.  Not a right.  We do them no favors by spoiling them with things, when in fact the only "thing" they need is our love.  People that shouldn't have children do, and there are those out there that should and can't.  It is a cycle I wish to be broken.

Pregnancy doesn't "Just happen".  We make it happen.  It is a choice.  And, should the circumstances find you with child, your only charge is to LOVE that child.  And, if you are unable, give it to someone that will.  It is the best gift we could ever give that child. 

Love them enough to provide a loving home.

Sometimes all it takes is a loving gesture.  To anyone.  Anywhere:

- The person holding out the cup for spare change (I like buying them something to eat or getting a
  drink for them). 
-  The elderly couple struggling to open a door
-  The Schizophrenic who is struggling with their thoughts
-  The girl with the sad face
-  The boy with the greasy hair

Love them for they truly are our brothers and sisters.

4)  I Am Committed to a Better Planet

By changing myself I change the world.  We all have the power to do it.  And every day I will continue to reach out and encourage each and every one of you. 

You are ALL deserving of Love and Encouragement. 

You are ALL important to me.

May the time known as 2013 find you growing in Faith (in yourself and others), and drowing in love!  

Love is the cure we are all looking for.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Clairs for Christmas

I have decided to do a series of "Christmas Spirit" blogs and today I want to start with an introduction to the Clairs.

There are many ways that Spirit use to connect with us humans.  And we all have the ability to experience Spirit, it just may not be the way that us Mediums do, but it is still VERY possible.

So, I am going to start with the easiest one and I am sure it is one most of us can relate to.  It is called Clairsentience.  Translated means "Clear Feelings" or "sense".

When I am having a session or even just a quiet talk with my care team, something really amazing happens.  The shivers.  It is the very essence of Spirit reaching out from the Other Side.  Hair on the back of your neck will stand up, you will get the shivers, it is like someone has run a cold breeze through you.  It is confirmation that Spirit is, indeed, around.

Think about when you reach out to have a conversation with your loved ones on the Other Side and you experience the chills or the hairs on your arms stand up.  You may even experience goosebumps.  That is the FEELING of loved ones around. 

Accept, Embrace, and Cherish it.  Honor that it is truly your loved ones around.

These kinds of conversations are not common conversations, and I am hoping that by sharing here, anyone can come to connect with their loved ones.  I have always maintained it does not take a Medium to experience Spirit, and that anyone can witness the power of our Loved Ones just by honoring that what they are experiencing is truly happening.

So take time today to sit quietly and honor those no longer among you in physical form.

Spirit exists, we are living proof of it.  We just have to learn the language of Spirit in non-form.

Accept - Our loved ones are with us even in Spirit Form

Embrace - Your loved ones can, and will, reach out from the Other Side

Cherish - That what you have felt is nothing but Pure Love reaching across the veil

May The Spirit of Christmas find you filled with the Spirit of Love 365 days of the year.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meditation - The Key to Connection

This morning I had the pleasure in participating in a global movement called, "The Master Shift".  A Guided Meditation being hosted throughout the world at the same time for anyone to participate in.

The guided meditation was beautiful and they will be doing another one later on today.  It is in honor of a date and occurrence that will never happen again in time.  The last consecutive date 12-12-12.  Numbers will never fall into alignment like this again.  It truly is a "moment" in time.

At the heart of the meditation was mankind's ability to bond together to create a better planet.  At a few points along the way, I actually found myself welling up with sheer gratitude at just how beautiful the meditation was.  The words of encouragement profound.  Let's just say I've bookmarked the meditation, and it is well worth visiting the site.

What struck me though, was the kindly reminder of just what meditation is.  A moment of inward reflection.  There are alot of beliefs held that meditation is about silencing the mind, but I say this.  It is about turning inward, honoring self, and connecting with the home we call Earth.

Meditation is used to ground, and is a truly vital part of the work I do.  If I do not ground, my abilities as a messenger are "scattered".  It is really easy for me to connect to the Other Side (Heaven, Home, There), I have done it all my life.  The challenge has been to plant my feet firmly on the ground and do the work, and I cannot be the best channel without grounding first.

Here's another kicker for someone like me.  I prefer to meditate alone and send out love and healing to this planet.  I always imagine myself connected to the Universal Energy, and send out my love to all. 

With today's meditation, there was a moment of opening up your palms to receive love, and honor for just how important each and every one of us is.  And, guess what happens when Donna opens up.  She opens up!  And, at a few points along the way, I saw and felt the connection of just how many were participating at the same time I was.  The love was Divine, and I truly did feel a shift.  A shift within.  To a spot where we have all taken a moment to honor that we live in one world.  Together.  And that we truly can change the place we call Home.

My Christmas Wish for this planet is that each and every one of you realize how truly unique, and amazing you are.  We all have the ability to dig deep and truly start reorganizing this planet.  It starts with honoring who we are and what we have the courage to embrace as our role on the planet.

I say it's already started, and it will not end until the true Shift has occurred.  A re-writing of mankind's ways to a helpful and loving environment for everyone to enjoy. 

How?  By taking time each day to connect.  To You.  For in connecting with you, you connect with the ALL.  And when you connect with the All, the magic of your life truly begins.

The Spirit that moves people at this time of year is a Spirit I embrace each and every day of my God-given existence.  Shouldn't we all?

Much love to all.  And a HUGE shoutout to the amazing beings who organized "THE MASTER SHIFT".  Thank you!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Career as a Medium

While I have been inherently doing things all my life with respect to my spidey-senses, it has truly been in the past two years that I have wholeheartedly accepted who, and what, I am.

I have relayed in previous blogs some of my early connections with Spirit and connections through until this moment in time.  Now, I have embraced it as my role on this planet, and have been living this life in a very open manner.  I feel the desire to have this type of conversation "normalized".  And I am not afraid to be part of the process.

I know the time will come when Canada will be represented in the world of Mediums.  It has already arrived.  I am starting to read across the globe now, and in increasing fashion.  It is the beautiful thing of this day and age.  The Internet and Social Media have created an easier world to reach out to and be reached back to.  It is amazing!

Anyways, by now I estimate that I have read over 1000 hours, and that is in gift alone.  I needed re-training time, and it has occurred.  I have now firmly re-connected with ALL that I am able to do.  I am ready to serve, never like before.

I say what I have is an ability, and what I hope to leave others with is the gift.  The gift of knowing that life truly does exist after Here, and that those that return There are around us all the time.  It is the biggest peace of mind I could ever offer to someone, should they wish to partake.

I have begun to realize just how I work as a Medium.  I have heard it time and again, and another "aha" has taken place (may I always have something more to learn about this role).  Remember the movie "Ghost"?  Whoopi Goldberg was "taken over" by loved ones crossed over.  While it might not be quite like that, my ability lies in bringing the Spirit "back to life".  I get their personalities!  What it was like to be in a room with them.  What they were like when they were in physical form.  And things they have discovered about themselves once in Spirit.

One of my favorites is when "people" discover that Hell doesn't exist.  There is only the Other Side, Heaven, Home. There.  It surprised the heck out of so many who crossed over.  I have heard it time and again from those There.

Yes, I get shown hard stuff.  The passings, the sorrows of loved ones left behind, remorse.  But these are all to do with the Human they were.  Like I said, it's like sitting down with the person.  I never know what I am going to get shown.

Sometimes I am shown things that "don't make sense" to someone.  I always say, "well, it's come up, but let's let it go, it will make itself known later".  Always has.  Even if it's an e-mail dropped in my box a few days later with an "I know what it means".

For instance, I was sitting with someone and one of the first things that came up was I had drawn the number 3.  I knew it had significance.  Whether it meant March, 3 years since passing, etc.  It was the number 3 and it meant something.  The person could not relate.  We let it go.

Later in the session, the person asked, if seeing "333" meant anything.  To which I referred back to the "3" at the beginning.   It was confirmation from Spirit.  I  had a loved one with me.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I have also discovered that sometimes Spirit needs "coaxing" because the human they were was a "non-talker" or didn't believe in someone like me or the human they were finds it unbelievable that communication like this can actually happen. It is my job to "find"those ones. It is a really neat process. Sometimes all it takes is a name. Sometimes I get those, and sometimes I don't. I am just to relay what is shown.

Like I say, this job never ceases to amaze me.  Love knows absolutely no boundaries.  Spirit is living proof of that love.

Welcome to my world.  May it open the door to yours.  The one of infinite possibilities.  Where dreams do come true, we get to live a life we absolutely love, and we all have the opportunity to "see" our loved ones.

It doesn't take a Medium to have that happen.  Just read the blogs.  Connect.  Say, "Hi". 

Ask for a sign...........and wait.  You'll "see".

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Religion and the Medium

Otherwise known as Beauty and the Beast, part of my existence has clearly been written in order to shift the way people view people like "me".  Not that I have anything to prove, I just have to fulfill my mission - which I am.

I am all for belief systems, for at the heart lies one true thing that binds them commonly.  A belief in a Higher Power.  But, I cannot count how many times I have been met with looks of abject horror from "those of faith".  And, believe me, it isn't just about people like me, it's about piety, and nobody is immune to it's wrath.

It is the reason why I have never been able to conform to any form of what I would call religion.  Some of the mainstays being  Catholicism, Baptist, United, I think you get the idea.  I have always held faith that there had to be something/one larger than me responsible for all of this.

Always felt that.

Today, I find myself in a position to say I consider myself a person of IMMENSE faith.  For a multitude of reasons.  Primary being that I truly connect with Spirit.  How could I not have faith with a job like mine?  Really?! 

Religion has persecuted Mediums and Psychics, and followers have come to see people like me as "spawn" or "evil".   I say this.  Why was I created this way then?  If the Almighty is responsible for life, then why are there people like me and so many more arriving on this planet stronger and stronger?

It is because we are here to shift the way all mankind thinks.  To bring them to a great healing so that we may enjoy peace on Earth like we never had before.  By understanding and witnessing that the Afterlife truly does exist, and that it exists in nothing but Pure Love, a mind is eased, a heart healed, suffering ended.  I have witnessed it time and time again from my sessions and by watching those in the public eye. (You will see me there soon too!).

Myself and others like me are Gamechangers, Angels of Mercy, Bringers of Light.  We ease people because of what we are able to do, and there is not another job in the world like it.  Yes, there are charlatans out there that give the rest of us out there a bad name, but they will soon fall away too.  We are ALL taken care of.  And, those with the purest of intentions prevail.  They always have, and that's why I will.  I was born to do this and I do it with all the love in my heart.

Every day I am grateful for being blessed with this ability.  It NEVER ceases to amaze me.  I am blessed to be able to reach so many, and be of service to this planet.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Medium and the Message

So, for some time now, I have truly allowed myself to be "the vessel" and be guided by Spirit at all times.  Yes, all times.  It does not mean I am "on" all the time.  I am allowed rest.  It just means that I stay in tune with my Spirit and what it requires.  And, once again, it's time for a share!

I am the Messenger, and strictly that.  But, in order to be of best service, I am forever clarifying and growing in the knowledge of working with, and for, the Other Side.  I always know when the process is being blocked (that's the Psychic or "Spidey Sense" part of me), what symbols for what situation/characteristic(s) mean what, and that I truly am just that.  The messenger.

For the past little while during readings, I have had a repetitive symbol show up.  A bear.  I had a reading where a bear was shown as a way of acknowledging that a stuffed bear was laid to rest with a Loved One.  I had a reading where I was shown a grizzly and the person I was reading was actually thinking about getting a bear tattoo in honor of someone.

Recently, I was led to draw a stuffed bear after someone I was reading asked if I could get a special nickname shared.  I asked about the bear.  To which came, "that doesn't make sense"and I left it as I quickly do in readings. But, of note, these things usually tend to make sense later on down the road of the reading or sometimes after the reading.

Anyways, we let the bear go and I told the sitter that I got a brick wall.  Then I said something to this effect, "I feel like he's very protective of it, like that he wants to say, 'it's between you and him'.  Like it's none of my business".  And THAT was something the person sitting with me could relate to!

Today I found myself reflecting on the number of bears I have seen or been shown, and I went as far back as an ash ceremony for my dad.  That day, two bears ran across the road.  And then it occurred.  The "Aha!".

Bears are a sign of protection.  One of the ultimates.  Think a momma bear and her cubs.  PROTECTIVE! THAT'S what the loved one was trying to convey!  That nickname was sacred and wasn't about to be given over!  I think back to the bear tattoo and the loved one showing a sign of "protection" from the Other Side, that Loved One was ALWAYS going to watch over.

Sometimes it just takes a little perspective and taking a look at the bigger picture in order to come to a greater understanding..

Our loved ones send us symbols all the time.  It is just up to us to honor and recognize them.

Like I say, it doesn't take going to a Medium to experience your loved ones.  We all have the opportunity.  In our sleep too!  Don't dismiss the "dreams" that are actually visits.

Everyone has the ability to "connect".  Everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's In A Name - Besides Everything!

At all times I allow myself to be guided through life by Spirit. 

In my beginings, I referred to myself as Wisesagicap because that is what I was striving to become.  A Wise Sagittarius with a Capricorn Cusp.  I created the environment to learn and grow spiritually in that name.  It served me well.

After my Near Death Experience a couple of years ago, I came back knowing I was forever altered in that moment.  I stumbled across Ms. Doreen Virtue's book, "The Realms of the Earth Angels" and found myself staring right back at me.  An Incarnated Angel with the knowledge of the "wise ones".  I had a Mission over there and now I have come down with a Mission for here.

Thus Mystic Earth Angel was manifested and a life of new found love and laughter followed.  I was on the path of authenticity.  I was no longer in denial of who I am and what I am able to do.

Enter a move. An amazing beginning in a new chapter. A move to the mountains, and it could not be any more perfect. In so many ways.

I like to honor every new chapter because it truly marks another phase of life. And this chapter, under no exception, is the most remarkable chapter I have entered to date. For now, I have been "branded" and it feels sooooo exceptional.

Enter, The Mountain Medium.

I am, for the first time ever in my life, authentic.  I will hide no longer that I communicate with the "dead".  I prefer to say Spirit because death is of a physical vehicle.  So, again, I communicate with Spirit.  And I rely upon my care team to use me as the vessel to relay their information. 

It is what I was born to do. This reality is deepened even further by my birthdate. December 20, 1969. According to Dan Millman's "The Life You Were Born To Live" I am a "30/3".

                       The Driving Force - 3: Expression and Sensitivity  (story of my life, lol)
                           Reinforced with - 0: Inner Gifts (Extremely Intuitive)
                                  30:  Expression and Sensitivity with Inner Gifts

I call them abilities gift denotes gifted, and that I am not, lol.  I hope to leave others with the gift.  The gift of knowing their loved ones departed are with them in Spirit.)

So imagine, an EXTREMELY SENSITIVE SENSITIVE, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I am an angel among you. And I have come to heal and nurse this planet. One person at a time.

Again, out of the ashes, I am reborn and ever changing.

Thank You Universe for inspiring THE brand of all brands. 

Me.  The Mountain Medium.



Friday, November 2, 2012

Spirit and the Automatic

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, my life is "controlled" by Spirit.  I believe everyone has help on the Other Side and they steer us onto our path as outlined by our Soul Chart/Contract.

I believe the only way people are going to understand what I am able to do is by sharing experiences.

Experiences along my path that have led me to the most fulfilling career I could ever have dreamed of!

I now find myself in a state of "understanding" regarding the fact that in all things, I truly am what I refer to as a vessel.  Spirit Representative, Donna Hartt.

The mantra I adopted was Mahatma Gandhi's "Be the Change".  "I am the Change I wish to see in the World".  And I am committed to it.  One person at a time.

I now find myself blessed with a city that allows people to work in their home.  They are required to get a Business License and display it.  So I have (Facebook Picture).

I would not be able to live with myself if I did not comply with some earthly guidelines.

I am blessed to have a Home-Based Business that I also travel out from.  It is my preference.

I love being in people's energy.  It is my favorite, but all that is required is a connection, and it does not matter how.  Skype, Phone, E-mail, Facebook.  I always ask for whatever is best.  And I let Spirit lead me.  I truly get pulls and have come to understand some symbols taking place in my life.

Let's take 9-1-1.  I have finally come to realize when I see this number that I am about to be led to a situation.  I now just come to honor it as "next mission".  I am always in a "How shall I serve?" state.

I have my moments of privacy, and I take care of myself, but I love living such a Spirited Life.

So in the realm of the 'Automatic' I carry what I call a gratitude journal in the form of my sessions with clients.  First name, date.  That is all.  Then I let Spirit be at the helm for the start of the session.  I will get numbers, names, objects, I never know until my hand goes to work.  I am a very tactile learned and must "do" as part of my work.  When I use a pen the symbols flash in my head, I physically hear things, I see loved ones as energy and I can always tell when they have completely connected with me.  My hair stands straight up on end the more important or firmer a directive.

For instance, a couple of weeks back, at home by myself,  I heard the phone ring, but it did not sound like our landline.  I went looking for a cel phone.  Nothing.  Ten minutes later a friend called me from her cell phone.  Yeah.............stuff like that happens all the time for me.

Another for instance while in Kamloops.  I was at someone's house and came through the door and I heard "Hellloooo" in a very familiar person so I went looking for her.  Not home!  What?!

I had the pleasure of an experience where the Other Side representative (there's always one who will step forward) was raising her hand in a "pick me, pick me, I'll talk!".  I scribbled 67 and that would have been the age of the departed loved one this year.  Yes, 2012.  I started describing and writing things that a complete stranger could not know unless one thing was happening. 

I had their Loved One at my side and was completely connected.  There is no other way this can happen.  I'm a "stranger" who only asks for first name and the date of the appt.  Nuf Said.

A Spirit Life Indeed!

May angels guide you ever and always!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Ettiquette of Readings:

Consider this information lovingly provided.  Please honor that every Medium has their own guidelines, but I firmly believe we have a lot of them in common:

I am going to use two examples of readings I have had in the past.  They will be vague so that the people involved can be honored.  It is that person's story to tell.  Not mine.  Confidentiality is EVERYTHING to this Medium. 

1) Expect the Unexpected

This means several things.  I am the vessel.  That's it.  Period.  I am only used to convey messages from the Other Side.  Think of me like a table.  You are on one side, I am the table in the middle, and Spirit sits across from you and speaks via me.  The Table is the facilitator.  Me.  THAT IS IT!

When I say, "Expect the Unexptected".  I mean it.  For instance,  I had the pleasure of reading a family.  By what most would call pure fluke.  Fluke does not exist in my vocabulary save this blog. 

I never know how I am going to be used, it is the Mission on my Soul Chart (Contract).  It is once again, "I'm the vessel".  And this family was very remarkable.  My last count was approximately six people came through related, unrelated, friends, neighbors, males, females.  You name it I had them.  Let's just say I made mom uneasy because how could a complete stranger know this stuff.  It's because I have the "non-form"/Spirit/Soul....pick a word with me using me as the means of communication.  Period.

If, however, we are very lost in the grief of it, whether it's 10 years or 10 days, we get our expectations up and that can be the ONLY person they want to talk to.  Guess what, the person trying to get the reading is blocking the process.    And, no matter how many people I present that they could say yes to, didn't matter.  Yeah, didn't go so well. 

I am a Medium.  I do my job.  My job is to let them use me to communicate.  I NEVER stand in the road.  The grieving person can.  Period.  And, I will know when I am no longer of service.  I back off and try to offer some level of comfort.  It is all I can do.

2) This is often just as astounding for me as it is for you.

I have just allowed myself to be the vessel.  It is true.  I met an amazing family and their loved ones, friends, family, neighbors.  It ROCKED!

I never know what I am going to be shown.  But there is always something.  It is part of my role to validate your loved one truly there. 

I have had readings where I have led them to three or four things and they still want more proof!  That's when I have this to say.  It does not take me to see your loved ones.  However, part of my role is to validate experiences that you may be encountering.  Without you saying a word.

Some of the things I've seen and/or are shown and draw or speak to are simply astounding.  Ages, Birthday, how they passed, maybe that they weren't always the best communicater.  I have even gone so far as to draw a spiral one time that later jarred a memory of a deceased relative's jewellery and all they wanted was a spiral ring.

Again...........SEE 1)  Expect the Unexpected.

What I Would Have You Know as the Veil is thinnest between Here and There. 
That's Right, right this minute and through All Saints Day.  Oct. 30 - Nov 1. 2012.

Pull out your loved ones belongings if you have any, bake their favorite meal, sing their favorite song.  WHAT EVER IT IS that you are driven, or led, to.  It will draw them near.  And, be prepared for pennies in your path, a feather floating down, someone out the corner of your eye.  And one of my all time favorites..............flickering lights.  Also, ORBS.  What would appear to be "dust on your camera" isn't always.  It is our loved ones.  (See the pic I just changed to in order to see above my head - my dad - and friends' heads too..........unbelievable).

Oh and watch for numbers in series you see often.  It is your care team saying hi!  See the lovely Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Handbook or Google her Angel Numbers Meanings. 

She is to be truly honored for her amazing contributions to this planet.

I know today's winner of my Free Reading has a doozy of a story.  But I will see if I can get her to share her experience when done, and I will share mine.

WHAT FUN!!!!  I have all sorts of reminders of all those past, all those who have come back to me, and all those that are HERE right now.....................and THERE!!!!!!!!! 

Happy Honouring!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012


I have been the Queen of Worry for 42 years. 

I have had to learn, and still am learning to, express myself in a loving way.

So, with that in mind, I have been practicising with my words and have come up with a time management "tool".  I leave it here so that maybe you will be inspired, should you come recognize, that you may be having this challenge also. 

It truly has lifted the "worries" away.

Again, using the Law of 3.  Create a TODAY list.

At the beginning of each week I write on a piece of paper for each day.

Using the most imminent (scale of 1 - 10 least to  most important), I create time and "space" for each day.  I work it using the law of three.  But I address myself first.  Knowing that in caring for "self" we care for others.

For example:



What do I require on a physical level.  i.e. eat 3 meals and 3 snacks


What do I require on an emotional level. i.e. something is bothering me and I need to express a "need" (which I now call requirement because needs create neediness).  Practise Expressing a need to a "safe" person, and soon you will be expressing yourself in a healthy way ALL THE TIME.


What does my own Spirit require?  i.e a good laugh, a snuggly blanket.

Then, at the bottom, I leave room for the most important errands or tasks that day or the next.  i.e. if I have dishes falling behind, I will take 15 minutes (the law of 3 - Three 5's) and dedicate to such things as chores. 

And I add things according to importance i.e. what can wait until tomorrow, and what can't.  i.e. an appointment happening on Thursday and at what time.

Write them down on those days.  This leaves you with the ability to "manage" mankind's creation of "time".  You have "time" for an appointment, you have "time" for yourself.

The most important part, leave space in time.  It creates the ability to create a space of self care (nurturing spirit), it creates arriving on time, etc.

I think you get the drift.

I am going to go now, and enjoy my "space" in time.

Today I found myself looking to carry a pad of paper with me at all times, for I never know when Spirit will find me and join me at any encounter.

And, today, I stumbled across something.  And I know it is not by accident.

In Fall 2004, I wrote the following.  I also read it out loud:

My Biggest Prayer;

Universal Powers That be, here is my prayer and hope.  I wish to be free of the "what ifs" and the "maybes".  I would like to just BE and exist in Light.  I have a fear of vulnerability and loss that I have trouble tackling.  I would like to experience what I experience, and not be attached to any outcomes.  Help me to walk in the Light. 

You know that one of my wishes is a lasting partnershipship, one that encompasses Spirit, support, and undertanding, and most importantly, love.

Is it that I need to understand that if I encompass my spirit, support and understand myself, and most importantly love myself, is that when it comes together? 

It's time for my Spiritual partner.  I know that I'm not alone, but I am lonely for partnership.  I don't fear that it's never going to happen, I am just lonely for my partner.  I do feel him getting closer and closer, and I try to affirm with myself that everything happens at it's appointed place and time. 

I thank you for my Soul journey and I want you to know that I do feel truly blessed.  Everything that is occurring in my life is an absolutely amazing event that makes me realize more and more, how much closer to Light I am walking.

Thank you!

Thank you for the wonderful encounters and people that I have crossed paths with.  It's been a hard road to forgiveness for some of them, but as each day passes, I come more to see all the lessons I have learned from each situation I've been in.

I am feeling more and more whole each day.

Thank you for my Shaman, thank you for my gifts and abilities and thankyou for life.

And, as of Occtober 19, 2012.  I have had My Biggest Prayer answered.

You see, dreams really do come true!  I have never understood myself better than at this moment.  I have been healed and am the Light!

Blessings and big dreams to you all!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Most of us have said this before.  "Things happen in threes".  And it so the truth as I have come to see it.

The program I took, "Changeways", is a cognitive behavior approach and also uses a triangle.

The Triangle of Actions, Thoughts, and Feelings.

The Boundary I set involved Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual

And, if you have ever noticed, when one famous person passes, two more quickly follow (quickly being max 1 -  3 weeks

The Divine - Masculine, Feminine, God (Source, Creator, etc.)

Well, today I received a BUNDLE of THREEs!  I absolutely know that these are "signs" of the Divine, for us!

Let's start with this morning:

I went to 3 Schools with 3 Packages.  The package involved a Cover Letter, My Mission Statement, and "The School of Hard Knocks or The School of Life Rocks!". 3 pieces of information.

I had 3 errands to run.  My "final" appointment with Mental Health, approach schools (turns out to be 3), and I had a book to drop off.                 

A book by Cassandra Clare............................................The Clockwork Angel!

Okay, I've got it. 3 truly is the magic number!

And, on the ride home came 3 amazing songs.  Give a VERY close listen the next time you hear:

Numb by Usher  (it is about becoming 'numb' to tough experience by walking through it and not worrying that it is occurring - everything will be fine if you are strong!)

Oath by Cher Lloyd - The title says it all

Good Life by One Republic

That is all I am going to say!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Many Hands Create a Balanced Life

This is an experience of setting my "Personal" Boundaries.

How will I show others and Others to "treat" me in a balanced way? 


Here it is!

I CHOOSE a Balanced Lifestyle

For "me" this creates, and is creating, a "well balanced" Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual experience in living Here.  This requires releasing "negativity" in all categories.  I choose a Positive World.

My Physical World - (Actions - Speaking, Walking, Talking, the verbs in living).

1) I choose foods that resonate with me. 

I actually ask my Care Team to "show me" what it is that my body requires in order to "run" well.  And, I understand, that I am allowed to enjoy food.  So, if I choose to go out, I will.  However, too many processed foods in my diet create "illness".  So, in order to stand in my choice of wellness, I choose nutritious food over processed food 90% of "the time".  Foods really heal and I have put that action into motion and I have actually removed a pain medication in my existence.

Mantra - I choose foods that allow me to be a great vibration.  For in choosing those foods, I create wellness in my body.

2) I choose to speak with words that support a balanced way of living so that when I talk I build up.  I choose words that will allow me to motivate myself and others and I will never swear again!

These are kinder, gentler, more loving words.  I had a truly amazing weekend because I chose to use words that heal.  I also made a choice to stop watching a movie loaded with swears.  I understand that swear words are a lower vibration in life.  I understand that sometimes I might find them funny, but I choose words that heal. 

In speaking, I also am engaging in conversation.  Creating a space to be heard and to listen.  Balancing conversation is a great experience.

Justin Bieber (relatable to anyone) has an album out titled "Believe" and has a song that is "Never Say Never". That is a noble phrase.  And I will NEVER say "Never" again.  Point?

"I will NEVER be popular" to "I choose friends that lift and upbuild".  I have walked into an experience and am "meeting" amazing people.  I have to book time for everyone now back in Kamloops in order to accomodate.  I have alot of amazing friends.

Mantra - I will NEVER say "never again".  Through any experience I find myself encountering I will create a world of possibilities.

3)  I choose to move forward in a balanced wayThis allows a space of presence that allows my experience to enhance my world. 

Feeling the warmth of the blow dryer on my head soothes muscles, creates circulation so my hair grows, and allows me to be prsent. 

I will choose one house chore a day and ask for assistance when require.  I enjoy a clean home.  And I understand that too many chores are just that. I will enjoy a clean home by making "my load" lighter. 

As well, my family and I have reached a balanced way of sharing that responsibility.

My dad returned Home.  I understood that it was his time.  I cried.  That's okay.  We are experiencing  the loss of a loved one.  And, in order to move forward (which he would have wanted).  I took time to experience the loss and I understand I will see him again.  This part can create "suffering" for some.  However, I am teaching others that it is truly a part of life. 

If I choose to cry when someone leaves, it is because I understand that they are no longer Here.  I also understand that they are over There now, and I will be okay.

If I choose anger when someone leaves that is okay.  Anger is an expression of words.  I understand that I will be angry until I choose to release that "feeling". 

I choose thoughts and feelings that allow me to love through an experience.

I understand Soul Contracts.  We are Here for a time and then return There.

If number 3 seems a "chore" remember that in all things, baby steps, are a step forward until you are able to run.

Mantra - I move forward in a balanced way.   I will move "through" an experience in a loving way. 

My Emotional World - Thoughts and Feelings

I have saved the most important piece until Here because we are our thoughts and feelings.

Mantra - I choose to live a balanced lifestyle by expressing what it is that I may require in any given moment.  I will do so in a way that heals.  By expressing myself in a loving way, I create a space that allows myself and others to receive what  is required "in the moment".

I am creating a world that supports my Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Well Being. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Hello, my name is Donna Hartt, and I want to share an amazing story.  If you choose to read it the whole way through, thank you.  If you have chosen to "not" read this.  That is okay, I truly understand.  Because.............

Those that require me will find me, and that is the true purpose of my soul.  I am going to use some situations from the Bible, and hope that you would understand that to reach "all", I must step into my pretty big shoes.

Remember my saying.  "Take only that which resonates (touches your soul and brings you joy)".  If something does not resonate leave it behind.  It serves YOU k(no)w purpose. 

This will be a fairly lengthy blog for I must start at my beginning for everyone to completely understand the message relayed for within lies the true miracle.

Resonate - to relate harmoniously : strike a chord

The Bible - a book inspired by man, twisted by man in a means to control (ego - unhappy, uneasy, worry, mega tears - the extremes of high and low)

Jesus drew a crowd of those who sought him out. I firmly believe he walked on this earth. 

The Bible talks of his ability to "heal" and perform "miracles".  Through Jesus, people were healed on a Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual level.  His words struck chords (resonated) within humans, creating a change.

There are people who have walked on this planet, and are walking on this planet, that have the ability to find Peace.

Peace of Mind
Peace of Heart
Peace of Soul (or Spirit)

I use Spirit to describe not only our Angels in the Outfield, but our Spirit or Will.  That which keeps us going.  Our gut.  Our fight or flight mode.  Determination.  I was, and am an EXTREMELY STRONG WILLED being.  It is the stuff dreams are made of. (Think Bill Gates, Justin Bieber, Will Smith, Mother Teresa, Jesus, I think you get the idea)

I have had many brushes with death in my lifetime, and have some pretty unique genetic modifications.  I was born with one full kidney only.  Yep.  One left kidney.  And I have oh so unique feet that started at 13 too.  My family was told Primary Lymphedema.  At 13 it was in my right foot.  By High School (15/16) both.  If you Google Lymphedema you will see pics that may cause an "ucky" reaction.  Mine is an EXTREMELY MILD form.  Think of women who retain water when they are pregnant and about to give birth.  More like "swollen".

Doctors discovered that when I was around 13 (one week in Children's hospital).  It was said that the other one withered away around 5.  An experience my mom had with me and an extremely high ever and unknown pain.  Broke out in fever blisters on my wrist and still bear the scar.  There are many more that will find their way into my/story = think history, think the greater myster of life itself.

I posted a quote from John Lennon and it so bears the truth.  He stated, "When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I gro up.  I said, 'Happy'.  They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life."

Profound, isn't it?  For in there lies the TRUTH of the secret to living life instead of "dying" life.

All of my life I have suffered.  And, as I have quoted before, "Pain happens in the brain, suffering happens in the mind".  Think of how many times in a day one could worry to death of they choose.


My entire life until this moment I learned to worry well.  I learned it from my dad.  His way of showing love was to what my brother lovingly referred to as "spaz out".  Boy that so has been my "truth" exposed as a "lie".

I learned stubbornness from my mother (and my birth sign the the cusp kid Wisesagicap - Sagittarius (archer/fire sign) on the Cusp of Capricorn (the goat).  My mother survived some "horrific" experiences herself and I watched her go "through" it.  Heck, two weeks before she was creamed by another car I had dream the Blue Datsun was smashed by a brown log.  She was hit on the passenegers side and IF she had not have been wearing her seatbelt.  It was explained that she may have been in a coma (what they called a vegetable at the time) or may have even died.  WOW!

So, from my parents I learned some EXTREMELY valuable lessons.  How to "spaz out" and how to really be headstrong.  Combine that with teenager and watch out!  I was an extremely willful, and wild child up until a number of years ago.  It has all been change through the course of attending a course.  Change-Ways.

Health is a three fold cord - Physical, Emotional, Spiritual

I was missing the Emotional part.  My mind, for the last 42 years has suffered but it is all okay.

Why?  Because it turned my "why's" into "what's".  This past week.

Jesus offered something beyond the Physical healing.  He offered those that sought him out PEACE OF MIND.

When we are able, or are given the tools, one can share or be given the tools to handle any experience given to you on this planet.


I have always been a show me, teach me girl, and it has become evident how critical that key is to being the best Psychic and Medium I will ever be!

I said it in a previous blog. And I am going to share, not to glamourize, but help you understand and truly KNOW it is okay to share any experience and to have it be shared without shame.  So, I have done some really stupid things, but they have all served a purpose.

Understand that is okay to share an experience because others have been there too.  Consider this, "my book".

I have delibrately hurt people and been hurt back (deserved it). 

I was bullied in elementary school for sharing something and having that trust betrayed.  I revealed a dream about someone in my class to "a friend" and next thing I heard was, "Donna likes" can't even remember who.  Over and over again.  I was teased mercilessly.

Imagine being in Mid and High School with a fat foot.  Oh man, I had artwork ripped in Senior High.  Nobody stepped forward.  I remember my shoe being held out the school bus window and being threatened I was going to lose it.  I survived that one, and it's funny to say how.  I used my feet.

I said, "Hey.  You know the funny looking feet (by now) I have.  If I prick my foot and get some of that fluid (harmless lymph) and touch your face with it, your face will swell like my feet". 

I was assertive in a moment.  Have a good laugh cuz it wasn't the truth.  But it worked.  Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it.  I had survived all my years of school.  Despite bullying.

I understand what it means to be bullied.  So, I consider myself an "expert" in the field.

At 22, I saw someone not suitable enter my life.  Got pregnant.  Got married.  Miscarried.  Twice.  In the space of one year.  The loss of life inside me created a space of seeing me on "anti-depressants" for the "fix".  To never know the experience of EVER bringing a child into my life through my own birth was devastating.  It was all I ever wanted.  Truth is that part of me was also broken from birth.  Something called Adenomyosis.  My uterine wall was never going to support life because a disease was housed in the muscle itself.

It turned out to be a good thing anyways.  I learned to accept other people's children in my life "as my own".  I, once again, had children.  It does NOT take blood.

I understand what it means to lose a child.  I suffered in my mind at such a great loss and turned it around. 

However, and this is a real valid one in this moment (think Amanda Todd).  I attempted suicide and survived because I reached out before it was too late.

I had met someone at around 21.  I "loved" him and after four months we were going to get married.

He broke it off.  I attempted suicide.  I downed a whole bottle of Aspirin.  And I paid the price.  My "will" drove me back down the hill I had gone up because I took the bottle and wanted to die.

Something deep inside reached through.  And, as I was curled up on a hill, freezing, I went "no!".

Realizing I could die, I raced down the hill and told my mother what I had done.  Again, I paid the price.  My father was "spazzing" the only way he had been shown to love thanks to having to strike out on his own at sixteen because of a father who came home from the war and arrived a full-blown alcoholic.  Thank you dad for leaving alcoholism out of my brother and I's experience.

My mother turned into "flight" mode and I was rushed to the hospital.  I had a tube stuck down my throat, charcoal down to my stomach, and I started to puke it ALL up.  None of the experience was any shape of fun.  Nasty, nasty business.  However, I AM STILL HERE!

As far as I am concerned, I have become an expert in the field.  I understand the feelings surrounding suicide and am not ashamed to share what I have learned.  Suicide hurts.  Everyone.

Enter many years ago.  The last bad relationship I ever, EVER had.  I allowed myself to become verbally abused.  One last time.  I had experienced it in my first marriage and finally got stubborn enough to leave (the marriage).  However, I needed one final lesson to change me.  This one was really bad.  Really, REALLY bad, and this is the first time I share, out loud, some of that experience.

I became addicted to a really fast life in a way too fast lane.  I tried cocaine.  I became addicted to it.  For approximately one year I shoved anywhere from one to three grams up my nose.  Probably at least every 3 days.  WHAT????!!!!!  Anyone who has tried cocaine understands that is ALOT!

I got kicked to the curb.  And, in that moment, I was saved.  I survived the experience (some people try a drug once and die from it).  AND I was never going to allow my choices to let an unsuitable man into my life.

Enter Counselling.  I was to be the cake.  Find my recipe (what I am made of, like, enjoy).  Learn to love myself first, trust my gut around men.  I say to you, it will fire a yucky feeling right in the pit of your stomach. 

My advice"run" in the opposite direction.  As fast as you can.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  JUST RUN!  For the cautionary tale is if you choose to walk right through you WILL pay a very dear price and might not come out of it alive.  Once again, the School of Hard Knocks.

I was fortuate.  I always new, despite the age, I could return home. 

Thank you mom and dad.  Once again, you saved my life.  And I was provided a valuable lesson.

I know how it feels to be addicted to something.  Getting clean took many months of love.  Love of self, love from family (I skipped the cocaine part at that time to spare being chastised, but deep down, my mother KNEW something was not quite "right), love of friends. 

Again, this is my first time of truly sharing out loud.  I hold no shame.  The experience has made me a better person.  Again, the School of Hard Knocks.

However, because of that awful experience I was gifted something where my dreams lay.  I had taken the steps to insure that the next man I met was going to be the suitable one for me.

Husband, you survived the firing squad (due to my history of unsuitable choices).  For that Angels, Family, Friends the "like".  Thank  you for helping me find such an amazing human to call my husband.

So, yeah, yeah, you're saying, get to the point.

Well, enter the worst pain experience.  Physical pain.  Ouch!

The tale unfolds in the starting of my blogs.  Read it there.  Because here comes the crux of my story.

Pain happens in the brain.  Suffering happens in the mind.

I have never EVER dealt with pain in a harmless way.  Every time I "hurt" I was a kicking and screaming wild child.

Enter Change-Ways from Mental Health.

Would you like to know the biggest part of our journey?  It is to come to Peace of Mind.  For there ends any "suffering".

I  have been shown the way to love myself through an EXTREMELY uncomfortable situation.

See the Breakdown Blog if you wish.

I walked THROUGH the door of pain.  Instead of screaming it away (or avoiding).

I truly know what it means to "suffer" on a Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual level.

I have come out the other side.  Retraining my brain so that I BREATHE through instead of scream around and avoid worry (about dying - the Physical), worry about everything "wrong" the "why me's" (Emotional stress - not healthy believe me), and come out the Other Side because I chose Spiritual.  My faith.  My prayers out loud about the "WHAT".

What have I learned?

I have survived through something, found peace and calm through the experience (PEACE OF MIND).  And have truly begun to live.

I have experience on all fronts.  Survived it and am now moving forward because I moved through with grace, and dignity (except the last breakdown but MEGA breakthrough), and............

I AM STILL ALIVE.  Better than ever.  Because I chose to love me first.  And guess what that means?

What happens to one happens to all.  I am being the change I wish to see in the world.

I had a dream after going back to sleep.   And an extremely monumental gift was received.  TRUE PEACE.

In the dream  MY HOUSE WAS FULL.  I had learned to love myself (my own house) through so many scary things.

I have faith and determination and WILL.  Once again I am saved.

In the dream?

David Hasselhoff (think Hop if you haven't seen the movie) - The Hoff was literally in my house in my dream.

Why?  Because he had heard about what I was able to do.  And in that dream.  He came to know a new truth.  People can really communicate with Spirit.

I was juggling a full house of people who had heard about me.  All those in need of being afforded some peace.  PEACE OF MIND.  Knowing his loved ones truly were around.  I told him things I could NOT have known.  He was with his own family (about 4 people) and they were blown away too.


I juggled and conversed with people waiting to see me saying, "Yes.  I am a bit behind.  But don't worry, you will get your turn if I have run behind.  Please find something to entertain for the next half hour or so.  I will be done."

Bible "Thy Will be Done". 

Every one had their worries allayed (set to rest, Peace of Mind) and they occupied themselves until I called on them.

I have found true Peace. I am Home.

Watch out world, I am now unstoppable.

I now understand the piece of the puzzle before I could truly begin my work.

Jesus had it right.

Do Unto Other as You Would Have Done Unto You.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. (What happens to one happens to all).

I am my word.

"And the Word was with God".            UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

I am HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every time I have physically hurt I have screamed and yelled, and fussed and kicked.  My mom, cool as a cucumber (and I know she went into "fight" mode), saved my life.

Thank you mom!  Thank you Universe!  Thank you EVERYONE who has ever touched my life to help me "dance" again.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


In a quest to be healthy again, I have learned some extremely valuable lessons.  And, thanks once again to some tools from the Change-Ways program some really important pieces of my puzzle have come to "light" (worker).  ha ha get it?

We are called Lightworkers because we have been given the mission of shedding light on a whole new concept and way of "being".  And within the realm of the Lightworkers we all were given certain "talents" or "gifts" from Creator.

I am a Psychic.  Psyche has many meanings one of which is regarding the state of consciousness, and "ic" means pertaining to.  And, for me, that means that I am able to read people's energy which allows me to guide anyone who wishes to see me through an experience that will shed light on a solution.  I feel it is part of my responsibility to not "solve it" but guide someone to the knowledge and, at times, share a piece of my experience that may relate to it.

In the realm of a Psychic I have also been gift foresight and within that lays Earthquake predictions.  My Great Grandmother on my dad's side did it, and these may be handed down whether it skips a generation or two or not.  I have posted 10 earthquakes before they have happened, and have been really close to the accuracy within the richter scale and location.  And yes, Japan is up for one more very shortly here because they still aren't "listening".

As a Psychic I have also learned through experience how to see things from a Higher Perspective.

It does not take me to tell you what you require.  We all have the ability to tend to our needs.  And, when we tend to our own needs through Self Awareness and ASKING OUT LOUD, a very strong and healthy vibration of energy is created.  And this, in turn, allows soooo many amazing things to occur.  We have, as a dear friend has shared, become our word through thoughts, actions, and feelings. We begin and continue, to trust our own inner guidance system which is our connection to Spirit in all of it's forms.  The Other Side and our Spirit/Will (power)/Being.

I am also a Medium.  This means that I am a vessel through which Spirit is able to communicate.  I receive messages from loved ones on the Other Side and convey them to loved ones here.  I do not do this work alone because it really is through me that Spirit is able to communicate.  This part of my job is "new" as I only wholeheartedly embraced after nearly choking to death and realizing if I don't do "my work" I will never truly find joy.

So, even through the pain lesson, and sleepless night lesson,  I have created a pace of work that keeps me Spiritually satisfied.  My Spirit/Will/Being requires it to experience true joy within.

And here's where I come in on a global scale.  If what happens to "one" truly happens to "all" then I share my experiences in order to give freely of some of the knowledge I have required surrounding this job that I do.

In the world of being a Medium I am still working out some lessons, and am continually working with my Care Team to do my work to the best of my ability and wholeheartedly.  And I am.

Each Medium (thinks of media - a mode in which information travels) goes about their own way along with their team.  And, in the world of Mediums, I believe we are born with the ability to be extremely connected Spirit/Self/Will.

Anyone can see the signs, that is what our true eyes are for.  There are no coincidences in life.  Things/Challenges/Joy are actually lessons from Spirit in order to help us "connect" better.

There IS a "life" after "death".  On a Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual level.

And, with that said, here is what one representation of what a "death" can look on the Physical Realm.  Enjoy the articles that this site so amazingly share.  It was shared with me and makes soooo much sense for ME.

Sweet Life Everyone!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Some Interesting Questions

I am so glad that people are asking questions about life on the Other Side.

Today I have been posed two and I would like to answer based on my experiences.

1) What happens to someone that takes their own life?

Absolutely nothing other than returning Home.

We are to be reminded that in the world of Soul Contracts we have a beginning, our Entrance Point or human birth (consider the human form a leased vehicle and when it expires we have our birth into Spirit),  and a death, Final Exit Point, which is rebirth into Spirit.  We also may have a few close calls along the way.  I did, and I made the choice to live because the choice truly was mine.  I saved myself from choking on a Skittle (ha ha, didn't really want death by Skittle on my gravestone).

Mindful that Hell, as mankind has twisted it into, does not exist except for right here on Earth. (I am so glad that we are right in the middle of "out with the old and in with new").

We only have Spirit to return to.  The Other Side, Heaven, however one chooses to see it.

When someone commits suicide they do not have the tools to move through their current experience and take their own lives.  While it is not ours to take (life is a gift from God), it is something that happens and it should be seen for what it truly is.

Someone does not have the tools Here to cope and chooses to return home.  Again, not the way we wanna do it, but it is seen as an Exit Point written in their contract.  Remember, we can choose to live, or choose to leave.  It is preferred that we are asked to work through the experience, but isn't always able to happen.

Mankind has created a space of judgment.  When I hear of suicide I can't imagine the painful experience one has no ability to cope with.  I feel sad, but am okay because I realize that point.

Nobody has the right to Judge except God (Creator, Allah, Yaweh, etc).  And truly Source is Love.

When this happens, we are greeted by loved ones, and cocooned.  Think of a birth.  A baby is welcomed into the world with a Care Team (Doctor's, Nurses, etc.).  They are wrapped up and lovingly placed into the arms of their parent.

It works the other way too.  We are greeted by our Care Team (Guardian Angels in the form of loved ones, our Spirit Guides), swaddled up and then welcomed graciously into the arms of our parent(s) in Spirit.

It is at that point that we are given a Life Review and come to a better undestanding of our human experience.

At this point I would also like to state that each time we come back Here we are made to drink of the River of Forgetting.  It is a new experience with its own set of lessons and mission(s).  We do get snippets in the form of Deja-Vu, and it has been my experience that people that are attracted to a certain period of time have had an human experience.  For me, one of my times rests in Medieval times.  I have always loved that period.  One of my Guides presents herself that way to me and always has.

So, once again, suicides do not go to Hell.  It does not exist except for the minds of mankind who have twisted to FEAR others into good behaviors.  And we might describe an experience as Hell or what's going on on this planet Hell.    

They are welcomed Home by loving arms.

Side bar - But we can change that to create Heaven right Here on Earth and we are in this very moment in time.  We have to become extremely unhappy, for it triggers the need for a better way of handling things, in order to become the change we wish to see in the world. 

And it truly does start with the Self.

2)  If People don't get along during their human experience, do they become friends once in Spirit form?

Everything on the Other Side is in perfect order.  No physical ailments, no emotional strain, pure Spirit.

This means that if two people didn't get along Here they get along THERE.  Heck, it's even been shown to me that people who didn't get along Here had been waiting to greet the other back Home.

There truly is the Perfect State.

And, when the shift finally finishes Here it will come to a state like There.

See the Lions to Lambs.

Keep the questions coming!  I truly enjoy this part!
Breakdowns for Breakthroughs

At 4a.m. yesterday, I found myself awake in the worst physical state I have EVER been in.

I truly thought that I was suffering an aneurysm.  My head felt like it had a bullet in it and the experience truly was Hell.

With that said, once again, a miracle occurred.

For the first time in my experience of physicality, I nursed myself through it.  And, while I am still being "nagged at".   I have moved this experience into a state of grace.

In a quest of now turning my "why's" into "what's", I found that state.

While "Donna" was losing it, Spirit was nursing it.  I truly did lose my "mind" and it has now been truly found.

I came down to the couch and broke down.  I began to ask "what".  "What" is it that I am supposed to be learning through this experience.  I screamed it.  Ego was having the biggest hissy fit in her life.  However, it was at thst moment that Spirit broke through.

I could actually see myself having the experience.  The Spirit within that is connected to all said this to Donna:

"Dear God, please have mercy on this human's experience, it is now too much for her to bear". 

I kept repeating "I am a Spiritual being having a human experience".  And suddenly Spirit whispered.  "Work THROUGH this, not around it." and, of course, Spirit bore the truth of the matter.  For I have always wanted it chased away and never EVER worked through it.  Ever.

And yesterday, for the first time I moved through it.  My dear husband (who I woke up with my cries to Creator) came down and asked me what was going on.  My reply was "make it stop, I can't handle this anymore".  So Spirit moved and here's what happened.

I asked my husband for my sleep medication in order to go back to sleep, because it is truly what has been lacking in this experience, but has played an important role.  Then I asked my husband to put on the "Bishop's Wife" so I could soothe my soul while awaiting for things to dissipate.  Asking for help was all I needed to do.  Help to breathe through it, allowing it to happen and nurturing self through the entire space of a migraine, which is still sort of there at this point, but in a much more manageable space.

I haven't always been good at asking for what I require, and I believe I have finally allowed that state of grace to occur.  And, while it might have been through snivelly sobbing, I asked.  Not only from those There, but those Here.  And I am recovering from the "bullet in my head".

The breakdown for breakthrough.

Along this path that even led me to Changeways (Change Ways - how true), the lesson was driven further home.  I was unable to attend class and had spoken the day before to the Course Leader about my physical experience and my commitment to the material.  I have been working through it and was about to miss my first class in the series thanks to migraine.

Yesterday's material, which I covered from home had the biggest piece of my human puzzle EVER.

All my life, I have seen the "worst" in outcomes in my head.  Yesterday's lesson was about seeing the experience, whatever it is, straight through to the end.  THE END.

I have been in my head (Ego) seeing the worst possible outcome.  The end.  The end of my human existence because it has appeared that bad.  I have been living a lie and it is time to release that belief.  It serves no purpose whatsoever.

So there I was, through the worst part and the biggest hissy fit, breathing and allowing the experience.  It was after that point that I felt strong enough to pick up the material and there it was.

Worry to the End.  And it couldn't be any truer for me than this space.

At that moment, I envisioned the same scenario I have travelled on, only this time I took it to the True End.  Me coming out the other side, vibrant, healthy, truly joyful, and able to do my work and fulfill my mission.  I had walked through the experience for the first time in my life, in a state of grace.

For, moving through it, I have uncovered the lie and walked into the truth.

I would not be able to do my job without any of the experiences that have occurred over a lifetime.  But now I had moved all of them into a state of grace (acceptance).  For in them have been valuable things.

How would I be able to look in a "victim's" eyes and say "I am sorry for that experience, I share it too."

How would I be able to handle teenagedom (new word) without being such a shithead teenager myself.

How would I be able to look into a "user's" eyes and say, "It is such a tricky road to release".  If I hadn't experienced it also.

How would I be able to look into a mother's eyes whose lost her child whether through miscarriage or passing and say "It is such a great loss and is such hardship to bear" without experiencing it myself.

How would I be able to look into someone's eyes and say "I understand your pain" without experiencing it first.

I wouldn't be able to help guide someone through their experience without any of the experiences myself.  I truly understand it.  For experience is the greatest teacher of all down Here.

I am blessed to be able to take it that one step further in my ability.

For, through experience, and the gift I have received from  Source in the form of truly "seeing", I am able to help those who are in need.

I am able to reach out to anyone and everyone, everywhere in the truest way to reach out of all.

Love.  Pure and Unconditional Love.  For I am seeing with my "Greater" eyes now. 

The Spiritual Being having a human experience who has been"chosen" to love this planet in order to help create Heaven on Earth.

May you find your "peace" of Heaven.

I have.

And even if Ego kicks up, for we do need it, I see it now for what it truly is. 

A lion to be tamed.

As Russell Crowe stated in one of his movies "Rise and Rise again until Lions Become Lambs"

And, as the Bible states in Isaiah 11:6

"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them."

Wolf = Ego
Lamb = True or Authentic Self


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"The Bishop's Wife"

There are moments in life that take our breath away.  And for me, today is no exception.

You see, miracles occur, and it goes above physical healing and straight to Spiritual Healing, healing of the soul..

Over the past 28 months I have watched my body deteriorate and it scares the hell out of me.  And, today I was provided the space to just "be heard".  No fixing.  Just acceptance for where I was at in that moment. 

For that space, I am eternally grateful.  Because I was afforded that space something miraculous has occurred.  Along my path, I have forgotten and today I was reminded.

The grapplings of the human experience involve ego, and I have been right in the middle of allowing the Saboteur to reside, and now that part of me has been exposed.  So, I am going to share the experience in hopes that anyone, everyone, will come to know the role Saboteur can play in all of our human experience. 

As I've said, I have watched my health decline, severely, over the last 28 months.  My first symptom showed up in July of 2010 in the form of a swollen sore finger.  This was followed by a deterioration of the joints in that finger.  And, over this span, not only has it happened to one, it has happened to all.  This has carried on further with atrocious pain at my heels, followed by the joints in my feet deteriorating.  The deterioration is in almost every joint in my body.  My hair has only grown one inch since December of 2011.  And presently, any hair that has fallen out has not been replaced, and my hair is thinning.  My muscles twitch (pick one any one), I suffer pins and needles and pain at the joints that are deteriorating.

My recent visit to a vascular specialist has concluded that I do not have MS.  I have Chronic Migraine Syndrome, and it was explained that the nerves in my body have created an unclear message.  The Specialist likened nerves to a radio.  When you find the station, the signal is clear.  Put a dial between two stations and there is static.  My body is in "static" mode.

We have ruled a great many things out, and yet I still have asked "why"it's happening.  "Why" is a grapple with ego.  I have always asked why, when instead, maybe I should be accepting of the well known resonance of life.  Things happen for a reason, and while we might not know "why", we must rest knowing we are in good hands.  There are lessons to be had in all experiences, and that the lesson will always be revealed. 

Some people in  my past would say I deserve it.  I have come to accept it as part of my journey.  Nobody deserves illness, it is written in our course.  Sometimes we are able to be healed, and sometimes it is written that we are not. 

Lightworkers are known to take on the problems of the world, because that is what we have been born to do.  But, in no way shape are form, are we meant to bring it into our bodies.  We are to create Sacred Space in order to facilitate what a soul in our presence might need. 

We are guided by Spirit at all times.  And that goes for the rest that aren't Lightworkers.  And here's where "The Bishop's Wife" comes in.  Cue Cary Grant as the Angel sent to Earth to help others come to know True Joy.  At the heart of True Joy is love.  Cary Grant's characted Dudley stated, "There are Angels among us."   And it couldn't be any closer to the truth than that for me, and, it is even stated in the Bible that angels have been sent down as messengers.

And I couldn't know that truth any more than I do at this minute.  Tears are streaming down my face as I write this, because of True Joy and an extremely strong reminder from Spirit.

You see, along this journey I have once again forgotten who I am.  And, ever so quietly, like they do for us all.  Angels whisper softly, giving us the ideas that we claim for our own.  THAT is also ego.  Again, a message stated clear by "Dudley" that angels whisper in our ears to "help" us with the idea.  Divine Inspiration.

I have been in pain, cold, numb, tingly, twitchy, and today, I have been reminded.  And I feel that as a friend told me, it resonates on a molecular level. 

I am Spirit.  And in that, I am safe, and always taken care of.  So, right here, right now, I tell you.  I understand that I have been chosen as a vessel.  A vessel for Spirit.  And, in that, lies the "Hartt" of who I am.  

I am a Messenger.   A Messenger for Spirit.

I am going through a lesson right now.  I know that I now can truly say that I know what it means to experience physical pain.  I know what it means to experience mental pain, for I have cried so many tears of pain and fear during this experience.  And, coming to a place of understanding about caring for our mental health.  It has such a stigma around it, and I have eroded those walls.  Physical, emotional, and Spiritual health is all part of our makeup.  To say one has never had a mental health experience would be untrue.  We have all met with challenges that have caused tears, frustration and breakdowns.  Breakdowns for breakthroughs. 

My physical experience has facilitated a need for the Changeways Program through Mental Health.  It is about Cognitive Behavior, and that our Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions all work together.  And, that by changing our actions, we are able to change our thoughts and feelings along with it.

I  needed another tool for my toolbox as  I haven't been coping well.  Who would.  And, knowing that Spirit works in mysterious ways, I am in that group for a reason that goes beyond that group and the benefits of that tool.  Spirit works through me, and I know that I have been provided a learning experience.  I am grateful. 

You see, the action I take is connecting with Spirit.  In that moment I don't hurt, and I am able to forget and be reminded of Spirit.  Spirit working through me and for me.  It is so I graciously move into that space of Unconditional Love so that I may better my mission.  For me, that is the truest joy.

Spirit cares so much for me , and all of us, that they will give us what we need at just the appropriate time.  Today was a day of self care.  That involved watching a movie.  Spirit once again facilitated a True Joy moment for me.  I wasn't given this movie to watch "just because".  My "new" grandparents are God loving grandparents where He truly resides in their hearts.  They offered the movie as a source of comfort.  And it was my kindly reminder.

Creator has now allowed me a "Port" in the storm.  A place of safety.  My gracious husband who has, regardless of my "coming out of the Medium closet", allowed me the space to be who I truly am.  And who still loves me despite everything that is happening.

It truly was a miracle day. I have found peace on a level so deep that I know I am safe and that I truly am cared for.  We all are.

And, while ego might pop its head up, Creator and the Heavenly Band of Angels will always be there to help me expose and burn it off, so that I may help to create Heaven on Earth through my actions.

They are There for all of us.

I am truly grateful for this day and, once again, for allowing Spirit to flow through me and onto this page in hopes of helping others realize they are not alone in the human experience. 

We are all sharing it, and by our actions, we can "shift" together.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Soul Contracts, Our Time Here, and Our Time There

Today I had a fantastic e-mail come my way, and, once again, Spirit has lifted my soul by providing another opportunity on my path that is lived in True Spirit.

Once again, this is my take on things from someone deeply connected to life on the Other Side through and the blessing to read for hundreds.  Take with you only that which resonates.  This is my experience and sometimes by sharing this amazing ride, I can help others come to understand some more about Here and There.

What I do know:

1)  The Shift

We are experiencing a shift in consciousness.  It is so that the old ways may pass and the new ways may enter.  An age where we will ALL find ourselves deeper connected to the only thing that matters in this lifetime.  Spirit.

During these times, I want all of you to remember this.  These things that go on in this time to come are in order for our betterment.  Mankind has been on a trail of "mine" for a very long time.  The "biggers", the "fasters", the MORE.  It is going to be an even bumpier ride than the present, but as we all know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not going to be a train this time.  It is going to be Spirit pushing it's way through to reach us all.

We are asked to look at things from a different perspective.  For, in "the shift" comes a path like you could NEVER have dreamed.  We are asked to be happy first and for most.


If we are to believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, there is one place we can all turn in times of difficulty.  Our soul.  The part that never EVER dies.  It is continuous.  And, if we are Spirit then that is where we came from.  We are left with one connection, our connection to Source, however you choose to see it.  Allah, Yaweh, God, Consciousness, the list knows no bounds.

When we turn to Source, we start to live better lives.  Because through Source we can turn to our Spirit and ask it what it requires.  The first thing would, I hope, be happiness.

But how?  Ask.  Even go so far as to ask out loud.  Why?  Because it shows your intention to Source, and there is nothing more powerful than that.

What does your Spirit need to be happy.  What do you dream of doing?  What do you dream of becoming?  Follow that gut feeling regardless of what anyone tells you.  We all have a right to do what we dream to do and it shouldn't matter what anyone thinks.

How does that relate to the Shift?  I believe it builds a better person.  This in turn builds a better planet.  And then, the real magic of this planet can begin.

So once again I tell you.  Stay strong.  Everything truly is going to be okay.  The light at the end of this tunnel is the truest light of all. Source.  We, as a planet, are about to get better.  Amen!

2)  Difficulties in this lifetime.

I have said it before, but I will say it again.  I firmly believe we have Soul Contracts which are arranged over There, before we come Here.

This means we have agreed to a Mission and Learning Objectives.  The lessons and joys, and sorrows are all for our benefit while here.  But, there is a way to ease the suffering.  For, as it has been said before "pain is in the brain, but suffering is in the mind".

First, and this is a really hard concept that even I am still learning about, time does not exist.

Time is a manmade constraint used to mark the changes experienced on our planet.  Mankind created it to control it.  Spirit cannot be controlled, only the human having the spirit experience can "try".

If time does not exist, and if we have been around and around through recincarnation into different experiences, then we must take that into consideration when evaluating our current life.

The past, present, and future ties could be playing a role in our present (think of phobias, beliefs, illnesses) can be released so we no longer carry the burdens and released so we can live a better, Present, life.

Give yourself a releasing ceremony. 

I will use myself as an example in hopes that you can better understand what it is that you may need to release.  Remember, everyone has their own journey here for which they've signed up.

I have always struggled with money.  And, maybe these days, who hasn't.

Awhile back I decided to release the vows of poverty, and here's what it sounded like when I explained to Source what I was doing:

"I release any past, present, or future vows of poverty in all timelines, in all directions."

Notice how it covers what we have come to know as time without truly attaching to that word.  "Time".

I stated it out loud, to prove my intentions, and I repeated it often for probably about a week just so that the human part of me would really, truly listen.  And, if necessary, I will say it when needed, but I can honestly say I am truly on the proper path with this one in my life.

Money doesn't buy happiness.  But, happiness creates a state of abundance that compares to none.

From my young life I knew I had big plans, though I didn't know what it looked like.  Yet, throughout my life I had always been intrigued by all things Otherwordly, and now I know why.  My one True Calling, the only thing I am ever to be in this lifetime.  A Psychic and a Medium.

And that is regardless of what anyone thinks or has come to a belief about people with my abilities.  I welcome skepticism and jeers (yes it happens), it makes me stand even stronger in my faith.  And that, is personal power.

I am filled with love at having this mission, and it never ceases to humble me as I come to let many know that there is more beyond this physical existence.

I pray now that you all ask your Spirit what it truly wants to do or needs.  Say it out loud, and wait for the magic to happen.

3)  Returning Home

Depending on how we wind up leaving for Home, there are things that take place.

If you have faced lengthy illness, when you leave Here, you are cocooned.  If you have died suddenly sometimes it is a shock to know you've changed form.  And even moreso if there was no belief in life after physical death.

I've come to learn it takes a bit of time for a Soul with a heavy mission to re-align with Spirit because of its human experience.  We are wrapped in Source's love.  And, think of the human experience of birth.  A care team surrounds the new life waiting to arrive in physicality.  They are cleaned, wrapped, presented to parents.

Now, imagine that experience the other way.  We leave our leased vehicle Here and make a transition to Home, where our Care Team There awaits and takes care of anything necessary that Spirit requires.

Part of that care is a "life review" where you are shown your human experience, and maybe how it may have been handled in a different way or applauded for things learned quickly.

Over There is perfect.  Nothing is needed, nothing is required.  We operate strictly in Spirit and in callings.  Yes, we all get assignments over There too, but once again, it's taking care of the humans.

Our loved ones that passed before us in this lifetime are always sent to greet you.  And most stand vigil during the time of illness.  I knew that my dad was greeted by his father and brother, and I am so happy for that.  If you went before a spouse, they would be there to greet you, even if you had a spouse that followed the one that passed.  And the two of you will be there for that person when they leave to Home too.

I think you get the idea.

4)  Twin Flames

People talk of "soul mates" and "twin flames" and not alot of people are given the proper information.

Do we have soulmates?  You bet.  Some are for a length of time and some are for short times.  They all come into our lives for a lesson we need to learn about self.

Do we have Twin Flames?  Yes.

What are They?  Twin flames are eternal relationships..  It is believed that all of us have one Spirit we travel with indefinitely.  They come into our lives as someone we know we must have in our life, but it may not always be the way we imagined how.  Sometimes it is brother brother, mother father, sister sister, lovers, I think you get the idea.  You will know them when you meet them, for the bond will be unbreakable and withstand all things. 

Karen, I've always known you're mine.  My life would never be where it is without you.  And, if one us inevitably leaves before the other, I know we've got each others back.

5)  Heaven and Hell

I would consider the Other Side Heaven.  For there, everything is in perfect condition.  No ailments, no heartache, no hardship, just pure unadulterated JOY.

The hardship, heartache, joy, and triumphs belong to the human experience.

The word Hades in the Bible literally translates to the common grave, or burial.  Mankind has twisted it into Hell and created a place that generates fear amongst those of many religions.  It is used to torment and scare us as young children and to make us behave "better".  It is a CRUEL teaching.

Hell exists right here and right now too, but we can make this Heaven right here on Earth.

See Item 1.  Repeat as necessary.

All of my love to all of you, wherever, and whoever, you are.  I am a part of you and you are a part of me. 

I send love.