Monday, April 18, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

Intentions.  We must be careful what we wish for, for you will never know just how quickly a wish will manifest.  It can be shocking at times.  And there is definitely a period of adjustment.  However, it is as easy as saying it that "it" can happen.  Once again, my "it" was today.

I must start off by saying, that I absolutely adore my mother.  When I first came out to her as an intuitive, it was awkward at best for me.  My statement of "I'm just like (so and so).  I can do that.  I can communicate with the Other Side" was met with something to the effect of "Well, it does bring comfort to people."  Nothing more.  The hardest part was over for me.  Or so I thought.

Today while being dropped off from a round of golf, a complete stranger had mistaken my place for next door and what followed was a conversation that ended quite abruptly thanks to me.  You see, not that long ago I was pondering  grieving and when it is appropriate time to see a Medium.  As a Medium it is my responsibility to not disrupt the grieving process.  While I firmly believe that everything happens when it is supposed to, being reached by a recently passed loved one has the potential to interrupt a necessary part of grieving.  And that is the grieving itself. 

So, that being said, and me being who I am, I decided to have a conversation with the big guy in the sky.  The conversation went something to the effect that while I didn't want to disrupt my mother's grieving process, I wanted to bring her some level of comfort.  Of course, it's only been two months and would seem to be WAY too soon.  So, naturally I put the "let it happen on your time" basically surrendering myself to the process. 

Along with this conversation, I also needed to start naturalizing the conversation around being a psychic medium.  It is not a common language spoken, so I need to be given opportunities in order to normalize it (not that it, or I, are normal - no one is).  So I asked to be given the opportunity again, at His will, surrendering to the process.

That brings us up to being dropped off by mother after a round of golf.  A conversation ensued with the lady who had the wrong place.  It surrounded quilting and went to her health, which of course led to conversation about dad crossing over.  At some point age was brought up to which I responded "Don't let me fool you, I am 41".  Which was met with the usual "you look so young!".  After which followed, "And what do you do here?".  And then came the pause......then the response, "I'm an intuitive".  Again, another pause for effect, "And what does that mean?".  To which I responded, "If you believe that we go on once we physically die here, I can connect with the Other Side.  I'm a Psychic Medium".  At this point my mom said something about it which I didn't really hear because I was too busy looking at the lady I just told I was psychic.  I then saw that she was struggling with the concept and relayed the three deer examples of connecting with my dad and that I help people establish that connection.  I could see it was some food for thought for her and shortly thereafter my mother hopped into her car, drove away, and I went inside as the lady walked away..............and that is okay.

What I realized after I had a chance to "check in" and get grounded once again was that what I had asked for I got.  Not only did I ask for a chance to normalize conversations around what I do for a living, I asked that when the time was right that I would be able to offer mom some comfort without overstepping the boundaries.  In one conversation, my conversation (prayer) was answered.  I asked not even two days ago.

Energy and the use of it (intentions) is something we can all nurture.  Remembering it is for the better, and in the best interest of others.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Volcano Warning

Well, for documentation's sake, I have a bellringer on volcanic activity.  An eruption.  Feels like South America of all places (San Cristobal, Nicaragua).  We'll see....there is activity there.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Deer In The Stars

After my morning meditation today, I was led to my Faeries' Oracle Cards by Brian Froud.  They are a very loving and gentle deck.  They don't call for too many people too often, but when they do, their impact can be, and usually is, profound.  Today was no exception for me.

The card that is the last card to be addressed in most spreads was Ekstasis, which is a series of stars from which a deer emerges.  Well, as you can imagine, given everything deer related I talked about last blog, I was taken aback because that is how my dad communicates with me, and now my friend as well.  But above all, it was the message behind the message - the deer in the stars.  My dad.  My new helper.  My family's newest angel.  A love that crosses over into the physical realm and leaps out in a card.  One card.  One Deer.  It is always a single deer and it is a testament of love  Pure love.  The purest of all.  Love from the Other Side.

Our loved ones are dying to communicate with us, literally and figuratively (sorry couldn't resist the pun - mybad - comes with the territory).  They want the lines open, and once again, I realize that I am the mediator if communication hasn't been established.  Once it's open, it's open.  The end.  It is love that crosses those barriers between the physical and the spiritual.  Only love. 

So, motivated by love, a psychic medium reaches out to the world, with love, hoping that these blogs find you reaching out to your loved ones to open the phone lines.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Lines of Communication

Intuition.  We all have it.  But how do we use it?  Well, first of all we have to know how our guides and everyone else on the Other Side will try to communicate with us.  That's where a medium can help.

It's become evidently clear over the last several weeks what part of my mandate on this planet is.  As a medium, it is my role to serve as the go-between the physical and the spiritual world.  Simple as that. 

I was having coffee with a friend that was (and is) such a part of our family that she was given something of my dad's.  During coffee I explained that dad was using his wildlife to communicate.  Particularly deer.  About a week after dad passed, as mentioned in a previous blog, my dad sent a lone buck to my complex entrance, and we have never seen deer up here.  I relayed the story and let my friend know that a lone deer (in particular) was one of the easiest ways for dad to communicate.  The very next day from coffee I received a post stating that a lone deer showed up in her cul-de-sac.  It is as easy as that.

In an effort to help my loved ones understand what it's like for me to be a psychic medium, I have started making this kind of conversation normal and within everyday of my life.  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't run around saying, "Hi, I'm Donna.  I'm psychic." as my way of introducing myself.  But let's face it, psychic lingo isn't something that's talked about within normal realms of everyday conversation.  For me, talking about it helps increase my authenticity.  And by that I mean my Authentic Self.  The person I have been since birth.  So it is important for me to use the language surrounding psychic abilities and mediumship.  That said, psychic talk is starting to enter some "normalcy" through shows like "Psychic Kids" and "Psychic Investigations" and more and more psychics coming forward and increasing in popularity.  Anyways, par for my course some days, I digress.

Getting back to communcation, this particular incident really provided the proof (for me - again my frame of reference) needed that part of my role as a medium is opening the door for loved ones here to communicate with loved ones from Home.  When that line is established, and how the communications will take place, my job as facilitator is done. 

Because we were all born with intuitiveness (and there is a difference between intuition and mediumship - HUGE difference just so that you know), it stands to reason that when we are open for an experience, the means will show itself.  Such a case came with my dad and him sending a deer to let my friend know he's watching her too.  How beautiful.

An example such of this shows how easy (and quickly sometimes) the lines can be opened up.  So, it is with this in mind that I now ask something that can be a bit of a challenge, but it is a loving step for all parties involved.  Most of us never know when we are going to leave the planet.  This makes it a necessity to open up the lines of communication prior to passing.  While crossing over is hard concept to grasp and hard on the heart to talk about it.  It is a natural part of life.  If we strive to open the communication lines prior to someone passing and set up what the calling card is going to look like (Remember in the old days people used to leave calling cards to let them know they were by?), then when we leave we are given the opportunity to communicate with our loved ones left behind.

If someone has a favorite song, make it "your" song for those instances a radio is turned on for the first time, or stepping into a store to hear that song.  If someone had a favorite bird they liked to watch, then that could be it.  The signal could be anything. 

Of all the loving things, if you have already lost a loved one, you can make a request.  For instance, one of my dad's latest tricks is "F'in Perfect" by Pink.  Of all the up-to-date songs I picked it because  dad would shake his head at the pick if he were here, I adore this song and, of course, easily relate to it.  So one day while I was driving, I decided to have a conversation with dad (yes they hear) and said it'd be really funny if he could use that song as a means to communicate to.  I set it up very specifically to the point that it had to be turning a radio on and couldn't be in a line up of songs because that could be a song played at any time.  I wanted it to be specific (makes it easy for them too - not that it's hard for them) so that the timing was undeniable.  On several occasions I have turned on my car radio to the song and have walked into a store and it starts up.  Again, my frame of reference and I get that there will be those out there that go "too vague".  I'm okay with that.

With that said, I want to give an example of just how I, as a medium, work and how the Other Side communicates with me.  Blessed with all 5 clairs, I have been working with my guides to show me more in depth information so I'm not running around cold calling, and can be right on the money.

I was out for coffee last week and was sitting by myself for a moment while a friend went to get us hot water for our teas.  While my friend was up at the counter, I let myself relax into a moment of aloneness and, of course, I let my guard down (which can't happen because then I get the following scenario and really I'm just out to enjoy a coffee, not read) and the next thing I knew I was being shown a large "T" like a scrabble piece enhanced 100 times.  At that moment, I said to self, "okay, I'm not gonna settle for just a 'T' that's too vague".  I was then given the name Tony.  And I must interject here saying that I have been working on locating the direction and vicinity of the "pings" in order to figure out who it is I'm being directed to and was urged that it was coming from near the counter where my friend was talking.  More importantly, it was the lady she was talking to.

It just so happens that said individual came and joined us for coffee.  At which point (which I will not do again until I have someone sitting in front of me specifically for a reading) I turned to her and said, "This is going to sound strange, but do you know someone named Tony?".  A quizzical look came over the ladies face, I explained who I was and what I do for a living, and she confirmed that she did indeed know a Tony.  In fact, it was an aunt's boyfriend she said.  I said, "It's your mom's sister and she's passed".  To which she responded, "Yes."  I then went on to share a few more details and left it at that.

It made me realize that a prayer had been answered.  I now know I can locate who I need to, when I need to, in order to read them during workshops in large crowds.  I look forward to the day of being in front of a crowd and sharing such experiences.  I have faced my fear of  "Am I going to find the person to read in a crowd?"  I met the fear with a prayer of "Please direct me to who needs a connection with their passed loved one and let the lines of communication become extremely clear with detailed information", and it was answered with this experience.  I am eternally grateful.

How will you open up your lines of communication?


Saturday, April 9, 2011

For Validation's Sake

For the sake of owning my intuition, I am going to say right here and now that there is going to be an earthquake in Chile.  The epicenter will be close to Santiago.  It's going to be between 6 and 7 on the richter scale. 

The images and information came to me during this morning's meditation.  I write it for validation and nothing more.  If I write this before it happens, it validates who I am as an intuitive.  And it is up to me to own it.

That's all I have to say for today.

Own It.  No matter what "It" is.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Love Knows No Bounds

I gave a reading to someone very far away awhile ago and learned some very valuable things about myself and the ability to communicate with the Other Side.  Love truly knows no bounds. 

Because energy is energy, all it takes is a conduit.  Regardless of where that conduit is.  I was the conduit for such an experience, and it was truly beautiful.  As it is not my story to tell, I will not share details.  What I will share is that this person knew without a doubt that I indeed had their family members "present".  Right down to some very specific details of a particular incident involving another family member. 

The biggest joy for me is to be the facilitator for opening the door to communication from Home.  As love knows no bounds, I firmly believe that my primary role for readings that require a medium is that I am present strictly to get the lines of communication going.  That is all.  Once that door opens, it makes it very easy for the sitter (person I'm reading for) to establish their own line of communication and get a dialogue going that will forever stay with them.   That is the gift.

The dialogue that ensues takes many forms.  Numbers, songs, specific animals, ear ringing in one specific ear in a very high pitch (deafens out everything else), dreams, and fragrances can be some of the many ways our loved ones try to communicate with us.  We can even ask a specific sign to be given through use of prayer.  If we do ask for signs, we must remember that time does not exist on the Other Side so a request made on a Monday in April might not show up until a Tuesday in May.  While that might seem a bit drastic, I just have to say it.  For me it was as quick as the week following my father's return Home.  Two Sunday nights post returning Home, entering our complex, my headlights came upon a young buck standing to the left between two small trees.  We never have deer here, and I knew at that moment, my dad was letting me know all was well. 

It goes without saying that "Ask and Ye Shall Receive" truly does exist.


Friday, April 1, 2011

The 4-1-1

NOTE:  This is my frame of reference, take from it what you will.

For the last little while I have been seeing "1-1's", 8-1-1, 2-1-1, etc.  I think you get the idea.  Well, the latest series has been 4-1-1 to no exception (the waking up at 4:11am hasn't been fun).  I can't count how many times in the last little while I've seen "4-1-1".  Anyways, today, if written in one particular way, would be 4/1/11.  Thus the blog and information (411) for today.  Yes, that is how easily our guides work with us.  Number trends.  (It is at this time that I direct you to go inwards when you are getting a number sequence and evaluate what it is that has been going through your mind at those times - it can often be information about that).  And of special note, the above information was not made clear until after meditation, thus the blog and information, the "4-1-1" as it were.

I was told in a reading, that my energy connects straight to the iron core of the earth.  What I gathered from this was a realization that only came about today.  So I'm going to back track just a moment to set the scene.

I began my morning with connection to self.  Before starting meditation, I said a prayer, laying my intent for meditation.  I always ask for the best possible information and that any insights be given in order to make any adjustments necessary, and ALWAYS give thanks.

One of my favorite meditations is a chakra sound meditation I found on Youtube.  Meditation serves many purposes, but for me, my primary focus is balance and protection.  Along the way as I enter a deeper meditative state as one can get in 10 minutes (note - with practice comes deeper meditative state faster), I draw energy from the root to the crown (earth to sky), imagining energy flowing from source to me to earth and back again.  Along the way I pay attention to each chakra as follows:

Red - Root (imagine the bottom of your tailbone area) - Earth
Orange - Sacral (about belly button area) - Gut/Instinct
Yellow - Solar Plexus (no explanation required) - Seat of Emotions/Source
Green (Pink) - Heart - Love
Blue - Throat - Voice
Indigo - 3rd Eye = Intuition/Cognition
Violet - Crown - Connection to Source

It is after this that I once again surround myself with the white light of Universal Love and Protection and have time to "hear" any information I am supposed to.  Then as the last bells chime, I start returning to present and allow myself to come back to the room as it were.  It really is that simple, and I firmly believe meditation is something we should all try to do.  Thus why I'm sending out this lesson of love today.  Anyways, as usual, I digress.  Back to the information.

During meditation today, I clued in to a very important thing with respect to a piece of information I was given during a reading.  My connection to the earth's core, the iron core.  Now, I will say that it doesn't mean I'm anything special, but during today's meditation I figured out what it means for me.  Again, my understanding, take from it what you will. 

As a psychic medium, establishing a connection with the earth's core is vital to tapping in.  It is the deepest connection possible.  It is at this time that I send out healing thoughts to our planet and to those that inhabit it.  It allows me to tap into the energies like tapping into earthquakes.  (See previous blog about Japan).  It allows me to FEEL what's going on within the heart of it all.  The core of the earth.  The earth's heartbeat.  The shift and shifting.   

From root (the very root) to Source, the lines are made open through meditation.  And meditation today was a very humbling experience.  I learned so much today for which I am eternally grateful.

We all have intuition ready at the wait when we're ready to start using it.  I say now, meditation helps that connection even more.  By grounding, centering, and focusing, we allow ourselves to slip away from the human experience of ego and just BE.