Sunday, December 30, 2012

The New Year's Evolution

Every year people take the time to look back over the year for the experiences it had to offer.  I sure did in my last blog.  Now, I want to take a step forward, into the New Year, and create evolution, not resolution.

Every day I make a conscientious choice to be "better" and to learn "more".  About myself and others.  The "mistakes" of the past are the lessons learned to help create my new environment.  We all have the ability to do it, but it is a choice.

This planet is yearning for something new.  Something different.  Something absolutely amazing!  And it all begins with the Self.

Love requires that we dig deep to shuffle and change and rearrange.  All I want is to be the best person possible and do what the good Lord has asked me to do.  My work.

Part of my work involves reaching out to souls that have experienced loss.  Part of the work involves reading the soul in front of me and helping them to realize or see their true potential and all that their life has to offer. 

It is about hope.

Hope that humankind will see "the light".

Hope that humankind will make it "better".

I truly believe we can. 

It is going to require digging deeper than we have ever known.  It is going to require cleaning out our own personal closet.  The joy of cleaning out our own personal closet, is that it leaves room for something new and exciting!

For those of us that have children (and it does not take blood to meet that requirement and they do not have to belong to "us" -nieces, nephews, friends.....just sayin'), we have a responsibility.  To leave them better than the generations before. 

I encourage you to honor that we live an a time where anything is possible.  We are the creators of our Universe.  No longer are we bound by the Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, work like a dog and get nowhere fast.  We actually live in a time where the possibility of doing something you absolutely LOVE is a reality.  The times demand it.  Corporations are crumbling, leaving room for creativity.  Like the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of all invention". 

RE-INVENT YOURSELF!  I believe in you!

HAVE FAITH!  We are all in good hands and there is a Divine Plan for each and every one of us. 

Parents, discover the amazing children you were GIVEN as a gift from God.  Do not repeat the past you lived in.  Embrace the change, knowing that you are providing your children a better future.

Mothers and Fathers - You have a name that belongs to you, it is not just mom and dad.  YOU are an amazing person too!  You have dreams, wishes, and desires that yearn to be fulfilled.  Get out there and fulfill them!  Be the person you have always wanted to be!

You no longer have to listen to the voices of the past, but get the opportunity to embrace your voice of the future!

Our future has the opportunity to be re-written.  It all begins with each one of us.

So, out with the old, in with the new, and let the magic begin!

I truly have faith in all that you are. 

Ignite the fire within.  Dare to lose the box and run with your arms open wide into the New Year that gloriously awaits you.

Through LOVE all things are accomplished.


Thank you.  Thank you for being part of my journey.  You have all contributed to making me a better person on this planet, for this planet.  I mean it.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 2013 be all the you dream it into being!

Friday, December 28, 2012

2013 and Beyond - A New Year's Wish

Another year has come and gone on this crazy planet called Life.  What have I learned?

1)  Life Isn't Always Easy.  What We Choose To Do With It Is:

From the minute we enter this world living begins.  I write to undo the sinkable words of our past. "Life is easy.  It's the living that's hard."  I choose to see it this way.  This life is the biggest school we could ever be in, and the longest school we will ever attend.  What are YOU going to learn from it?

This past year (heck the past five years) have been some of the most personally challenging times of my life.  However, I have made it through the other side with a new sense of wellbeing.  For I have come to the ultimate personal truth.  MY LIFE IS WHAT I CHOOSE TO MAKE OF IT.

Growing up, I can remember rearing my ugly head at the "unjustness" of the world around me.  Nothing was "fair" and I "never" got my way.  Everything was a challenge.  And I am totally okay with that.  I knew growing up my parents loved me.  I knew I was cared for, and that if every single belonging burned to the ground I would still have my family.  It was, and always will be, the most important thing I could ever have in my life.

Now, as an adult, I have had the opportunity to see just why my life was the way it was.  Because as things seemed to be "falling apart" around me.  They were actually falling into place.  The perfect place.  Right here right now.

You see, that's all we have.  Right here right now.  No other point in time exists.  And every day we have the choice to create the world around us.  Yes, life isn't always easy, but it can be happy.  We are asked to live our best lives possible.

And, if we use our Inner Guidance system to steer us, it is more easy than it is difficult.  Remember, YOU are the one responsible for what happens in your life.  Honor who you are and what you love to do, and you will amaze even yourself at all that can be accomplished. 

You can choose to be a victim of your circumstances ("why me?"  "Poor me", yada yada yada)or you can choose to volunteer for the life that has been presented to you. 

If you can learn to dance in the rain, you have learned the dance of life.  Your life is yours for the embracing!

2)  Faith is Everything

Faith isn't just about believing in a Higher Power, it is about believing in yourself.  When you can learn to tune out the chatter around you and listen to your own True Voice, that is a testament to Faith in oneself.  And, if you are having problems with that (as we all do), then that is when the Truest of Faith is to be utilized. 

We have a Parent (Parents??? I truly don't know everything about the Other Side) that is bigger than the parents we have on the physical plane.   The Cosmic Design Committee has our best interest at heart and has a plan for each and every one of us.  We are well taken care of here on Earth, even during difficult times.

People tend to reach out in times of need.  Have you ever considered reaching out just to be thankful?  Try it.  For, in that moment, life truly opens up to the amazingness it has to offer:

-  I wake up and say thank you.  For I am truly grateful that I did. 
-  I say thank  you for the challenges, for I get to see what I am made of.  I have discovered I am   
-  I say thank you for watching over me and having my best interest at heart.
-  I say thank you for my family, for without them I wouldn't be here.

Faith provides me the comfort in knowing I am truly never alone.  For if "God Brings You To It.  He Will Bring You Through It."

I am grateful.

3)  Love is the Only Reality

We have seen heinous crimes against humanity rise each year, and everyone is asking "why?"

I believe, that deep down inside, we know.  It is because we have forgotten to love one another.

First of all.  Children are a privilege.  Not a right.  We do them no favors by spoiling them with things, when in fact the only "thing" they need is our love.  People that shouldn't have children do, and there are those out there that should and can't.  It is a cycle I wish to be broken.

Pregnancy doesn't "Just happen".  We make it happen.  It is a choice.  And, should the circumstances find you with child, your only charge is to LOVE that child.  And, if you are unable, give it to someone that will.  It is the best gift we could ever give that child. 

Love them enough to provide a loving home.

Sometimes all it takes is a loving gesture.  To anyone.  Anywhere:

- The person holding out the cup for spare change (I like buying them something to eat or getting a
  drink for them). 
-  The elderly couple struggling to open a door
-  The Schizophrenic who is struggling with their thoughts
-  The girl with the sad face
-  The boy with the greasy hair

Love them for they truly are our brothers and sisters.

4)  I Am Committed to a Better Planet

By changing myself I change the world.  We all have the power to do it.  And every day I will continue to reach out and encourage each and every one of you. 

You are ALL deserving of Love and Encouragement. 

You are ALL important to me.

May the time known as 2013 find you growing in Faith (in yourself and others), and drowing in love!  

Love is the cure we are all looking for.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Clairs for Christmas

I have decided to do a series of "Christmas Spirit" blogs and today I want to start with an introduction to the Clairs.

There are many ways that Spirit use to connect with us humans.  And we all have the ability to experience Spirit, it just may not be the way that us Mediums do, but it is still VERY possible.

So, I am going to start with the easiest one and I am sure it is one most of us can relate to.  It is called Clairsentience.  Translated means "Clear Feelings" or "sense".

When I am having a session or even just a quiet talk with my care team, something really amazing happens.  The shivers.  It is the very essence of Spirit reaching out from the Other Side.  Hair on the back of your neck will stand up, you will get the shivers, it is like someone has run a cold breeze through you.  It is confirmation that Spirit is, indeed, around.

Think about when you reach out to have a conversation with your loved ones on the Other Side and you experience the chills or the hairs on your arms stand up.  You may even experience goosebumps.  That is the FEELING of loved ones around. 

Accept, Embrace, and Cherish it.  Honor that it is truly your loved ones around.

These kinds of conversations are not common conversations, and I am hoping that by sharing here, anyone can come to connect with their loved ones.  I have always maintained it does not take a Medium to experience Spirit, and that anyone can witness the power of our Loved Ones just by honoring that what they are experiencing is truly happening.

So take time today to sit quietly and honor those no longer among you in physical form.

Spirit exists, we are living proof of it.  We just have to learn the language of Spirit in non-form.

Accept - Our loved ones are with us even in Spirit Form

Embrace - Your loved ones can, and will, reach out from the Other Side

Cherish - That what you have felt is nothing but Pure Love reaching across the veil

May The Spirit of Christmas find you filled with the Spirit of Love 365 days of the year.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meditation - The Key to Connection

This morning I had the pleasure in participating in a global movement called, "The Master Shift".  A Guided Meditation being hosted throughout the world at the same time for anyone to participate in.

The guided meditation was beautiful and they will be doing another one later on today.  It is in honor of a date and occurrence that will never happen again in time.  The last consecutive date 12-12-12.  Numbers will never fall into alignment like this again.  It truly is a "moment" in time.

At the heart of the meditation was mankind's ability to bond together to create a better planet.  At a few points along the way, I actually found myself welling up with sheer gratitude at just how beautiful the meditation was.  The words of encouragement profound.  Let's just say I've bookmarked the meditation, and it is well worth visiting the site.

What struck me though, was the kindly reminder of just what meditation is.  A moment of inward reflection.  There are alot of beliefs held that meditation is about silencing the mind, but I say this.  It is about turning inward, honoring self, and connecting with the home we call Earth.

Meditation is used to ground, and is a truly vital part of the work I do.  If I do not ground, my abilities as a messenger are "scattered".  It is really easy for me to connect to the Other Side (Heaven, Home, There), I have done it all my life.  The challenge has been to plant my feet firmly on the ground and do the work, and I cannot be the best channel without grounding first.

Here's another kicker for someone like me.  I prefer to meditate alone and send out love and healing to this planet.  I always imagine myself connected to the Universal Energy, and send out my love to all. 

With today's meditation, there was a moment of opening up your palms to receive love, and honor for just how important each and every one of us is.  And, guess what happens when Donna opens up.  She opens up!  And, at a few points along the way, I saw and felt the connection of just how many were participating at the same time I was.  The love was Divine, and I truly did feel a shift.  A shift within.  To a spot where we have all taken a moment to honor that we live in one world.  Together.  And that we truly can change the place we call Home.

My Christmas Wish for this planet is that each and every one of you realize how truly unique, and amazing you are.  We all have the ability to dig deep and truly start reorganizing this planet.  It starts with honoring who we are and what we have the courage to embrace as our role on the planet.

I say it's already started, and it will not end until the true Shift has occurred.  A re-writing of mankind's ways to a helpful and loving environment for everyone to enjoy. 

How?  By taking time each day to connect.  To You.  For in connecting with you, you connect with the ALL.  And when you connect with the All, the magic of your life truly begins.

The Spirit that moves people at this time of year is a Spirit I embrace each and every day of my God-given existence.  Shouldn't we all?

Much love to all.  And a HUGE shoutout to the amazing beings who organized "THE MASTER SHIFT".  Thank you!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Career as a Medium

While I have been inherently doing things all my life with respect to my spidey-senses, it has truly been in the past two years that I have wholeheartedly accepted who, and what, I am.

I have relayed in previous blogs some of my early connections with Spirit and connections through until this moment in time.  Now, I have embraced it as my role on this planet, and have been living this life in a very open manner.  I feel the desire to have this type of conversation "normalized".  And I am not afraid to be part of the process.

I know the time will come when Canada will be represented in the world of Mediums.  It has already arrived.  I am starting to read across the globe now, and in increasing fashion.  It is the beautiful thing of this day and age.  The Internet and Social Media have created an easier world to reach out to and be reached back to.  It is amazing!

Anyways, by now I estimate that I have read over 1000 hours, and that is in gift alone.  I needed re-training time, and it has occurred.  I have now firmly re-connected with ALL that I am able to do.  I am ready to serve, never like before.

I say what I have is an ability, and what I hope to leave others with is the gift.  The gift of knowing that life truly does exist after Here, and that those that return There are around us all the time.  It is the biggest peace of mind I could ever offer to someone, should they wish to partake.

I have begun to realize just how I work as a Medium.  I have heard it time and again, and another "aha" has taken place (may I always have something more to learn about this role).  Remember the movie "Ghost"?  Whoopi Goldberg was "taken over" by loved ones crossed over.  While it might not be quite like that, my ability lies in bringing the Spirit "back to life".  I get their personalities!  What it was like to be in a room with them.  What they were like when they were in physical form.  And things they have discovered about themselves once in Spirit.

One of my favorites is when "people" discover that Hell doesn't exist.  There is only the Other Side, Heaven, Home. There.  It surprised the heck out of so many who crossed over.  I have heard it time and again from those There.

Yes, I get shown hard stuff.  The passings, the sorrows of loved ones left behind, remorse.  But these are all to do with the Human they were.  Like I said, it's like sitting down with the person.  I never know what I am going to get shown.

Sometimes I am shown things that "don't make sense" to someone.  I always say, "well, it's come up, but let's let it go, it will make itself known later".  Always has.  Even if it's an e-mail dropped in my box a few days later with an "I know what it means".

For instance, I was sitting with someone and one of the first things that came up was I had drawn the number 3.  I knew it had significance.  Whether it meant March, 3 years since passing, etc.  It was the number 3 and it meant something.  The person could not relate.  We let it go.

Later in the session, the person asked, if seeing "333" meant anything.  To which I referred back to the "3" at the beginning.   It was confirmation from Spirit.  I  had a loved one with me.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I have also discovered that sometimes Spirit needs "coaxing" because the human they were was a "non-talker" or didn't believe in someone like me or the human they were finds it unbelievable that communication like this can actually happen. It is my job to "find"those ones. It is a really neat process. Sometimes all it takes is a name. Sometimes I get those, and sometimes I don't. I am just to relay what is shown.

Like I say, this job never ceases to amaze me.  Love knows absolutely no boundaries.  Spirit is living proof of that love.

Welcome to my world.  May it open the door to yours.  The one of infinite possibilities.  Where dreams do come true, we get to live a life we absolutely love, and we all have the opportunity to "see" our loved ones.

It doesn't take a Medium to have that happen.  Just read the blogs.  Connect.  Say, "Hi". 

Ask for a sign...........and wait.  You'll "see".

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Religion and the Medium

Otherwise known as Beauty and the Beast, part of my existence has clearly been written in order to shift the way people view people like "me".  Not that I have anything to prove, I just have to fulfill my mission - which I am.

I am all for belief systems, for at the heart lies one true thing that binds them commonly.  A belief in a Higher Power.  But, I cannot count how many times I have been met with looks of abject horror from "those of faith".  And, believe me, it isn't just about people like me, it's about piety, and nobody is immune to it's wrath.

It is the reason why I have never been able to conform to any form of what I would call religion.  Some of the mainstays being  Catholicism, Baptist, United, I think you get the idea.  I have always held faith that there had to be something/one larger than me responsible for all of this.

Always felt that.

Today, I find myself in a position to say I consider myself a person of IMMENSE faith.  For a multitude of reasons.  Primary being that I truly connect with Spirit.  How could I not have faith with a job like mine?  Really?! 

Religion has persecuted Mediums and Psychics, and followers have come to see people like me as "spawn" or "evil".   I say this.  Why was I created this way then?  If the Almighty is responsible for life, then why are there people like me and so many more arriving on this planet stronger and stronger?

It is because we are here to shift the way all mankind thinks.  To bring them to a great healing so that we may enjoy peace on Earth like we never had before.  By understanding and witnessing that the Afterlife truly does exist, and that it exists in nothing but Pure Love, a mind is eased, a heart healed, suffering ended.  I have witnessed it time and time again from my sessions and by watching those in the public eye. (You will see me there soon too!).

Myself and others like me are Gamechangers, Angels of Mercy, Bringers of Light.  We ease people because of what we are able to do, and there is not another job in the world like it.  Yes, there are charlatans out there that give the rest of us out there a bad name, but they will soon fall away too.  We are ALL taken care of.  And, those with the purest of intentions prevail.  They always have, and that's why I will.  I was born to do this and I do it with all the love in my heart.

Every day I am grateful for being blessed with this ability.  It NEVER ceases to amaze me.  I am blessed to be able to reach so many, and be of service to this planet.