Saturday, January 29, 2011

A New Day, A New Challenge

So, in an effort to brave life head on, I am going to share a very intimate story with you.

DISCLAIMER: This is very sensitive information not for young eyes.

I had to have a colonoscopy yesterday. Yes, I've said it. A colonoscopy. I had been in the hospital last week with severe stomach pain. A CT had ruled out a kidney issue (I was born with one for those who didn't know that), and an ultrasound had ruled out ovary issues during last week's 24-hour visit. So, the only two tests to run were first, a colonoscopy; and second, a laproscopy. The colonoscopy happened yesterday as stated above.

When the amazing specialist came in for her pre-procedure chat, we went through history and then she ran some palpation. Turned out I have a trigger point in my groin and everything is still recovering from my hysterectomy last year. Scar tissue is a be-atch! Anyways, the doc asked me if I still wanted to go through with the procedure as she was sure she wouldn't find anything. I looked at her and said, "I'm here, we'll still do this." Besides, I just finished a NASA experience 24 hours before with Go-Lytely (I wonder if the people recommending this have ever taken it, there is nothing "lyte" about it). Just google Billy Connolly talking about a colonoscopy. He has it down perfect! Anyways, the doc agreed given all the physical ailments presenting themselves as of late. Besides, I needed to have diverticulitis clearly ruled out. It was.

However, I looked at my post-op sheet upon waking to be told they found a polyp. News I wasn't expecting. At first, and I think it was the post-drugged state, I didn't think it really bothered me. Today, I found myself a blubbering mess, scared that now I have to wait for news of whether it is benign or not. The idea scares the living daylights out of me.

With that said though, when the tears finished, my new thought pattern in training came through. It was that new found strength I've had from deep inside. The one that says after moments like this, "It's okay to be scared, you weren't expecting that. Thanks for honoring the feelings, you won't cry about it anymore." It is the Will of the Spirit that sustains us at moment's like this. And I have to tell you, I believe I have one HELL of a spirit.

The other thing I realized that I needed to do was not be afraid to share this story. I have walked around "pussyfooting" as it were, for all my life. Worrying about alarming people, worrying about whether people like me or not, etc. etc. Well, no more. This is my moment of finding out who I really am and what I'm really made of. I'm sure I'll have my moments throughout this process called life. But I'm okay with that too. I'm beginning to realize that emotions are a beautiful thing. While they don't have to be overwhelming, emotions can be very healing. To love is to be human. And love can be shown with so many different emotions.

I have a life that is very important to me. Regardless of what ailments I might have signed up for. I can't be afraid to have my pity party or shed a few tears, but I also have to have the strength to dust myself off and get going again. Of course, once we get my meds right for the AS, ha ha ha!!!!!

It's so fun. I think I have reached my physical ailment Trifecta! How appropriate seems how within all of us are three sides - masculine, feminine, and spirit. It is the Yin and Yang of life. None of us have it easy over here. None of us are immune to the human experience. None of us. But what we do with this experience is up to us. Regardless of loss, illness, or hardship, it is our personal responsibility to dust ourselves off, stop wallowing in self pity and realize that there is more to life than what's going wrong. We have to look at what's going right.

I've been told I have a way of sugar-coating the truth. I don't consider it sugar-coating. If I were to run around being negative and telling it like it is without being loving about it, then I am not contributing to a healthier planet. I don't want to be one of those people running around spouting off about all the things going wrong. I've written this blog because I am 41 years old and had to have a colonoscopy. The usual age the Canadian Cancer Society recommends someone go in for a colonoscopy is 50. Could you imagine if I hadn't had a scope for another 9 years? What would my polyp have done? It may have been too late. I write this particular blog for two very important reasons. My life and the sake of others. Things have got to improve on this planet when it comes to medical care. And maybe, just by being brave enough to share this story, it may spur others on to become better advocates for their healthcare. We have been given the precious gift of life. We have the right to live happy and fulfilled lives. Part of that happy and fulfilled life is our strong will to survive as human beings on this planet, no matter what the hardship. I am grateful to be alive. Are you?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So, it's been awhile since my last blog (or vlog for that matter). The autoimmune disease that is attacking my body is creating moments of inability to do anything but rest. It is times like these where I end up "disconnected". I meditate every day, pray every day, and talk to my angels and guides EVERY day, but I shut down for a bit in order to reserve my energy and get feeling better. I have one more test to complete this week (oddly enough, first time I wrote "weak" and corrected the grammar) and then I am finished with being poked and prodded. I refuse to have any more done. I feel like a human pin cushion.

In the last two weeks I have gone to a Low Starch Diet in order to do my part to make myself as better as possible, and oddly enough as I was cooking today, the perfect thought came to me. And just so you know, I don't consider myself religious, but I am spiritual. I have tried my hand at a few mainstream religions, and I have learned some valuable things. But again, I don't conform well to "color between the lines". I like coloring outside the lines.

So to get back to the thought, a scripture came to mind. "Though I may be weak in body, through You I am strong in spirit". That thought hit home on two fronts. One - I should tell people who I consider "You" to be. For me, that You encompasses more than one. I firmly believe that Source is both male and female if one had to label it. When we are spirit, there are no identifiers such as these. We just are. It is the human side of existence that feels the need to label everything in order to identify with it. I'll talk more about that in another blog about ego and attachment.

But back to the thought,what I was again reminded of at that scripture, was that I needed to remind myself that the human part of our lives is the imperfect experience. And that's the second point. It isn't going to be easy. Not always. And it depends on just what kind of a path one has chosen before coming over. But there will, and should be, experiences that challenge our spirit. And what we need to do, at that very moment, is turn to Spirit. I don't care if it's painting, meditation, or skydiving. Whatever it is that makes you feel connected to the Oneness we come from, do it!

The one thing that we must remember is that regardless of what we are going through, we must address our spiritual well being. And when that thought came to me today, and I said to someone, "I may be weak in body, but strong in spirit", I realized something VERY important. When I recognized that moment of a two year old having a tantrum at feeling like an 80 year (which is actually the 41-year old paining to type this out), I remembered that scripture. And the minute I said it out loud, my pain decreased ever so slightly. So please, honor when you have a bad day. As a good friend told me, "Stop comparing your 'lesser' problems to someone's bigger problems. You are having a bad day, and it's okay to have a bad day". Just don't dwell on it.

Here are some easy recommendations coming from the voice of experience:

Set up a Three Strike Rule with your friends - You are only allowed to gripe about one subject three times in your friendship. Unless of course we are talking about serious matters surrounding death and dying.

Mourning - I firmly believe in the old fashioned way of mourning. Back in the days of loss, a widow was dressed in black for one year. After that one year, the time of mourning was over. It was time to move forward. Even remarry. We have a right to miss and grieve our loved ones when they pass. But I think it's healthy to move forward. It doesn't mean letting go, it just means moving forward. Rest assured they are right along your side every day. It's okay to miss them. It's okay to grieve. But there comes a time when one must pull themselves up and say, "Grandma wouldn't want me to be sad she'd be telling me to get out there and I will!" It is the most loving thing we can do for them. To help ease the heartache associated with the loss, try saying "I am so blessed grandma has gone Home". Take comfort that they are in perfect form and perfect health.

While I can't speak to any recent loss, my grandmother is almost ready to return Home, and I have had significant losses in my lifetime, so I feel pretty confident addressing this issue. I have had to mourn the loss of a career I truly love as I watch my hands start to twist and pain any time I put pressure on them. I feel like a human tens machine some days, and have been mourning the loss of my health. Until today. Because I realized I have something far better than anything being thrown at me this very moment, and that is a strong spirit. A spirit that never dies.......

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Wounded Warrior - A Path of Choosing

So, your day is always going to be interesting when your doctor phones you at home. It seems we are probably barking up the wrong tree with the health concerns I've been having. Many years ago, and under a different physician's care, I tested positive for an antigen called HLA-B27. I was also, around that time, diagnosed with iritis (eye inflammation) and was subsequently treated for that in the form of steroidal eye drops. Anyways, my current doctor (amazing by the way) rung me up today to discuss these two incidents in my old file. Apparently, testing positive for this antigen can mean a rheumatoid arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis. Whoa, wait a minute, me? WOW!

So, as I moped around the house for a little bit (I'd say about an hour which is really an accomplishment for me - learning to spin it positively faster), placing a few necessary phone calls to debrief, I took some time to just breathe. And then it hit me. TWO genetic diseases which cannot be controlled? WOW!

But what came after this was a new thought form to me. In many books about some of our truly gifted beings on this planet, it is often talked that those that come to inhabit pain bodies, get the trade off. The trade off of all tradeoffs. Healing gifts. Words that inspire, words that share wisdom, and a light so bright it's almost blinding.

Let's take Stephen Hawkings as a primary example. He is a wounded warrior that is brilliant beyond any and all comprehension in the realms of science. I wonder if he would trade all of that in to have a non-pain body? I doubt it.

Now, I am not saying I am comparable to these kinds of people, but, what if it is the yin and yang of life. "You will have great gifts, but you will reside in a pain body in trade". NOTHING in life is perfect. Having my physical being go sideways has given me a greater understanding of pain bodies. And, more importantly, when I don't feel well, I am still. It is in that time I receive my next blog, vlog or idea for expanding this realm. I get messages from loved ones on the other side, and when I do my best channeling of information to share. Being still is a new experiencing for me, and while it's not how I envisioned it, I chose it, before I arrived. Isn't that amazing?!

And would I trade it all in? NOT on your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Angels and The Dream State

This holiday found me receiving six new angels in the form of ornaments, figurines, a treetopper and a sun catcher dream angel. If that hasn't been my strongest message yet, I'm not sure what is. Ideas have been flooding my head since the minute I committed to my true path. With that has come the return of remembering some dreams. Now, I have to admit that they have been very vivid dreams, and I haven't been able to remember dreams for a very long time. The last two nights have found me having three dreams in a 48-hour period.

We are all very capable of finding out the meaning behind dreams, and I know which are just ones figuring out daily events (those are ones that I usually dont' remember) and which ones go beyond and onto my life path.

The first dream two nights ago was very sci-fi, but hidden deep within, upon meditation, I was given the answer to the true meaning behind it. So, as crazy as it is, I will give you the gist. I was part of a paranormal group who tracks down psychometric objects. Objects that hold energy that help the team out. And in this dream, I was trying to save the warehouse from being attacked by an alien (this is the fodder part). In order for me to find what was needed to destroy the attackers, I needed to head downstairs in the warehouse to see "the old hag". The old hag had been brewing a drink that I needed to commit to, whether it tasted good or not. So, as I drank the murky water (which had even been infused with pieces of her hair - blech), I knew that once I did this, there was no turning back. I completed the muddy drink (sometimes the things that taste "awful" are the best things for us), and immediately felt warmth and tingling. I knew at that moment that the Crone had passed on her legacy of true sight. I then found the object needed, and through the little crystal at the spaceship. It was at this point that I said to one of my teammates that I couldn't watch this part because even though we were under attack, it was still cruel to kill something we didn't understand. It was at this point I woke myself up. In my real life, I don't like violence and find it unnecessary. Crazy dream or what?

Upon meditation, I reflected on this dream and realized that through the crazy sci-fi of it all came the deeper message. I am an intuitive. The more I use my abilities, the stronger they will get. An intuitive needs training and the only training an intuitive has is using their gift of sight. The extra-sensory kind. The kind that has been with me all of my life. By drinking the water from the Crone (ancient wisdom), I drank the knowledge of my ancestors.

The other day, I was sitting with a friend and she was describing a Japanese style of eating called Shabu-Shabu. Now, as she was describing it, I envisioned a big copper pot with meat on skewers being dipped into the vats of oil. For some reason I realized that I had travelled back to its origins, not the present day style of service. When I realized I had done this, I stopped my friend and went, "whoa!" and explained to her what it was that I was seeing. I didn't even realize until that moment that I had accessed the databank from times gone by and was not being present. I was shown the old ways. I was astonished once I realized I had done that. I knew that I could go back through people's past lives and find some of their fears or past experiences trapped in present day, but I had no idea just how naturally I did it until this moment. This is the Crone acknowledgement. There are three sides to Goddess work. The Maiden, The Mother,and Crone. I have had no problem in life being the Maiden or the Mother, but now I know that I have truly embraced the Crone aspect. That is what this dream signified. I feel truly blessed at the new found knowledge, and I know that as I move forward without fear, everything will becoming more and more clear. Thank you angels and thank you guides, and thank you Source. The one True Source that carries all aspects - Male, Female, and Spirit.

With that said, I'm only going to touch briefly on one other dream, the second one, as I found the third one just to be nothing but processing. In the second dream, I found myself part of a wedding party for a sister I don't have in real life. In part of the dream, I found myself in amongst a group of nuns that wear the white robes like Mother Teresa (by the way, I did watch a fascinating show about her last night - so it definitely had some impact). There were at least 30 women in nun garb down in an alcove walking the life of Sylvia Browne's Spiritus Novus. I don't consider myself a religious person (too dogmatic for me), but I am a spiritual person. In the dream, I received the blessings of the nuns and returned to my sister's wedding barely on time. This feeling of being late (which I can't stand in day to day life) woke me up. I firmly believe I received the blessings from the other side to carry on in my path.

If I allow myself to be truly guided without fear, all the rest will follow. It is a path feared by people in the world. It is a path that is met with the raised eyebrows of skeptics. Now, I am not saying I am the new Joan of Arc, but we have had lightworkers in our present times who have set shining examples of leading an authentic life. One guided by Love and Light. We had Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, and we had Woodstock. I know, Woodstock sounds crazy, but it was a time (while enhanced with mind altering substances) when people wanted to operate with Peace and Love. These are the true emotions. If we operate in love and light, facing the challenges of life on this side, we cannot go wrong.

Are you brave enough to love? I know I am. Am I brave enough to shed old thought patterns that truly don't belong? Yes. Am I brave enough to show that Intuitives and Energy work and everything Light is real? Yes. Too many are coming forward now. Including children. HOW does this occur? Because it's supposed to........

LOVE is the only reality.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

When You Answer The Call.....

Well, there is no turning back now. I started a Youtube Channel - Answering The Call - The Life of an Intuitive. These days and times of Youtubes, IPods, blah, blah, blah, have frightened me up until this moment.

However, the past few days have led me to answering the call, and doing what I am meant to do. Embrace my authenticity as an intuitive. And, on this channel, you will not find readings, you will find insights and hopefully some encouragement along the way.

I have also come to a new realization, that it is okay to accept money for what I do. Knowing full well that there always has to be an exchange of energy. A dear friend kindly reminded me of my gypsy heritage and the fact that I had to let go of my "old" thinking. I am so wanting to deal in the old ways of barter, that I needed to be reminded of the fact that money is the new barter tool. Do I like it? No. But I must resolve myself to it in order to go with the ebb and flow of today's lifestyle. So, here it is, me getting over myself and realizing that I have a gift, that it must be shared, and that it is okay to make money at it. Are you going to get gouged? No, you're not. I firmly believe that the things that are good for you in life should be affordable to you, and that part of having a gift is being able to share it at a reasonable exchange rate.

Consider me soul food. If an encounter with me leaves you feeling more peaceful than when we started, I have done my work. What would you pay for food that feeds your soul?

And, I am happy to report that I had my first client today. When you answer the call, the rest will follow.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hartt and Souls

Setting my feet firmly on the ground, it is my intention to develop a successful intuitive business. My rightful and true calling. Enter "Hartt and Souls Intuitive Readings and Tarot".

As mentioned in previous blogs, I had my first recollection of "shadow people" at age three. This makes me realize that I came to this planet as a fully realized intuitive. It just doesn't "happen" at a specific age. That said, it is my loving intention to go beyond just being an intuitive. There are others out there that could be floundering as I have done in the past, and there are young ones that have arrived on this planet fully intuitive also. It would go against my nature to not love and support all those looking for answers. Whether it be questioning their next move in life, ascertaining what their life path is, or parents who have discovered that maybe their child might not be like others in that they are showing signs of intuitiveness. I want to fulfill my life contract as a helper on this planet and embrace my personal power. Note - I said "personal power", not super powers. I am NOT Wonder Woman - although I am a Goddess unto myself.

It's a scary step in a skeptical world, but there are more and more of us stepping up to the plate, clearly stating, "We are not crazy!!!!!!!!!!!" Will I be perfect at it? Would I want to be? After all I am only human, and being human means living in an imperfect state. However, I promise to be responsible. I will offer advice to those seeking it. I will reach loved ones if they are not cocooned post-passing and bring comfort to those left behind. (Sometimes in cases of traumatic death or lengthy illness, loved ones will be cocooned for a bit, and by bit it could be a length of our human time and only seem like seconds on the other side.) Parents could phone concerned about their child's nightmares or "imaginary friends". I would be able to provide guidance and love to all those involved in such situations. Missing persons? Well, that one comes with EXTREME responsibility, and I was clearly given a message over the holidays to test those waters (free of charge) with a specific person I met over the Christmas Holidays. Scary? Hell yeah! Imagine being given a dim signal and meeting the family with their expectations of an intuitive? What if I can't help?! But, with no expense out of their pocket, what can it hurt. The successes we have in life are driven by failure. And no, in case any of you are reading this, it is not an old cold case, it is a relatively new case. Dear God let me be able to at least bring some peace to this family.

It is my intention to bring peace to many by being able to reach loved ones passed. It is my intention to bring peace to families whose children are intuitive. It is my intention to bring peace to myself by ignoring the chastising words of others (including myself) and answering my true call. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I will be shown the way. I have too many angels in the outfield that will light my way and faith in the great wide world beyond ours.

So, there are my intentions. I firmly believe that if I wholeheartedly embrace my calling, that all will be answered within my life. Fulfillment from within brings nothing but joy, peace, and love. And now, for those of the otherworldly watching over, help me to do the best job I can of guiding people through a loving experience.

I ask you, what are your intentions? Pure intentions are driven by love, as love is the ONLY reality. And if we love ourselves, we will heed our personal call, no matter what it is, or how crazy it seems. For in that intention, we will find true happiness.
