Monday, November 28, 2011

What's It Like?

Every now and again I get the opportunity to explain to people what it is I do.  Sometimes it is met with a look of disdain, and other times sheer joy or curiosity.  "What's it like?"

So, I've decided that I want to talk about how I handle earthquake warnings.  Again, I don't question "how", it's just the way it is. Energy is energy, right down to the earth's core and the heavens above.

Because I am able to tap into energy, it would stand to reason I can tap into anything.  Including the very earth we stand on.  Earthquakes just happen to be a niche within my abilities.

I will take my Manta, Ecuador prediction and validation as one of the most recent.

I was standing at a sink washing dishes when I felt wobbly.  I recognized it as an earthquake warning, tried to zone in and was met with a wall.  The following day, standing at the same sink, my knees buckled out from under me.  It is like I experience what an earthquake would feel like.  The stronger the sensation, the closer to occurring.

This time, with the second warning, I said to myself, "show me".  And I was shown Ecuador on my internal movie screen (Clairvoyance).  When I returned home, I Googled Ecuador map images and asked to be directed to the general area.  My eyes rested on Manta, and that was that.

Isn't life interesting?????

Friday, November 25, 2011

Another One

Here we go again.  Or should I say, "here I go again".

Earthquake - approx. 5.2  off the eastern coast of Indonesia.  Straight out from Georgetown, Malaysia.  Within four weeks from post.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Messages and More

I feel truly blessed when I receive feedback from people I have given readings to.  And over the past several days, I have received some pretty amazing information about things that have occurred.

A while back I mentioned a family I had read.  During that reading I was conveyed by a departed loved one that they would make themselves known in upcoming pictures for a birthday celebration.  I also explained to a family member within that group that they had a change to their work coming up in short order.  Today I had the opportunity to hear back about the birthday photos and inquired about if the work change had occurred yet.  The family had forgotten about my message until, while thumbing through the pictures, one revealed a large bright light not caused by any source.  It is what's known as an orb.  It is a very common occurrence for Spirit to make itself known to loved ones this way.  In this case, it was a grandfather who made it to his granddaughter's birthday.  The family was amazed!  And, sure enough, a change within the workplace occurred not long after the reading.

It thrills me on so many different levels.  Levels of love I have for this planet and the people on it, levels of wishing comfort and faith, and a level of comfort for me in that I am meant to be doing this. 

I was blessed to hear back from someone else that an earthquake I had given a "heads up" about during a read was confirmed.  I had explained during the reading that the earthquake was going to be very minor but that it could result in a physical "off" feeling.  And, while it didn't result in the physical disturbance, five days into their vacation, a 3.8 earthquake was registered.  AMAZING! 

During this same conversation, I was informed of a recent loss, and that this same person had taken my Halloween recommendation and asked for confirmation that this beloved one had Crossed Over and that they were safe and sound on the Other Side.  Two weeks after requesting confirmation, the message was received loud and clear.  This person had set something very specific up, and their request was answered.  It gave me such comfort to know that someone here had been brought some peace of mind, despite the recent loss.

Every day I walk on this planet, I feel more and more blessed, and more and more fulfilled.  I take great comfort in knowing that I have given someone the gift of the truest form of love there is on this planet.............The undying love and devotion of those on the Other Side.

A Whole New Way of Cleaning House

If we are all energy, and come from Source, it would stand to reason that once in awhile we need to clean our house in a different way from the usual household responsibilities.  It is called cleansing.  Why is it important?  Because every house gets imprinted with energy thrown off each of us on a day to day basis, and not all of it is positive energy. 

I am a very firm believer of  "cluttered house, cluttered life", and do my best to avoid it at ALL times.

It is a very common occurrence to hear, "It feels so cozy here" from people that enter our home. It is because I have put time and effort into insuring no clutter and keeping a tidy space. It is also, more importantly, because I insure my house is clean on an energetic level.

So, without further ado, here are some ideas on various ways to energetically cleanse a house.  This can apply to your workplace also if you reside in a cubby or at a specific location frequently.

1)  If you have an area of the home that has a high activity level of people, try placing a glass of water in the area.  Be sure to change it once a week.  Water absorbs negativity. (I even recommend it for children that are disturbed by frequent nightmares).

2)  Candles, candles, candles.  Of course, under supervision.  Candles burn bright and can represent a connection to Source or Spirit.  When lighting candles in your home, you can say out loud or silently, "I light this candle as a sign of purification/love within my home."  White = Source, Red or Pink= Love, Green = Abundance

3)  Use sage or incense.  Each person is different, but I prefer Dragon's Blood, Frankincense or Patchouli.  They are great for driving out negativity.  If you are going to use this method, insure that you go to each room.  Within each room, walk counter-clockwise in order to banish any negative energy.

Remember, these are symbols of our intent.  If we speak words out loud while we are cleansing, it lends power to the intention. 

May your home be filled with Love and Light.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Earthquake Alert

Part of my ability belongs on a global scale.  It has been awhile since this has happened, but yesterday I had a slight "wobble", and today my knees buckled out from under me.  When I tuned in, I knew it was an earthquake alert.  It is like I truly feel it before it happens.

While I wish that there was something more that I could do other than this, there is going to be a major earthquake off the coast of Ecuador.  Off the tip of Manta to be a little more precise.  At least 6.5 and within short order.  For me, that's less than two months.

Maybe someday Science and Geography will mix with metaphysical and they will start putting people like myself to work. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Title More Fitting

It has taken some serious deliberation, but I have decided that I want to move forward in a new way of thinking regarding my role on this planet.  I am proud that I am a Psychic Medium, but in order to be a bit more forward in thinking, I have decided that my role on this planet is that of a Spiritual Advisor.

Of course, Advisor denotes someone who can give "expert" or "professional" advice to a person in need of guidance.  So, I have decided that the following meaning is one that fits me best.  One translation of Advisor I encountered means, "An educator who advises students in academic and personal matters".  So, given my area of expertise, connecting to the Other Side and journeys of the Spirit are what I facilitate.    These are personal matters.  Matters of the heart and the spiritual beings we all are.

My intuitiveness has given me the ability to see things beyond the normal eye.  Sometimes we need that other set of eyes to guide us through an experience, especially when our spiritual self is in turmoil.  Whether it be the loss of a loved to the Other Side, a situation we feel "stuck" in, or a deeper understanding of oneself, my role is to facilitate spiritual wellness through a loving, guided experience.

What one has to understand is that there is no formal training for what I do.  I will never receive a College Degree denoting my education in this field.  What makes me an expert in the field is that I've lived it for almost 42 years.   I'd say that makes me an expert.  Some people can get a college degree and be awful at what they do.  It doesn't take a degree to make one an expert in a field.

So, I proudly announce the arrival of:

Donna Hartt
Spiritual Advisor

My first piece of advice? 

Please remember, that we are spiritual beings residing in human form.  Therefore, spirit matters.  YOUR spirit matters.  Take time to honor the spiritual being within.  Do the things that make you feel most alive.  Learn something new that has always appealed to you.  FEED your spirit.  Daily. 

From my heart to yours, I wish you wellness in all aspects of your life.  You deserve it!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Guide to Mediums: Readings 101

I was recently talking to someone about their experience with a Medium.  This conversation has led to this blog, and what I hope will give everyone a little insight about how to choose a good Psychic or Psychic Medium and get the most out of a reading.

A Psychic Medium should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, before the beginning of any type of reading, outline guidelines to follow.  This will include their frame of reference,

For Instance, here are some of my frames of reference:

1) I firmly believe that the energy never dies.  When someone leaves the physical plane, they transition to a Spiritual Plane.

2)  I also believe that before we are born into this world we have a careteam assigned to us.  With this careteam, we map a Soul Chart.  This map is charted like you would a trip, but focuses on your lessons, your accomplishments, who enters your life and who leaves your life.  This planet serves as an education.  There is your main theme (Love, Help, etc), there are your parents (yes, we choose our parents), and there are "landmarks" along the way that will help show you that you are on the right path.  Think of it as plotting a chart from A to Z (A=Birth, Z=Return Home).  And, of important note on this journey, Deja-Vus are those landmarks created along the way.

3) Anyone can be Psychic.  Not all Psychics are Mediums, but all Mediums are Psychic.

4)  What I have is an ability, what I leave you with is the gift.

Here are alot of my Guidelines:

1) Check your expectations at the door.  i.e Going into a reading expecting a specific person to come through from the Other Side.  (Even I have to check my expectations at the door).

2)  When I book an appointment with someone, I only ask for a FIRST name and contact number.  That is all any booking should require.  The less I know, the more validating the experience.  (This is also why it is not so easy to do readings for the people you are close to - little objectivity).

3)  There are common symbols that are received and each Psychic/Medium receives information differently.  For me for instance, Rosary = Religion/Religiousness, Candle = Birthday, Rose/Flowers = Anniversary to name a few.  Spirits communicate differently because they are just that, "In Spirit".  It could be animals, songs, flowers.  Again, each Reader is different.

4)  When you  have a reading with me, I ask "yes" or "no" questions.  KISS.  Leaves no room for interpretation.

5)  I will not "fish".  You know, those, blanket statements, "You've recently had a bad day".  Any good Medium will get to the specifics, i.e. "The other day you tripped up the stairs with a load of groceries and the bag fell backwards".

And, while not a guideline, this is of utmost importance.  If you are not getting the right "vibe" from someone you are talking to about booking an appointment, don't book it.  Plain and simple.

May your experiences with the Other Side be joyous.
