Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Hospital Experience - From An Observer's Standpoint

In trying to infuse my life with spirituality so my gifts of intuitiveness grow, I have started taking on the role of an observer when stuck in the middle of "ick" as it were. I've decided to give an inside peek of what experiences occur when one sees what is beyond the physical plane.

During my 24-hour stay in the hospital, I spent the first several hours jacked up on morphine for the pain that was plaguing me. Anyways, as an intuitive, adding a drug that alters your state comes at a very bizarre price for an intuitive. The walls that I work so hard to keep around me in order to keep myself psychically protected come down. When I recognized this during my stay, I used one of my coping mechanisms to shut the din of thoughts off. You see, my abilities get amped up as it were, and it can be overwhelming, so I work hard during times like that to not get bombarded. What I do, is turn myself into the observer in order to just watch the experience instead of be part of it. What I saw was amazing.

I was in an area for overnight observation in case it was appendicitis or infection starting, and it was an area continually on the move. Doctors, nurses, specialists, people in extreme pain, broken people, very sick people. As I lay there watching, I tuned in to various conversations around the room, and what I heard was amazing. I watched the amazing staff at the hospital treat all patients, regardless of what they were in for, with dignity and respect. And what happened with the patients was a reflection of that. A quiet, calm, respectful environment. The doctors were kind and considerate, the nursing staff worked right alongside gracefully and there just seemed to be a symphony of care going on. It was AMAZING!

I guess it goes to show you that angels take all forms and we need to be grateful for what they do. We have to stop and think that we should all know that these brave souls, angels as they were, know that they work in a system that is broken, and continuing to break, but they plug along, smiles on their faces, doing the best that they can. It's angelic, really.

I am truly grateful for my gift of seeing what is beyond, and the growth I am experiencing through tough times. Letting go of egoic behaviors, so that I may live a life of love.


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