Monday, March 28, 2011

Ego and The Spirit aka Beauty and The Beast

While having a flare for the dramatic (should have been an actor?! - not), I have been reminded throughout my life that I am considered to be humble.  When I have had people witness to the ability of being a psychic medium, I have been met with, "Why aren't you doing this?" and "Stop being so humble".  I can tell you the answer.  The answer is fear.  And a really strong dose of it.  So, in an effort to walk through my path I know I am meant to be on, I started this blog.  Since then, I have made it known to my immediate family that I was born this way and have been aware since about age 3.  And, as time goes on, I know that it will be something I must confide in with my General Practitioner.  Strictly because I believe as time moves on and experiences are shared within the community, my "dirty little secret" will be no more.

It is with this in mind, and for some time now, I have been working on my triggers.  The Ego as it were.  What I must remember, and what we must all remember, is that we are spirits inhabiting a human form.  Human experience is a journey of Ego.  With spirit in mind, one can learn to let go of egoic patterns that are detrimental to our well being.

Ego is responsible for all of our worst behaviors.  The hissy fits, the temper tantrums and the crying jags.  You know, the "meanie", the "nasty", the "bitchy", the "cranky".  Behaviors that dictate we don't like what's happening or we aren't getting our way.  What we must remember is that ego is our learning lesson.  It lets us know when something is needing to be tuned up.

One of my worst egoic patterns that I am learning to release is judgment.  And as my triggers are hit on a daily basis, I learn to get to the meat of the matter - what it is I'm seeing in myself that's being reflected back.  Upon figuring it out, it is recognized, released, and its behaviors released.  Now, it isn't going to happen over night, but the more I acknowledge and release, the faster it will go away.
With the two most important factors driving my life course being Love and Help, part of releasing judgment is letting go in love.  For instance, I have a particular person that must be a part of my life, despite their departure from it, and this person pushed alot of my triggers as it were.  When I made the decision to recognize a bigger picture, I realized one important thing, this was their ride.  I just happen to be an unavoidable passenger, but I must recognize what it is I see in myself from this person's behaviors, learn from it if I haven't already, and then let them go on their journey in love and light.  It is not up to me to take on their lessons.  How unloving is that?  It is also not up to me to judge.  It is not up to any human to do so.  It is an unloving behavior.  What is loving is how I view the situation now.  And although I have my frustrating moments, it is getting better.  When this person causes a disruption, I move faster to feeling sorry that they feel they have to behave this way, and try not to buy in.  I send them love and healing on their journey, and let nature take its course.  It always will.  It is the Karmic Rule applied to all energy.

What you put out is what you get back.  My intentions are to put out love and light, to you and the world, in hopes of building a better planet.  One that finds us all on a journey of building a better self, which in turn builds a better world. 


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