Friday, March 4, 2011

Labels, and Titles, and Names, Oh My....

A couple of weeks ago, I ran into someone I gave a mini-read to and was introduced to a family member alongside. Of all the questions to be asked upon meeting someone new, I was greeted with, "And what do you do for a living?". I actually gave pause for a moment, pondering how I was going to broach the subject, knowing full well I am what I am, but what others will think upon the answer is still relatively new turf for me. So, after a moment's thought, I answered, "I'm an intuitive". A quizzical look and an "Oh." were the response.
You see, titles such as Psychic, Intuitive, Medium and Clairvoyant, without hesitation, usually get met with raised eyebrows and usually a posture of skepticism. Particularly with the traditionalist humans of a different generation. Of course, there are always exceptions to that rule, and it can be witnessed when conversing those of the New Age movement with the sixties. Then it's not so bad.
Really, the response and the reaction from others comes down to me. If I treat it as the second nature it is to me, then it becomes "normalized" as it were. The Psychic Movement is coming around again, and it has no choice. We have a younger generation arriving on this planet more in tune than ever before, and far more vocal and accepted ever more so presently.
I have begun to notice a trend amongst the 40-somethings of this world. It's like a little pod of intuitives, all with different intuitive abilities, is waking up. Carolyn Myss summed it up nicely in one of her speeches, stating that the the Fossil Age is ending and the Soul Age is starting. Part of that norm will be intuitives. Intuitives who will lovingly guide and direct those in need of help, hope, and the like. A younger generation with abilities intact and having something to say about it. Young ones that are now being nurtured to embrace their abilities. I say, "Yay!" We as a society about to go through a major overhaul, will have no choice but to open our eyes to a realization that we are spirits inhabiting human form, having a human experience, enjoying human life, until we are called Home.
To me, it stands to make sense that in my own personal truth, that if am a spirit being in a human body, existing here on Earth, until called Home, that on some level we have connection to the true Source (no matter how you name, title, or label Source - God, Yahweh, Goddess, etc.). If we have connection to Source, and are an Intuitive, it makes even more sense to me that there will be humans that can "see" as it were. If Jesus could commune and relay messages, and the Bible can be written from Prophets, why would they cease to exist today? Now, I am not calling myself a Prophet, that would be blasphemous as far as I'm concerned, and downright arrogant. The prophets that belonged to the time of Jesus are the only ones that have that right. I am a vessel, merely that. The information I receive is from a higher source, and I am the conduit.
When I can look into a complete stranger's eyes and tell them things about family or situations, without even knowing them, and I'm not talking vague ideas, but very SPECIFIC details. I can even "remote in" as it were and not even have a person present. As I've talked about before, I firmly believe we all have built-in intuition, our "gut" as it were, and I do believe, like all abilities, it requires training. I know the more readings I do, the stronger I am tuned in.
However, through all of this, I ask, "What's in a name?". For that matter, what's in a "label". Nothing. Like a receptionist, a physiotherapist, or an autobody worker, it is what I do. Simply that. In our human existence we have to have descriptors in order to gain understanding.
It is my hopes that with my blogs and vlogs, that I can "normalize" being an intuitive. I join the ranks, knowing I am not alone (and personally, I'm NEVER alone unless I ask to be), and like Star Trek "Boldly go where no man has gone before" as it were. There have been waypavers like Edgar Cayce, Houdini, and Sylvia Browne and I am grateful. In today's age, we now have "Psychic Investigators" and "Psychic Kids" normalizing intuitives through television programming.
So I ask, what's in a Label, Title or Name. Everything and Nothing. It is merely a descriptor. It gives a visualization to another human being during interactions. I guess being psychic is better than other names I've been called, LOL! And I gladly wear the label, more and more comfortably as each day passes. I am truly blessed.
With Spring comes new hopes, new dreams, and new desires. For everyone. May Spring blessings upon you and your home.

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