Monday, January 23, 2012

The Perfect Trifecta

When one has been through a traumatic time, the effects can be devastating on Body, Mind, and Spirit.  And, if there has been a prolonged period of obstacles, until the dust has settled, it can be difficult to even know which end is up anymore.

Personally, having had been on high alert over the past several years, the last several months have been the path back to calm.  While I made sure that my soul was nurtured and my body nourished, I truly hadn't been afforded the time to unwind.

I now find myself literally unwinding. 

You see, I've talked about the surgery I had two years ago.  But what I never really talked about was the fact that ever since that time my health spiralled.  And, literally it has spiralled me.  It seems I am literally one twisted individual and I loved it today when the chiropractor I saw stated, "Let's get your head on straight".  Of course, a quick-witted banter broke out between the two of us, starting with me stating, "My head has never been screwed on straight so why start now', but eventually ended up with me hearing the following:

"You have one leg one-inch shorter than the other at the moment because your left hip is out because it is being pulled by surgery scar tissue (way deep inside).  Your left hip is hiked and twisted forward, and your right leg is twisting in because of the counterpulls.  It's causing your spine to twist which is in turn causing all the problems you are experiencing".

And, to top it all off, fascial tissue (think of a wire covered by plastic - that plastic is fascia and from muscle spindle to muscle groups, we have layers of it) has adhered to vital organs which in turn has caused dysfunction which in turn has been a contributing factor to unwellness. 

As I drove home from my visit my thought process was, "Donna, you really did get wound up.  And now, you are unwinding your way to wellness".  How lucky am I?

It truly is a strong reminder that in order to be the best person I can be and fulfill my earthly contract, I have to be the best possible me.  And this involves the perfect trifecta - Body, Mind, and Spirit (in no particular order).

Within us resides an energy known as Kundalini and here is a link for those who have not yet heard, or don't quite understand, the term:

Our spine is our core and if nothing flows freely from there, nothing can flow freely.  Right down to blockages in work for someone like me.  And, guess what?  Yep, you guessed it.  I had an experience with Kundalini after my second chiro appointment and this experience has left my fully realized as a Medium, Channeler, Psychic and more. 

I did not think my life could get anymore profound until I found myself standing still after that second chiro appointment as all of my past, present, and future timelines were shown to me becoming what they needed to be.......ONE. 

Time is only a concept created by man and, I have come to learn that all timelines exist as one because time truly doesn't exist.  Every single piece of knowledge we have acquired through our lifetimes here or out there are accessed via this energy.  And, through all of my timelines one thing has made itself crystal clear.  I am, and always will be, a Healer.

Healers not only have the mandate to heal others, but we have the mandate to heal ourselves as best as not pre-genetically ordained.  And, when I had a group reading the other night.  The message came loud and clear.  The more clear my energy is, the more clear my connection.  This weekend marked one of my most extraordinary groups to date.

I understand now just how important it is to not forget about any of your facets along the way.  Being unwell in any area keeps us from resonating at the frequency, or vibration, that we are meant to.  It can hinder what needs to be accomplished during our journey here.  And our journey here is very important, regardless of what that journey looks like.

Me, I realize that each day my journey begins anew with my true timeline resonating as that of the healer I consider myself to be.  I cannot do it alone, and I know that the Cosmic Design Committee put the right people in my path at the right time to allow me to be the best possible person I can be.

I am reminded daily of just how clear my connection to Source is and it is my wish for you all to resonate at the frequency you need to in order to walk the path of your Soul Chart.  And, sometimes it takes someone willing to be an object lesson of just how important that is. 

Personally, I'm happy to be that quiet reminder to others. 


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