Thursday, December 2, 2010

So, here we are....

Have you ever had self-talk involving what journey you are on these days? Have you ever stopped to think that may be if you're on a journey, that this entire planet's on a journey? What if the very foundation of mankind is about to be rumbled???

As I sit back and take in some of the global rumblings, I can't but wonder if the brick I mentioned in an earlier blog is about to be delivered. I firmly believe it is. North Korea is acting out, and the States are in need of another war.

If one were to look at these questions again, it would seem like most to doom and gloom, but for others of us out there, we'd see it as an opportunity. An opportunity for mankind.

Over the past few weeks I've been reading up on Indigo Adults, which leads to Starseeds, etc., etc., etc. There is a shift occuring worldwide where people are operating with love and open hearts. They are being guided by spirit. Children are openly discussing psychic abilities and so on.

What if the future of mankind rests in the truest democracy ever, and the changes to come after the brick are facilitated by people like me. Ones not motivated by greed, but motivated by the desire to lead the best possible life ever by operating with love and light.

The States is about to go into war with North Korea. It's not going to be good. But it will be good. Why, you ask? Because as mentioned before, 9/11 was the stone, that 9 years later, has only created more fear and hatred in society. North Korea will be the brick. Mankind cannot continue on a path of war and greed. It's not working. If it takes thousands upon thousands to wake up mankind, I'm sorry that it has to be that way, but I'd be more than willing to be in amongst them if it meant mankind would smarten up.

People, take a look around you. Life is better than all this "stuff". This bigger, better, faster. We are amazing beings on a beautiful planet. We have to start loving it better. I'm trying to do my part, and as I gain better and better habits, it is out with the old and in with the new for me.

I ask this of you. Do one nice thing for a complete stranger. Put a quarter in the meter for a vehicle that isn't yours. Smile. These things make you feel better. I would hope. I know that despite all that my journey entails at this moment, that I am emotionally better than I have ever been. I am proud of my arrival into adulthood. I am proud of my arrival into Indigo Adulthood.


***Note: While not a fan of labels, I had to find something that helped me understand myself. Like all labels. They are just that. A label. No person is better than any other person, and a person is a person and not a label. Indigo is an identifier for me.

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