Friday, October 28, 2011

Life as a Medium and it's jaw-dropping moments.

Not that long ago I had the pleasure of a family group reading.  The night proved to be an exceptional one with lots of laughter and tears.  Even on my part.  Receiving messages from loved ones who have returned Home can be life altering in a most healthful way.

While each opportunity to "read" is always an amazing experience for me, something out of the ordinary occurred for me.  I had the opportunity to find out how everyone felt after the experience. 

During said session, a young man's Aunt who had returned Home had a message to relay to a family member that wasn't in the audience.  The deceased woman's living sister (who wasn't present at the group).  I was shown a Christmas Angel near or at the top of the family tree.  The family member present knew of said Christmas tree topper, and once this image was validated, the heart of the message was relayed.  It was, "tell your mom it's okay to replace the Christmas Angel", to "please just put it in a place of honor or tuck it safely away", and that EMPHATICALLY, "it was okay to replace it" and "not to worry" about doing that.

A few days later (this isn't a common occurrence) I was talking with one of the people present at the session.  So I seized the opportunity to find out how everyone made out with the messages conveyed.  And, to my amazement (yes, even I get amazed at things that happen), what I was told caused my jaw to drop to the floor.

A few days prior to the session (and may I add unknown to anyone), the sister to the deceased had been stewing about whether or not to replace the Christmas Angel topper.  And, of course, this decision was causing some stress given that it was from someone no longer here on the physical plane.  This difficult decision led to living sister's decision to have a conversation with the sister who was now on The Other Side. 

I was informed that the message conveyed to the living relative was met with much joy and, of course, astonishment, given the fact that someone who didn't even know her had relayed the message. 

What a gift of validation to receive.  Not only for me, but for a woman who had been at home stewing over a difficult decision.  I will never tire of doing the work.  I am truly blessed.


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